Mother Jones Rewrites McConnell Tape Transcript


Ben Shapiro @ Breitbart:

In the wake of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) accusation that his offices had been illegally recorded in a tape handed out by Mother Jones, the liberal publication has now released a doctored transcript of the tape itself in an effort to suggest that McConnell’s staff was engaged in violation of Senate rules. In its article “Did McConnell Use Senate Employees For Oppo Research on Ashley Judd?,” the publication prints the following transcript of the taped staff conversation:

Presenter: So I’ll just preface my comments that this reflects the work of a lot of folks: Josh, Jesse, Phil Maxson, a lot of LAs, thank them three times, so this is a compilation of work, all the way through. The first person we’ll focus on, Ashley Judd—basically I refer to her as sort of the oppo research situation where there’s a haystack of needles, just because truly, there’s such a wealth of material. [Laughter.]

Mother Jones extrapolates: “’Las’ is congressional parlance for legislative assistants; one of the legislative assistants, Phil Maxson, gets his own shout-out. The question is whether Maxson and the other McConnell LAs were digging up material on Judd while on government time. If they were engaged in this research while on annual leave or vacation—or working outside Senate hours—they wouldn’t be violating Senate rules. But if this was done on Senate time, McConnell could have a problem.”

But what does the tape actually say?

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View all comments needs to get one of their crack reporters, like the honorable James O’Keefe, to investigate this leaked, secret, highly edited recording. What does the tape actually say. Oh, the outrage. Of course Mitch McConnell could just release the notes from his talk……

Days before Progress Kentucky launched a twitter offensive against Mitch McConnell, its executive director met with White House officials.

The head of a group accused of illegally taping private meetings of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign visited the White House days before the group’s twitter account began actively attacking the Kentucky Republican, according to White House visitors logs.

White House logs and the twitter feed of Shawn Reilly, one of two men at the heart of the McConnell wiretapping scandal, show he met with White House officials on December 5, just days before his organization Progress Kentucky began a messaging blitzkrieg against the Republican leader.
The White House visitors log, showing Reilly met with administration officials Dec. 5th, appears to have been signed in by Victoria McCullough, a staff assistant to Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett.

Coordinating their attack?