Is This Real Life? Washington Post Argues in Headline, “It’s Time to Give the Elites a Bigger Say in Choosing the President”


As a friend notes: They’re not even hiding it any longer.


Now she is advertising it on social media with the not-nearly-as-incendiary thesis that we have to install “preference primaries.”

But the original article still contains this headline:

It’s time to give the elites a bigger say in choosing the president

FEBRUARY 18, 2020

by Julia Anzari

Julia Azari is an associate professor and assistant chair in the Department of Political Science at Marquette University. This is the third op-ed in a series about how to improve the presidential nominating process.

Her idea seems to be that the current primary system, in which citizens actually vote, fails to always produce candidates acceptable to the elites. So she proposes a system where in citizens actually elect “delegates” — drawn from the elite, of course — who are merely “informed” by voter’s choice, but who are the ones who ultimately decide on a candidate.

We’ve seen this tactic again and again — the elite attempts to insulate itself from actual democracy by instilling layers and layers of governments and representatives and bureaucracies, trying to put as many protective barriers and possible between the people’s will and their own private selfish choices.

The EU is exactly this on a continental scale.

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We see the same thing when liberals call for a referendum and the results are not what they want; they just refute it and get some liberal judge to accomplish what they wanted. Likewise, they don’t believe the voters can be trusted to select the “right” candidate.

The poor, naïve useful idiots continue to believe they get a say.

Democrats this is true they are so poorly informed they shouldnt get to cast ballots or choose the loser. They cant find a dmv fo a free id they cant choose a lightbulb or healthcare, schooling for the kids by themselves. They wait for the all mighty powerful government or political pundits to make up their minds.
Republicans and indies want to see the knock down drag out of the primaries, see who can lead, who has vision, tell us the plan.

The so-called elites of the Left are just realizing what their counterparts from the right have already realized years ago.
Remember the National Review issue titled “Never Trump?”
In it over 70 official opinion makers signed a Never Trump pledge.
Where are they now?
You guessed it, they are now nowhere men.
They destroyed National Review.
Some have switched parties (officially) to become Dems.
Others simply vote for others-than-Trump while nipping about him in every outlet that gives them a voice.
Their once-popular voices are now tiny, tinny and irrelevant.

The WaPo represents the Left’s voice.
Looks like its so-called influencers are going down the same road to destruction as populists are replacing them even among Dems.

Dems have been the party of elites up until now, it is seeing this slip away that has those elites running scared.