New York Cardinal Dolan gives tacit approval to Cuomo’s baby killing policy



New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan is refusing to excommunicate Governor Andrew Cuomo from the Catholic Church despite the fact he just enshrined into state law one of the most radical abortion measures in United States history, ensuring that women have a “fundamental right” to kill their babies at any time throughout the pregnancy if an authorized abortionist determines in “good faith” that it would “protect the patient’s life or health.” Under the new law, a woman in New York can literally abort her baby just one day prior to its due date.

After New York enacted the abortion law, Catholics across the country immediately demanded that Cardinal Timothy Dolan excommunicate Cuomo from the Catholic Church, arguing his actions were too egregious to be met with a simple statement of condemnation. Two of Cardinal Dolan’s colleagues, Bishop Richard Stika of Knoxville and Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, were emphatic in their calls for the excommunication of Cuomo.

“Someone asked me today if I would issue an excommunication of a Catholic Governor under my jurisdiction if the Governor did the same as in New York,” Stika tweeted Thursday afternoon, LifeSiteNews reports. “I think I might do it for any Catholic legislator under my jurisdiction who voted for the bill as well as the Governor.”

“Enough is enough,” continued Stika. “Excommunication is to be not a punishment but to bring the person back into the Church. It’s like medicine for them. But this vote is so hideous and vile that it warrants the act. But thankfully I am not in that position. Very sad.”

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Anyone that would sign and celebrate such a law is not going to be too humbled by excommunication.

@Deplorable Me: Too many states have NO laws on term as soon as they are introduced the baby killer mill jumps into action intimidating legislators. Even common sense guidelines are fought tooth and nail such as the doctor having admitting rights should the procedure take a wrong turn. Simple standards having to be the same as other out patient surgical clinics, nope.

Dr. William Lile, a board certified obstetrician-gynecologist, has issued a blistering condemnation of New York state’s recently passed state law which allows abortion up until birth.

Dr. Lile says that “modern medical technology is already giving preborn babies blood transfusions, heart surgery, and more.” Many of these surgeries can occur at 22 weeks in the womb, the Alabama and Florida licensed practitioner said. Thus, “If they’re a patient they’re a person, and if they are a person they deserve our protection.”

He makes a great point.

@kitt: Oh, trust me, I know. I watched very carefully the abortion restrictions passed in Texas and the vile, infantile objections to them. It was the event that launched Windy Wendy Davis’ truncated Governor’s run. Abortion is one of their sacred “rights” and they will accept NO restrictions upon it. THEY restrict others and they do not appreciate restrictions on THEM one bit.

What is needed is a conference and study to determine when “life” commences. The left, of course, objects to any such discussion as they don’t want to know. Those who rely so much on “science” prefer to rely on ignorance whenever they can get away with it.

@Deplorable Me: Science and math are just to maintain the edge for white people its so racist. This is just some of the bile pouring out of universities even proper english is discouraged and facts are not as important as feelings.
Fossilized bacteria can be claimed as proof of life but not cell division.

How do you imagine you have any right whatsoever to dictate to someone else that they must continue a pregnancy that they do not wish to continue, or give birth when they do not wish to give birth?

Bishop Joseph Strickland certainly provides an excellent argument for the separation of church and state. Our rights as American citizens come from the Constitution, not from any church document or doctrine.


How do you imagine you have any right whatsoever to dictate to someone else that they must continue a pregnancy that they do not wish to continue, or give birth when they do not wish to give birth?

Yeah. MURDER is against the law. Therefore, there is a point in the pregnancy when an abortion is MURDER. How do you know the fetus or embryo is a conservative and its murder is OK?


separation of church and state.

Can you provide where that phrase is in the constitution or bill of rights?

Perhaps you should look up late term abortion methods, they give birth just to a dead baby.
The child has a fully developed nervous system by that time and feels itself get murdered.

You believe the government should be empowered to force women to continue unwanted pregnancies in conformance to your own religious doctrines, which are by no stretch of the imagination universal, yet you resent the hell out of every taxpayer nickel that goes to fund birth control and sex education, which are the most effective means of reducing unwanted pregnancies to begin with.

I wonder how many abortions Donald Trump might have paid for in addition to hush money over the course of his illustrious career as a libertine?

@Greg: Murder is against the law. Even the most blind to facts abortion supporter cannot deny a baby in the final month of pregnancy is not a viable LIFE, yet now killing them up until the moment of birth is claimed to be a RIGHT? When does murder become a right?

In a way, I’m glad they’ve done this, because this will be the end of abortion. Democrats have done it themselves. This law exposes the view of life the left has and proves they cannot be entrusted with defending and preserving it.

Of course, you have to invoke Trump’s name in this because you realize what a stupid and weak argument you side with; murdering babies up to the last moment of pregnancy (and, of course, opening the door to slaughtering them AT birth). Trump has nothing to do with this. This is a Democrat death cult, not Trump or Republican. And this flexing of liberal muscle, trying to show the world that Democrats have the power of life and death over all citizens, will be their own demise.

Thanks, Cuomo, you idiot.

so maybe cuoma got sodomized by the cardinal-traditional for most male demorats. their male right of passage into the demorat party. very later term abortions are very messy and some induce bleeding disorders during and after the procedure

@Deplorable Me: He might just have looked up late term abortion methods, He changed the forced birth language. He found out 6 to 10 lb human doesnt disappear there is only one way out without c section. Tries the you dont want to pay for someone elese birth control angle sure the price of that is horribly expensive . Choice well had the choice of having unprotected sex . The whole consequences thingie.
I dont believe that huge numbers of women will use the last day option, Greg why dont you cut the abortion mill a big fat check, or just give it directly to a democrat and cut out the middleman. PP will make up the difference selling body parts.
I’ll bet more than a dollar sex ed classes dont show the girls and boys the aborted babies as part of their education. Lets show silent scream to them before sex change options.

@kitt: The left seems to reject one form of birth control that is absolutely free: NOT going through life on their back with their legs spread. Being a responsible adult goes a long way; sex education is great and necessary, but every adult woman knows exactly what can happen after unprotected casual sex.

I also know this is not the source of ALL abortions, but it is a large portion.

This bill of Cuomo’s is ostensibly merely protection from prosecution for doctors but what its intent is is to provide legal cover for abortion at any time for any reason. The left must be FORCED to agree to the fact that LIFE begins long before birth and WHEN that moment is. They hide behind their cowardice to face this question.

@Deplorable Me: We can understand a child being afraid of the dark, its the Adults afraid of the light we cant get over.

@Deplorable Me, #10:

Of course, you have to invoke Trump’s name in this because you realize what a stupid and weak argument you side with…

I posed a question. You have no high moral ground to stand upon and look down on others from on since you helped put a man in the White House whose behavior “in business and in life” has demonstrated a notable lack of moral principles.

@Deplorable Me, #13:

The left seems to reject one form of birth control that is absolutely free: NOT going through life on their back with their legs spread.

There it is: unwanted pregnancy must be preserved as punishment for women who fail to behave as “conservatives” deem proper. Let’s forget that women generally don’t become pregnant without male assistance—which not infrequently involves an exercise of their jealously guarded superior economic and social power.


when you have the time and if permitted-witness a late term abortion . enjoy!

@Greg: So wheres that separation of church and state section of the constitution?


I posed a question. You have no high moral ground to stand upon and look down on others from on since you helped put a man in the White House whose behavior “in business and in life” has demonstrated a notable lack of moral principles.

No, like on the topic of the Covington children, you try to redirect attention away from the losing argument and try to create a new one. Trump has absolutely nothing to do with this; he didn’t sign a law making the murder of babies legal. Consider, for a moment, what you support.

There it is: unwanted pregnancy must be preserved as punishment for women who fail to behave as “conservatives” deem proper.

No, there it is, the solution instead of accepting destructive behavior and dealing with the consequences. The fact of the matter is, no matter what your thoughts on abortion are, there comes a point in a pregnancy where there is no turning back. Murder is murder. I can’t imagine a more barbaric culture than one that subscribes to what you and Cuomo support. It defies civilization.

@Deplorable Me: lol his quote. unwanted pregnancy must be preserved as punishment, punishment? punishment. hmmm Its a matter of the heart that children are not a delight and a blessing. Every child not a gift. See how twisted the left are? Birthrates below replacement levels, brain washed to have fewer kids to save the planet. They tell women they have little worth if they are stay at home wives, make sure those little darlings are doing the homework, take their bath and are in bed on time. The family itself seen as a some racist edge to hold everyone else down. Everything they push is freakish, immoral or totally without any logic and no matter how far they go he trots faithfully at their side.

@kitt: Many people lack the responsibility to raise children. Yet, they don’t take the responsibility to prevent pregnancy. They don’t have to; they can just kill it. If the pregnancy is unwanted, PREVENT the pregnancy by any means possible, up to and including NOT SCREWING if you don’t know HOW.

Start treating abortions like gun deaths. Register abortions. Anyone that gets more than two in six month period goes to jail. Anyone that gets more than three in a lifetime is sterilized. All profits from abortions go to supporting adoption services, not Democrat candidates. What other “common sense” regulations of abortion can be conceived?

@kitt, #17:

So wheres that separation of church and state section of the constitution?

In the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

Thomas Jefferson, an American proponent of the philosophy of The Enlightenment that gave our form of government birth:

“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.”

Jefferson wouldn’t have thought a woman’s personal decision regarding pregnancy to be a proper matter for government consideration or interference. He would have been utterly appalled at the thought that religious doctrine might become empowered by government regulation for the purpose of curtailing personal choice and individual freedom.

@Deplorable Me: Greg must sill be cutting and pasting the constitution or bill of rights to say what he wants it to.
Just basic human morality is now some cult like religious tenet, but if his government or media said so… comparing divorce or infidelity with murdering fully developed children in the womb isnt somehow a leap.
But as always there is no bringing him to reality nothing new.

@Greg: You havent a clue what Jefferson would think.
You did not find this in the Bill of rights nor the Constitution.
Separation as to mean in England where the King was the head of the Church, not to have that type of government, Or in Iran where the Supreme poohbah makes the rules, Or we have a government Pope.
None of which is happening nor has happened in our history. While it is ok to teach our kids the tenents of Islam in schools, people freak if a bible is read by a kid at lunch hour.
So thou shat not murder is in the bible so we must pass laws to allow it. Just to prove we have this total separation?
The free exercise there of, unless you are a Little Sister caring for the elderly. A baker making cakes, ect ect ect.
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

You havent a clue what Jefferson would think.

His thoughts were often written down. He had no difficulty expressing himself. The quoted paragraph up above is very clear concerning his thoughts about the separation of church and state.

@Greg: This is about killing babies out of convenience, not religion.

@Greg: You still dont get it, you are obviously hopeless, the body of the child is separate from the woman it isnt an unwanted tattoo on her skin its a living entity and after 22 weeks can survive outside the womb. Why not wait and allow the tiny one to live just give it away. Again she gives birth, the child comes out the same way as a live birth.
I dont want any of my tax money going for what is murder any way they may “slice” it up to sell.

@kitt: Today the Party says kill babies. If it said protect babies tomorrow, Greg would be on board with that as if the previous position was never held.

@Deplorable Me: He has excellent programming
there isnt a single thought of his own left. He tunes into the TV and faithfully and religiously parrots them.
The new law allows them the sell the childs body parts, but we knew they did that all along it was proven in a Texas court.

@kitt: No doubt Cuomo gets a cut of the body parts concession.

@Deplorable Me: Direct deposit to his re-election war chest
I’m not the only person who thinks the Supreme Court is Ruth-less maybe kept on Ice for the completion of the Mueller probe or some other desperate need of distraction.

Direct deposit to his re-election war chest

Not to worry. Mini-Dick (a reference to Richard Nixon, I assure you) has given himself and family advisers enough extra cash via personal and corporate tax cuts to pay for both his legal defense and a 2020 presidential deception.

Remember when he claimed his secret tax reform plan would raise taxes on people like himself? How did that work out?

@Greg: Remember when we were talking about the national embarrassment of Democrats celebrating killing babies?


Remember when he claimed his secret tax reform plan would raise taxes on people like himself? How did that work out?

Dont know, not that rich, dont care that Pelosi couldnt spend it on lavish trips for 100 people on airforce planes. Or paid to Pakis sleeping with DWS to get jobs there were not qualified for, wow accessing congresses computers from Pakistan amazing.

@Greg: These people are sick,

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Jefferson wouldn’t have thought a woman’s personal decision regarding pregnancy to be a proper matter for government consideration or interference. He would have been utterly appalled at the thought that religious doctrine might become empowered by government regulation for the purpose of curtailing personal choice and individual freedom.

Wow! Just Wow!

You know little about Thomas Jefferson, or the views of his day. Abortion would have been considered nothing less than murder and women who sought such procedures (yes, abortion was around in the 18th century) would have been scorned by her entire community.

Your quoting Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists is useless unless you understand what the Baptists were asking Jefferson, but since you have little understanding of American history (as you continue to prove) it is a moot argument.

You continue to prove what an idiot you are.

@retire05, #37:

You know little about Thomas Jefferson, or the views of his day. Abortion would have been considered nothing less than murder and women who sought such procedures (yes, abortion was around in the 18th century) would have been scorned by her entire community.

In the time of Thomas Jefferson, inducing abortion prior to “the quickening” was only a misdemeanor in those states where the matter was statutorily at all. It only was a misdemeanor under English Common Law. It was most certainly NOT considered to be “nothing less than murder.”

The only place I’ve found where Jefferson commented on the subject is in his Notes on the State of Virginia, where he made a passing and non-judgemental reference to the use of plant abortifacients by Native American women.

With regard to Jefferson’s letter, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t believe one has to be a Jeffersonian scholar or a Danbury Baptist to properly take his meaning, as it’s clearly stated in plain English. Jefferson has fully embraced the idea of a separation of church and state as a fundamental principle.

There can only be freedom of religion when one also has a guaranteed right to freedom from it. As a nation we are governed by constitutionally based law, not by anyone’s religious dogma or doctrine.

@Greg: Though some religions might denounce murdering infants, no civilized human being should have to be directed not to do it. Post-revolutionary America would have viewed a practice of killing a baby because you don’t want to change diapers barbaric. 19th century America would have viewed it as barbaric. 20th century America viewed it as barbaric. It took liberals looking for more and more way to express the superiority of their ideology over all forms of humane thought to come up with an abomination such as Cuomo has. Civilized human beings are disgusted.

There is very little left of civil society, Destruction of traditional ideals and values. Liberals no longer have a concept of them, but try to make us feel guilty if we use their own rules against them.
They attack things normal from every angle, the huge mistake they are making is in the lack of education, and knowledge. Intentional dumbing down has come up to bite them.
Glitches in their matrix.

You know your a liberal when you have a window sticker reading KEEP ABORTION LEGAL and bumper sticker SAVE THE REDWOODS

@Spurwing Plover:Here its a Recall Walker and Save the Bees

@Deplorable Me, #39:

Though some religions might denounce murdering infants, no civilized human being should have to be directed not to do it.

You’ve consistently been conflating all abortions with late term abortion. You consistently define a medical procedure using dishonest and emotional terminology. An embryo is not an infant. A fetusis not an infant. Voluntarily terminating a pregnancy by choice at these stages is not murder, either in truth or under the law. Nor is it necessarily perceived as such by all religions, religious denominations, or religious persons; among the religious, opinions vary.

Some people are so fixated on their own religion-informed opinions that they believe it’s their religious or moral duty to force everyone else to think and behave in accordance with them. The First Amendment is intended to protect us from such people, who would use the power of the state to impose their own religious views at the expense of the personal freedom of others.

One religious person might demand that everyone conduct their sex lives as their minister sees fit, and mandate that every pregnancy continue without interference until a biological process culminates in the birth of a child. Another might demand that everyone get down on their knees and bow to Mecca 5 times a day, do no work on Sunday, or refrain from dancing. After a fashion, the Founding Fathers saw them all coming. They enshrined an individual’s right to choose or reject religious views, and forbad the state from taking sides. This is one of our fundamental American principles.

@Greg: Great now lets have the murder clinics follow the same rules as every outpatient clinic. Fully disclose the full procedure to the patient, show them ex-rays and ultra sounds of the thing to be removed.
Keep track of all death caused by the procedures you want, including those from infection, execess bleeding ect.
You see its the safety things such as admitting rights and fully informing the patients that the feminists fight tooth and nail.
Any limitations, education or regulations is met with sky screaming.

@kitt, #44:

I believe republican state legislatures have already required much of that in multiple red states. I’m surprised that they haven’t yet required that a minister be present to read scripture during the procedure. It probably hasn’t occurred to them yet.

Nearly 1,300 Kids Killed by Guns Each Year, Study Finds

Not much concern there. The victim would probably have to be a fertilized egg killed by an illegal alien.

@Greg: Is that how you feel about protecting women and their lives…really? They shouldnt be transported to a hospital from a clinic and get emergency life saving medical help if the butcher screws up?
Medical mistakes and infections kill more people per year than all types of gun deaths combined. So take your deflection and shove it in your ear.


You’ve consistently been conflating all abortions with late term abortion.

No I haven’t. I never have. In fact, I have stated that as a male, I do not oppose abortion on principle, though it is a reprehensible method of birth control. Late term abortion has ALWAYS been my main complaint as totally unjustifiable except in cases of medical emergency. What YOU are doing is, once again, trying to weasel out of another losing argument.

An embryo is not an infant. A fetusis not an infant. Voluntarily terminating a pregnancy by choice at these stages is not murder, either in truth or under the law.

Again, avoiding the argument. We’ve argued before and you will not take a position on when life begins (and thus murder happens) because we are always discussing early term abortions… because LATE TERM abortions are not common, rarely happen and are only in cases of medical emergency. Well, your buddy Cuomo has changed all that. NOW, abortion is cleared for takeoff for the full 9 months and for any reason. So, do you NOW take the position that life happens sometime BEFORE 9 months or the stupid position that it begins only when the baby takes its first breath outside the womb? Why can’t we just murder children whenever they become a burden? If we get laid off from our jobs and feeding a family is too difficult, why can’t we kill the children to lighten the load? If a babysitter is unavailable and we want to go out, why not just smother the younguns? Or, does it have to be done properly by injecting them with poison or jamming a probe into their brain?

I’ve also made it clear religion has nothing to do with the view that murder is wrong and murder of babies is the wrongest of the wrong. That is merely what some would call “humanity”. Liberals, apparently, lack it.

Nearly 1,300 Kids Killed by Guns Each Year, Study Finds

There is plenty of concern. Laws are passed. Restrictions are put in place. Penalties are served. Where concern is lacking, among liberals at least, is for the millions of abortions performed. But, then again, you can just conveniently declare those aren’t lives, can’t you? Well, maybe some of those 1,300 were annoying and a burden. No harm, no foul… right?

When does life begin? Cuomo just made that a very important question.


In the time of Thomas Jefferson, inducing abortion prior to “the quickening” was only a misdemeanor in those states where the matter was statutorily at all. It only was a misdemeanor under English Common Law. It was most certainly NOT considered to be “nothing less than murder.”

What about the other half of that law, a law that was in ALL 13 colonies? Oh, that’s right, after “quickening”, abortion became a FELONY. How convenient of you to leave that part off.

With regard to Jefferson’s letter, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Of course not. That would require you to have the intellect to know that in order to understand the answer, you needed to know, and understand the question. It would also require you to have a basic understanding of the vernacular of the time in which the question was asked and answered. It is clear you are clueless on both issues.

Some people are so fixated on their own religion-informed opinions that they believe it’s their religious or moral duty to force everyone else to think and behave in accordance with them.

Actually, you are correct in that was previously the rational for such laws. No longer. Science, and the advent of the sonogram, have trumped religious beliefs with actual, document science that an unborn child, in all phases of gestation, is more than a clump of cells. It is a child, a human, with no possibility of being anything else.

The First Amendment is intended to protect us from such people, who would use the power of the state to impose their own religious views at the expense of the personal freedom of others.

And the Fourteenth Amendment was intended to protest life, from its very start (fertilization) to natural death.

After a fashion, the Founding Fathers saw them all coming. They enshrined an individual’s right to choose or reject religious views, and forbad the state from taking sides. This is one

No, no, no. The Founders enshrined the right to choose one’s one denomination, or to be an atheist. They guaranteed that there would be no one STATE religion under a supreme head like the Church of England.

Good Lord, Greggie, you need to learn some actual history and not rely on snippets that you glean from the internet.

@retire05: He could not possibly understand that, the religion of climate change the religion of income redistribution, all enshrined in his one true god the government and the preachers on television. He is perfectly programmed into the cult. There is nothing not a thing they would do in the name of that cult he would denounce. If it falls flat on its keester it was the opposition party they sabotaged the perfect plan to Ameritopia.

@Deplorable Me:

Why can’t we just murder children whenever they become a burden?

You mean like the lefties wanted to do to a sixteen year old kid because they didn’t like his hat or his smile? I guess he would be considered a late term abortion to them because since he doesn’t think like them, therefore he isn’t human.