MSNBC: Saying ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Is Part of ‘Slow-Moving Insurrection’


by Kevin Tober

In MSNBC’s ongoing obsession with labeling anyone who dares to disagree with their left-wing agenda an “insurrectionist,” Deadline: White House host Nicole Wallace laughably claimed on Monday that the Oregon father who said “let’s go, Brandon” to President Joe Biden was part of a “slow-motion insurrection”.


After playing the now-viral clip of Jared Schmeck, a former Oregon police officer and father of four saying the phrase to Biden during a phone call while the President was at the NORAD “Santa tracking center”, Wallace criticized Schmeck for appearing on Steve Bannon’s podcast after being doxxed.



She then proceeded to play a clip of Schmeck’s interview with Bannon, before going to her guests Jason Johnson host of MSNBC’s The Week and MSNBC contributor and former Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill:

Donald Trump is my President and he should still be President right now. The election was 100% stolen. So I just want to make that clear. Um but, Let’s go Brandon is more than just “F Joe Biden”. Let’s go Brandon is, it encompasses the entirety of our frustration with Joe Biden, the administration, the leftist mob, the cancel culture, the mainstream media. They are the ones who made this a thing. And we’re, we’re able, as conservatives, we are able to find humor in this. But there is terrible things going on.

In response, Wallace went into a deranged rant about how we shouldn’t look at this as a story about “giving air time to a MAGA guy who goes on Steve Bannon’s podcast,” instead, Wallace wants us to believe that saying “let’s go Brandon” is a “slow-motion insurrection.”

Wallace never elaborated on her bizarre claim. Instead, she went to Johnson who proved to be even more unhinged than Wallace.

Referring to Wallace’s rant about Schmeck being part of the “slow-motion insurrection”, Johnson took it a step further by absurdly claiming “these people are basically just insurrectionists in training now.” He went even further, proclaiming:

MAGA isn’t about taxes. You know, Let’s go Brandon isn’t about what you feel about supply chain issues and gas. It is the cry of insurrectionists. It is the cry of people who want to violently take over this country and oppress anyone who is not like them.



Johnson also suggested Biden should get the Justice Department, FBI, and CIA involved to investigate “where the anger that leads to these kinds of statements comes through.”

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A-Mess-NBC he Lying Peacock News the real insurrection words is Build Back Better let that sink in you idiots

the there illiterate moderators on msnbc have to gaslight all events to keep their shamanistic jobs.
But the Bee has offered a rebuttal to these idiots:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The FBI is investigating a credible threat to the president by the president after President Biden was caught on camera during a live Christmas event repeating the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon.”

According to witnesses, the Bidens were speaking with a caller who uttered the notorious chant “Let’s Go Brandon!” before hanging up.

“Let’s Go Brandon! Yeah, I agree!” said Biden to the horror of witnesses and viewers across America.

“It was a truly dark moment for our democracy,” said respected left-wing intellectual Joy Reid. “That dangerous right-wing white supremacist insurrectionist slur uttered by Joe Biden is a legitimate threat on the president’s life and must be investigated immediately.”

Experts are still trying to determine exactly how President Biden was seduced by the insidious toxicity of racist Republican slogans against himself, but some are suggesting it may be due to Biden spending unsupervised time on Facebook.

The January 6 committee has also issued a subpoena, demanding the president appear before the House to answer for his threats against the president.

“I vow to use every resource at my disposal to catch the perpetrator,” said Biden in a statement. “We’ll round up every person responsible and throw him in a paddy-wagon to be hauled off to the clink! Let’s Go Brandon!”

Could it be any more clear how in the dark and sequestered from reality idiot Biden’s puppet-masters keep him? He is an embarrassing dolt.

“Johnson also suggested Biden should get the Justice Department, FBI, and CIA involved to investigate “where the anger that leads to these kinds of statements comes through.”” Or, “You know what we need… we need a totalitarian police state to make sure no opinions that exposes how fraudulent and failed our ideology is gets promoted.”

What absolute mega-crybabies. The same sore losers that threw slurs at Trump for four years can’t survive getting a little of the same treatment. Maybe what is most painful to the little thin-skinned whiners is that “Let’s go Brandon” is their own creation, an idiot leftist propagandist trying to morph “F**k Joe Biden” into something innocent. All they did was create something that can be chanted ANYWHERE and the actual meaning is fully understood. Nice.

But, yeah, let’s create some internment camps and put people who say things that exposes how stupid the left is for worshiping stupidity and failure in them.,Vintage&dfw_tracker=99573-44699&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-YqJnquH9QIVYhpMCh3YPgyuEAQYASABEgLU9_D_BwE

Leftists shouldn’t wonder why they are despised and afforded no respect.

No, the slow-moving insurrection was Leftists literally saying they were going to stage a coup when Trump won.