Joe Biden Spends 9/11 Talking About Boxing Trump, Complaining About “F*** Joe Biden” Signs


by Ace

Couple of pictures before that.
First, Joe Biden removes his mask to scold someone.

Screenshot (461).png

Second, this group of kids poses with Joe Biden while wearing “Make America Great Again” hats (the blue version — which I just learned signals a Democrat who voted for Trump) and t-shirts showing Trump as the Terminator with the caption, “I’ll Be Back.”

On to the confused old man babbling incoherently about boxing Trump and Robert E. Lee.
He then offers a tribute to the victims of 9/11 by… saying they would be offended by signs reading “F*** Biden.”
So he’s using the victims of 9/11 to… scold his detractors. He’s ventriloquizing the dead, saying, I guess, they’d all be Biden voters.
Well, most of the dead did vote for Biden in 2020.
I wonder why he’s so upset by the words “F*** Joe Biden.”
Could it be that he’s gotten his Old Man Feelings hurt by the fact that the “F*** Joe Biden” chant is sweeping the nation?
Including at the Holyfield fight last night?

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Yeah, this is the guy with overwhelming popular support that is doing such a great job.

So much for Time Magazines Person of the Year but they did the same for Hitler back in 1938

Biden Claims to Have Received First Job Offer from Idaho Lumber Company. They Have No Record Of It

Looks like Joe Biden might be making up his own biography … again. During a stop in Idaho Monday, Biden claimed he received his “first job offer” from an Idaho lumber company called Boise Cascade Company. As Joe tells it, back in the early ‘70s, he and his first wife thought Idaho was beautiful and were considering a move west.

One problem: Boise Cascade Company says they have no record of Joe Biden ever applying for a job. Did they try under the name “The Big Guy”?

In fairness, it was 50 years ago, and the company acknowledges the record could be long gone.

But just think. Had Joe gone to Idaho, Jill Biden would never have become President.