Joe Biden’s Blundering, Insincere Philadelphia Speech



Joe Biden’s speech last night at Independence Hall in Philadelphia was a disaster — several bad ideas terribly executed at once. It was a speech that couldn’t decide what it wanted to be, delivered by a man who didn’t believe it. And it will come back to bite him in court and on the campaign trail. Let us count the ways.
Problem #1: Giving the speech at all. Biden’s greatest political asset is when Americans are focused on Donald Trump and not on the bumbling, rambling fossil in the White House and his overreaching and under-delivering presidency. A big, set-piece Biden speech that was supposed to highlight Trump instead consumed media attention that would be, for the Democrats’ interests, better spent on more news cycles about Mar-a-Lago and Trump talking about holding a do-over election.
Problem #2: The title. Biden’s speech was entitled “The Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation.” If Biden is trying to present himself as a unifying, back-to-normalcy figure who can calm the waters — a guy who, in the words of the speech itself, wants to “see politics not as total war but mediation of our differences” — talking about a “continued battle” won’t help. If he wants to reassure us that the president is sticking to his day job, talking about how he wants to shape “the soul of the nation” won’t help. And really, talking about a national crisis of soul is reminiscent of nothing so much as Jimmy Carter’s “Crisis of Confidence” speech, which is remembered today simply as the “malaise” speech. The scorched-earth partisanship of the speech is a replay of his disastrous Georgia voting-rights speech.
Problem #3: The staging. Independence Hall was lit up as if somebody directing one of the later Star Wars sequels said, “We want the new Empire to look just a little more Nazi.” The building was dark, but with blood-red eagle wings and Marines flanking an angry, fist-shaking Biden, the photos from this speech are certain to be used by a lot of campaigns this fall — none of them Democrats. Even aside from the politics, if Biden wanted to reassure ordinary Americans that he isn’t declaring some sort of war on his political enemies — taking a page from the Democratic Party adviser who declared that “the Republican Party is basically a domestic terrorist cell at this point and they should be treated as such” — he accomplished precisely the opposite. The best thing you could say about the staging is that it reminds us that this White House is run by incompetent amateurs who couldn’t get jobs on the Obama team.
Problem #4: Indecision. Biden still can’t decide what kind of president he wants to be, so he couldn’t decide what kind of speech he wanted to give. Did he want to use the moral authority of the presidency to speak in nonpartisan terms about a threat to the country? Did he want to give an arch-partisan speech denouncing the other party’s leadership? Did he want to lay out a contrast between the two parties on social issues? Did he want to offer a laundry list of his accomplishments and his agenda? Yes, he wanted to do all those things, so he tried to cram them all into a 3,000-word speech that stepped on its own messages.
Problem #5: Insincerity. Time and again, Biden accused “MAGA Republicans” of the things he refuses to denounce when they come from his own side, his own White House, or his own mouth and pen. He told us that,  “There is no place for political violence in America. Period. None. Ever.” He denounced “rioting in the streets” and thundered, “We can’t allow violence to be normalized in this country. It’s wrong. We each have to reject political violence with — with all the moral clarity and conviction this nation can muster.” But in 2020, Biden was conspicuous in not naming any of the violent actors and rioters on his own side as they torched their way through American cities. That pattern continued last night: “We saw law enforcement brutally attacked on January the 6th. We’ve seen election officials, poll workers — many of them volunteers of both parties — subjected to intimidation and death threats. And — can you believe it? — FBI agents just doing their job as directed, facing threats to their own lives from their own fellow citizens.” Notice what’s missing from that list? Firebombings of pro-life crisis-pregnancy centers. An assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh. If Biden really wanted “all the moral clarity this nation can muster” against political violence, his Justice Department wouldn’t be cutting sweetheart deals with political protestors who threw Molotov cocktails into a police car during a riot.
Examples proliferate. Biden wrapped himself in the mantle of the “rule of law,” which his administration has so flagrantly disregarded with illegal orders on the CDC eviction moratorium, the OSHA vaccine mandate, and now student-loan debt. He talked about the Constitution, yet his list of rights he intends to protect — “right to choose,” “right to privacy,” “right to contraception,” “right to marry who you love” — consisted entirely of things the Constitution never mentions; he couldn’t spare a word for free speech, free exercise of religion, the right to bear arms, or due process of law, all of them punching bags for his administration. He complained that, “Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated,” that, “You can’t love your country only when you win, and that, “I will not stand by and watch — I will not — the will of the American people be overturned by wild conspiracy theories and baseless, evidence-free claims of fraud.” Again, he attributed this only to his political opponents, ignoring all manner of offenses against this norm by his own side, ranging from Biden himself branding the 2022 elections as illegitimate unless Congress passed a bunch of bills that won’t pass, to Chuck Schumer calling American elections a “rigged game,” to election-deniers Terry McAuliffe (whom Biden eagerly supported in 2021) and Stacey Abrams (whom Biden is eagerly supporting in 2022).
Indeed, if Biden really believed that “MAGA Republicans” were an existential threat to the country above politics, he would speak out against his own party spending tens of millions of dollars to intervene in more than a half-dozen Republican primaries across the country to boost such candidates solely for the purpose of yielding less-electable Republican nominees. Biden acted as if that isn’t happening.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets primaried.

They are setting up how to do that.

First, they made Biden look like Hitler on purpose.
Next, they will removed him, showing how much the Democrats are “not like that.”
Then they will create a J6th false flag, conjuring a new “Hitler” out of Trump or something.

It’s how they do it. They want to induce that Trump-is-Hitler in the minds of their idiot follows, so you make a fake president into a fake Hitler, then simply pin that idea on someone else.

Like Russia Collusion.
Like Biden withholding aid to Ukraine.
Like the rigged election.
Like J6th.

It’s getting old now.

There is NO Hitler speech that remotely resembles ANYTHING President Biden said, and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. Lavern Spicer is bat shit crazy.

If you listen long enough to idiots like her, you’ll become bat shit crazy yourselves. Evidence of that is close at hand.


You’re an idiot, and you can’t possibly defend what this illegitimate stooge both said and did.

The imagery was extremely “Third Reich”, and Biden told me and about 100 million or more Americans we are “threats to democracy” because we are simply voting democratically.

And in losing the argument, as you almost always do, you resort to the childish “you are crazy!” default moron response.

Saying that is more than a concession of your defeat.

You lose.

We need to protect our Constitutional Republic from this illegal regime.

Biden has no authority, and the Federal Government has stepped outside of its mandate and reason for being when it fell to outside, and inside, interests.

It’s now an illegal government that needs to be replaced, legally.

Biden is a direct threat to our democracy. Not hyperbole, not exaggeration…but demonstrated fact.

NO IT WASN’T, and no one can demonstrate that it was—which why IDIOTS like Spicer aren’t even trying to do so. They just yell mindless bullshit like this through their megaphones.

The imagery was extremely “Third Reich”…


Haha. We’ll see what the voters think, moron.

Karens don’t like toxic males in black block with snipers, even if they are protecting drag queen pedophiles.

And they certainly don’t like angry old white men screaming from a podium, lit in red, flanked by Marines.

Biden’s call for violence against half of America ensures that Democrats will lose the House and the Senate in November, so he can do this all he wants.

From there, we pull his ass out with an impeachment….a real one…and we get these traitorous paid scum out of our government.

What Biden did, what he said…how he said it…is extremely Third Reich.

Barstool Sports Founder Dave Portnoy: “Our President Looked Like F**king Hitler and Anyone Who Says Otherwise is Full of Sh*t!”

Yup. greg is full of shit.

Voters will remember this in November.

You might want to refer to history. EVERY speech Hitler incited hatred and focused that hatred on his political enemies. EVERY speech Hitler made was slathered in propaganda accusing his opponents of what he and his party were guilty of. EVERY speech Hitler made identified a villain, accused that villain of being a threat to the nation and used that threat to justify extra-Constitutional powers.

But, hell, let’s not pick solely on poor old little Hitler. EVERY despotic dictator uses the exact same rhetoric and tactics.

If you listen long enough to idiots like her, you’ll become bat shit crazy yourselves. Evidence of that is close at hand.

Direct from the jackasses mouth.

biden is Adolf Hitler

Barstool Sports Founder Dave Portnoy: “Our President Looked Like F**king Hitler and Anyone Who Says Otherwise is Full of Sh*t!”

Barstool Sports Founder Dave Portnoy: “Our President Looked Like F**king Hitler and Anyone Who Says Otherwise is Full of Sh*t!”

The Democrats House of Cards is finally coming down…thank God.

Expect more erratic, dictatorial behavior from these clowns.

November is coming, and voters will sends these jerks out on their ass….in numbers not seen in our history.

Republican Senate, Republican Congress…then we go to work and this Biden-Hitler the fuck out of our country.

Who is the Leni Riefenstahl in the WH that turned biden and his set into Hitler and the Nuremberg 1933 speech?

Susan rice or Anita Dunn?

Elon Musk.

Joe Rogan.

Russel Brande

Dave Portnoy.

These are LIBERALS that are calling for the Democrats to get ousted.

The party is over, thank God.

biden is the 21st century Adolf Hitler. Will he start a MAGA holocaust?

biden has now fully adopted the ideology of Adolf Hitler

I think it would be fitting to officially name greg as Adolf bidens Josef Goebbels

Who cares what billionaires, celebrities, or their fanboys think? For any one of them you can find another saying the opposite on any issue. Have you got a mind of your own, or not?

Biden has no cult following. He has millions of people who agree with what he said, who may disagree with him on other points. I disagree with student debt cancellation, as many democrats do. I disagreed with his meeting with the Saudi Crown Prince, though I understand the necessity of maintaining relations because of their oil while Putin threatens Western Europe.

I certainly understand the threat that Donald Trump represents. Trump is the closest thing we’ve had to Hitler’s personality cult in decades.

“Who cares what billionaires, celebrities, or their fanboys think?”

You do.

Because you vote Democrat. That’s who supports and funds the Democrat Party in bypassing democracy.

Citing that ONE billionaire and THREE celebrities, in the face of your lack of intelligence, is of course, lost.

These are real thinkers with real influence. They are not paid by Globalists through the federal government and the media (like Bezos, Zuckerberg, and all of hollywood) to parrot your message.

Your cathedral cracked a long time ago, and now we’re watching it come down.

The real question you have to ask yourself is this:

Who cares what a racist, old white guy who definitely didn’t win an election has to say?

As we’re seeing, no one.

He is defaulting to his inner Hitler, which any sane person knew was in there.

Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!” Have you forgotten who was chanting that, and where, and who set them off?

Trump is a dangerous lunatic, because of the hold he has on the minds of his cult followers. Were it not for them, he’d just be a billionaire lunatic.

“Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!” Have you forgotten who was chanting that, and where, and who set them off?

Meh, who gives a shit.

Trump certainly had NOTHING to do with that.

Compared to Biden literally calling for the genocide of Trump voters, all 100 or so million of us, it’s irrelevant.

I see armed antifa in the streets in Texas “protecting” child-molesting gays.

I don’t see the Right doing anything…at all.

The bullshit outrage generated by the J6th false-flag ran out months ago, greg.

All the violence, fear, and anti-democratic behavior is on your side, the Left.


Yeah, ol’ “greggie Goebbels” doesn’t have to hide his nature anymore.

We certainly understand the threat that Joe Biden represents. Biden is the closest thing we’ve had to Hitler’s personality cult in decades.

Trump is the opposite, and even Biden knows it.

The Leftist Woke Death Cult is crumbling before our eyes.

Meh, who gives a shit.

If a mob assembled chanting “Hang Donald Trump!” after a Biden speech, you and the rest of the girls would throw hissy fits.

Hang Donald Trump!” after a Biden speech, you and the rest of the girls would throw hissy fits.

Huh? You monkeys have been doing just that since 2016.

Comedians and even serving politicians have called for Trump’s death, daily.

You and your people want blood and are calling for violence to get what you want.

Me and mine are just maintaining our constitutional republic.

You don’t get to support a deep State insurrection and then take over umbrage at a few people chanting something.

Your time is over. Cope.


Who cares what billionaires, celebrities, or their fanboys think?

Idiot Biden, apparently. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been colluding with Facebook and Twitter to censor free speech.

Biden has no cult following.

He has a following of idiots and morons. No one with the capacity to think follows idiot Biden. That is what makes that 81 million votes lie such a farce.

I disagreed with his meeting with the Saudi Crown Prince, though I understand the necessity of maintaining relations because of their oil while Putin threatens Western Europe.

Do you disagree with the REASON behind meeting with the Saudi Crown Prince? Do you disagree with idiot Biden’s destruction of our energy independence and production which not only enabled Putin to invade Ukraine but also necessitated idiot Biden crawling on his hands and knees to Saudi Arabia and begging for more oil? No, you probably don’t. You don’t disagree with any of it; you follow orders.

I certainly understand the threat that Donald Trump represents.

Yeah, he is a threat to Democrat single party rule. He is a threat to the totalitarian police state. He is a threat to the political establishment that enriches itself while taxpayers struggle and suffer.

“Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!” Have you forgotten who was chanting that, and where, and who set them off?

No, we haven’t. Question is, why hasn’t Ray Epps and the other FBI operatives that incited the riot been questioned by your beloved propaganda committee?

Who the F wrote that speech?!
The satanic look lighting, the guy that was going to heal and unify the nation. We have no intention of selling our soul to the ilk of this regime. Having been put in front of the microphone then having to be led away, hurry before the mega dose of what ever they are pumping into him begins to wear off.

Uh, sure greg.

You trust those polls when they serve your agenda.

That’ll show’em.

Biden is a National disgrace, with no support. None.

He’s still in Iowa stumping to crowd of 30 people who mostly hate him.

He will be legally removed long before 2024, probably charged with High Treason.

Greg, joe bought those poll numbers by promising a $1 TRILLION dollar college loan forgiveness to people who refuse to pay their own bills.
Of course they like that.
Just wait til they learn about all the fine print that precludes their personal benefit.

Biden approval rating up 9 points since July

The lowest approval rating ever for Biden put out by RCP was on July 21, 2022 at 36.8%. Today, it is at 42.1% for an uptick of 5.3%.

Your poll is an outlier. But you will grasp any straw you can as you see your side is going down with the ship.

Today, joe tried to “walk back” everything he said in his “speech” last night.
Either he’s so senile, dementia-ridden as to have forgotten, or he just reads what’s in front of him and has no idea he said the opposite last night.

Someone said, if you simply substitute the term, “Jews,” when joe said, Trump supporters or MAGA Republicans you can see how like the rhetoric of Nazi Germany it was.

The idea that it’s “my way or the highway,” is old (Love it of leave it, from the 1960’s) but it has never come from our “head of state” before.

Nothing you can say is going to make me as angry and depressed as you seem to be.

Who you talking too, son?

The economy is the worst it’s ever been in about 70 years.

The post covid and post great resignation numbers are not positive in the least.

Gas prices are higher than they ever were with Trump.

Biden’s failed economy is reason enough that Democrats are going to lose big in November…

The strong labor market suggests that the economy, in fact, is still doing reasonably well, despite inflation.

Democrats will likely pick up seats in the Senate because of several of the handpicked candidates Trump has foisted on the GOP.

09/01/22 – Gas prices continue on the longest downward trend since 2018

Yeah, greg.
Because they had to.
A long SLOW slide down after his constant rise up until June.
LOOOooooooong way to go, greg.

09/02/22 – US Employers Add 315,000 Jobs as More Workers Join Labor Force

And what percentage of those jobs are now filled by teenagers?

09/01/22 – Here’s another sign high U.S. inflation is starting to wane

You clearly don’t do the grocery shopping for your house.

09/01/22 – Gas prices continue on the longest downward trend since 2018

So you think that when Democrat policies cause the increase in gasoline prices that is not their fault but if gasoline prices go down it’s “hip, hip hooray for the Democrats?”

On August 26th, diesel went up 31 cents a gallon FROM 8:00 AM TO 3:30 PM from $4.289 to $4.599.

Oh, but for the good old days when Obama told us that federalizing the student loan industry was going to create revenue for the government. How did that work out, Comrade Greggie?

Nothing you can say is going to make me as angry and depressed as you seem to be.

The Democrats will lose seats in the Senate

Nothing indicates otherwise.

Trump’s endorsement is a winning stroke, at least as far as objective truth is concerned.

His candidates win.

With the Senate and House, we can remove unelected Biden and “Right” the ship.

It’s listing too far Left, and is threatening to kill us all.

Herschel Walker, who held a pistol to his ex’s head? Dr. Oz, a reality TV carpetbagger and pseudoscience quack? I think republican voters might be smarter than Trump thinks. Though I did think that in 2016, and was unpleasantly surprised. We’ll see, come November.

09/02/22 – US Employers Add 315,000 Jobs as More Workers Join Labor Force

August Labor Report Shows 315,000 Job Gains, Internal Data a Much Bigger Concern

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) released the August Jobs Report [DATA HERE].

The topline is a net gain of 315,000 jobs with an increase in unemployment to 3.7%. However, the June and July jobs reports were revised down by 107,000 lower than previously reported, and if you look carefully at the data, you can see a serious problem.

Keep in mind, in the background is a release yesterday showing productivity within the economy dropping in the second quarter by 4.1%. [DATA] Combine the drop in productivity with higher wages of 5.7% and total wage costs per unit of business output are up 10.1%. Now we turn back to today’s employment release, and look at these three points of data:

(1) Unemployment for adult men and unemployment for Latinos increased in August. Adult men and specifically adult Latino men are losing their jobs. (2) The average number of hours worked in August dropped 0.1 hour to 34.5 hours. (3) Total employment amid those aged 16 to 19-years of age increased by 363, 000 in August:

comment image

The graphic is modified Table A-1 to focus on ‘age’

•Total economic productivity drops [biggest quarterly drop since 1948]. •Men and Latinos are losing jobs. •Average hours worked drops. •Teenage employment increases. What do these four facts tell you?

A total of 363,000 more teenagers started working in August, yet the total net gain in employment overall was 315,000 jobs. That should be the headline of the August 2022 jobs report.

(CNBC) […] The unemployment rate rose to 3.7%, two-tenths of a percentage point higher than expectations, largely due to a gain in the labor force participation rate to 62.4%, tied for the highest level of the year. A broader measure of unemployment that includes discouraged workers and those holding part-time jobs for economic reasons climbed to 7% from 6.7%.

Wages continued to rise, though slightly less than expectations. Average hourly earnings increased 0.3% for the month and 5.2% from a year ago, both 0.1 percentage point below estimates.


09/02/22 – US Employers Add 315,000 Jobs as More Workers Join Labor Force

Unemployment claims ticks up.

09/01/22 – Here’s another sign high U.S. inflation is starting to wane

Yeah, a recession and shrinking economic activity will do that.

09/01/22 – Gas prices continue on the longest downward trend since 2018

After they were driven up by idiot Biden’s policies to the highest in HISTORY, they are still almost $2 a gallon more that where the last legitimately elected President the US has had had them. Drive prices through the roof then brag because recession brought them down just under the rafters? Kind of pathetic.

Nothing you can say is going to make me as angry and depressed as you seem to be.

Nothing seems to make you as angry as the embarrassing spectacle of idiot Biden doing his Hitler impression has.

Walker is better than Warnock, who ran over his wife with his car. Oz is better than the career mooch Fetterman, who wants to dump more dangerous criminals onto the citizens as he disarms them. Fetterman won’t even debate Oz because his stroke-damaged mind isn’t up to it. While that might make the perfect Democrat senator, it’s not the characteristics that benefit the American people.

@Greg bwahahaha, any of thse things you say about the republicans are they as bad as the things we know about Biden aka Pedo Pete showering with his daughter? Marrying his babysitter after breaking up her marriage? Well she still babysits.

I see the LSD is still working for you greggie!

*Soul Man

I knew Abe Lincoln, and that was no Gettysburg Address….

I knew we were in for the business with that “soul of the nation” build-up ballyhoo, but I didn’t exactly expect Independence Hall to be decorated in blood red and sepulchral black à la the-mouth-of-hell for a sermon by the Lord of the Flies himself. Somehow his staff managed to get the Old Trickster to the fiery podium on-time, where, in his trademark inside-out and upside-down mode of argument, he inveighed wrathfully against the “grave threat to democracy” posed by an opposition laboring to undermine “our personal rights…the pursuit of justice [and] the rule of law.” Roger that, Kemosabe.

I confess, I was hoping to see MAGA superhero Homey D. Clown materialize in a puff of rainbow-colored smoke right up there beside the sulfurous incarnation of “Joe Biden.”

“MAGA Republicans have made their choice,” the hypothetical president shouted. “They embrace anger… they live, not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies.”

“I don’t think so,” Homey would have surely retorted. Upon which, Homey whaps the Party of Chaos’s front-man upside his hair-plugged noggin with a sock full of Milk Duds. “Homey don’t play that.”

So much for reveries of true righteousness….

And thus went this watershed moment in our floundering nation’s politics du jour. Did you catch an odor of desperation in that marvelous spectacle? A politician does not declare war on half the country in a spirit of comity. Something’s up in this land and it don’t feel all comfy-cozy as we turn the corner on our election season. A lot of things are up, in fact, all of them kind of sketchy and dark.

“Joe Biden’s” guardian of the rule of law, the DOJ under Merrick Garland, is on a rampage, not just seeking long prison sentences on J-6 misdemeanor defendants, but now going after their very attorneys, officers of the court, for daring to represent them. There is the recent Mar-a-Lago caper, of course, in which the FBI snatched a bale of documentary evidence Donald Trump had collected detailing these agencies’ four-year campaign to overthrow him. And, having gotten their mitts on it, the AG declared all the material part of a bogus “ongoing investigation” in order to prevent the docs being introduced in Mr. Trump’s just-opened defamation and racketeering lawsuit against HRC, her posse of Lawfare ninjas, and most of the people who worked in leadership of the FBI and DOJ circa 2016-2021. In short, the FBI stole evidence of their own prior crimes to evade prosecution. Something tells me that’s not going to work out so well for AG Mr. Garland and Chris Wray of the FBI.

You realize, don’t you, that all of “Joe Biden’s” scripted maundering about “democracy” and “justice” and “the rule of law” is a smokescreen sent up to hide the many crimes committed by his shadowy managers just now breaking into disclosure, and they are running out of dodges and distractions to divert the pliable center of the voting public from seeing it all.

Following Mark Zuckerberg’s epic mistake telling Joe Rogan that the government used his company, Facebook, and Jack Dorsey’s Twitter, to squash the first amendment, the wheels came off any pretense that this was not direct interference in the 2020 election by activists in government. For a whole year, the FBI sat on evidence that candidate “Joe Biden’s” family was running an international grifting operation fronted by his son Hunter, and when news reports about the notorious laptop began to leak out, the agency used its considerable powers of intimidation to make the news disappear. Now the FBI fears the next step: who exactly in the agency managed that operation along with supervisory agent Timothy Thibault — hustled into retirement days ago after lawyering up — and who, in that exceedingly hierarchical org, approved of it? It’s all coming out now.

Thursday night, “Joe Biden” heralded a US economy firing on a gazillion cylinders. “American manufacturing has come alive across the heartland, and the future will be made in America, no matter what the white supremacists and the extremists say,” he declared. Is that so? Of course not. The country is verging on an economic catastrophe more consequential than the Great Depression of the 1930s, and the harbinger of it, a financial market crash, is sure to occur before November 8th. Everybody and his uncle on Wall Street knows that. The shadow regime behind “JB” knows that. He didn’t dare mention the word inflation, as if no one has noticed it. (Anyway, white supremacists did that.)

The regime is backpeddling so hard on its Covid-19 bullshit that it has burst clean through the looking-glass it rode into in 2021, when, in the name of “choice,” it mandated that millions of Americans submit to forced shots of unsafe and ineffective pharmaceuticals. They know we are entering another flu season with those millions of people tragically left with wrecked immune systems courtesy of the vaxxes. They see the numbers of mystery deaths happening right now in this country and the rest of western civ and they’re working furtively to attempt to change the story. Guess what? It’s not working. Too many people have seen the damage first-hand. We know exactly who is responsible for all that, and it’s not white supremacists.

The war in Ukraine instigated by “JB” and Company hasn’t panned out so well on any grounds — as a distraction from problems at home, as a geopolitical gambit against Russia, or as anything remotely beneficial to Ukraine itself. The endgame on all that approaches as Germany and the rest of NATO are forced to the negotiating table, with or without the USA’s cooperation, or else face a rapid return to the thirteenth century. The terms will end up being more embarrassing than the exit fiasco a year ago from Afghanistan. The voters will notice it had nothing to do with white supremacists. Yes, they will.

“I give you my word as a Biden, I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future,” the old faker intoned last night. His word as a Biden? So sayeth the Soul Man.

The best thing you could say about the staging is that it reminds us that this White House is run by incompetent amateurs who couldn’t get jobs on the Obama team.

Um… aren’t they all FROM the Obama regime? It is loaded with communists and fascists; I doubt they could put forth any different imagery than something that invokes communism and totalitarianism.

09/03/22 – Trump Shred’s Biden’s Fascist Speech

“Someone should explain to Joe Biden, slowly but passionately, that MAGA means, as powerfully as mere words can get, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If he doesn’t want to Make America Great Again, which through words, action, and thought, he doesn’t, then he certainly should not be representing the United States of America!”

“If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force. He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia!”

Well said.

Someone should explain to you that Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, and Vladimir Putin all made the same sales pitch.


Someone should explain to you that Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, and Vladimir Putin all made the same sales pitch.

… as idiot Biden.