Liz Cheney Exits Congress 6 Years Later and Millions of Dollars Richer



Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) will vacate her congressional seat on Tuesday after becoming a wealthy woman during her six years of serving Wyoming.

Cheney, who lost her Republican primary by nearly 40 points in August, will depart Congress on January 3 and return home as a defeated 56-year-old never Trumper.

Cheney will not depart Congress empty-handed. During her six years in Congress, she has become very wealthy. Breitbart News reported in August that Cheney’s net worth ballooned from an estimated $7 million when she first took office in 2017 to possibly more than $44 million in 2020. Depending on the specifics of her latest financial disclosure form, Cheney’s net worth could have skyrocketed up to 600 percent in Congress.

According to her 2020 Personal Financial Disclosure form, Cheney declared a net worth between $10,422,023 and $44,140,000, stemming from assets valued between $10,432,024 and $44,155,000. She reported no earned income, gifts, or transactions. She did, however, declare she held three posts, including a trustee position at the University of Wyoming, membership of a holding company, and what appears to be a position in her family’s trust.

Sounds like an investigation into Cheney is warranted

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Now that they made PT’s tax returns public, it’s time to do the same with all of theirs. Cheney is just further proof that the establishment R’s are just in it for the money and could care less about fighting for their constituents. The dems are in it for the money too it’s just that, unlike the Republicans who won’t fight, they fight to carry out their objective of turning this country into another Marxist shithole.