Is John Kerry mentally ill? ‘Scriptures Commands America To Protect Muslims From Global Warming ‘


Anthony Watts:

At first, I thought this had to be a joke in the style of “The Onion”. Sadly, no. I have video of this dolt saying this on C-Span. I don’t know who’s more dangerous to humanity, Kerry or ISIS.

The video:


Here is some history leading up to this epic inanity. In February, Kerry said climate change is as ‘big a threat to the world as terrorism, poverty, and weapons of mass destruction’. Last month Kerry said climate change is the “biggest challenge of all we face right now.” And on Tuesday September 3rd, at a ceremony to appoint Texas lawyer Shaarik Zafar as special representative to Muslim communities, Kerry told the crowd that it is America’s Biblical “responsibility” to “confront climate change.”

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Listen carefully to him.
He was either drunk or on drugs.
Some of his words are mispronounced.
Some of his ”sentences,” are not complete thoughts.

As someone who has studied the Bible a lot over the last, oh, 40 years, I can say he has nothing to back up his claim about us having a Christian duty to protect Muslims from GW.
Even the wildest twisting of Scripture cannot be made to say that.

All that Botox must have finally reached his brain.

And this was a man who could have been president! Look at how far out Al Gore is with his statements. Look at some of the statements Hillary makes. Then look at the silly things Obama says. How can anyone with a brain support any of these people for president?

Some people are apparently totally unable to grasp what Kerry is saying about environmental stewardship having a biblical basis. Of course, some people are also totally convinced that Christ’s words in the New Testament are somehow an endorsement of capitalism.

@Greg: The Bible covers a period of time prior to 620 AD. Maybe his Purple Heart Wounds are causing him to see visions.

@Randy: all of them want the new world order. They all want to be king or queen of the world. The United States is just a stepping stone. None care about the American citizens of the United States, they are just pawns in the game.

To me, all are communist .

@Greg: environmental stewardship having a biblical basis.

Before the Fall in the Garden of Eden, YES, humans, perfect humans, had a command to expand that garden out to cover the whole earth….environmental stewards all.
BUT after the Fall the game changed.
The earth was the enemy.
Human life would be a losing battle to merely eke out a subsistence from a weed-choked land.

Before the Law of Moses humans ate whatever they could just to get by.
After the Law of Moses the Jews (alone of all the earth) had a set of humanitarian limits on how they treated life on earth, human, plant and animal.

Where is the invasive order to ”protect other people,” outside Judaism and Christianity from their own stupidity?
Jesus said, if they (those outsiders, or unbelievers, if you prefer) reject Christ’s message, simply kick the dust (from your visit to them) off you feet and carry on in sharing your message.
Nothing from Him about forcing them to clean up their lands.
Anyway, if you believe in evolution instead of God, why worry about climate change at all?
Plants, animals and even humans all adapt or die out to be replaced with better-suited lifeforms.

“I want to take advantage of this podium and of this moment to underscore as powerfully as I know how, that the face of Islam is not the butchers who killed Steven Sotloff. That’s ISIL,” Kerry said. He added that the real face of Islam is “one where Muslim communities are advocating for universal human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the most basic freedom to practice one’s faith openly and freely.”

This comment was made by Kerry just the day after Steven Sotloff was beheaded by Muslims. But you will notice that Kerry did not mention the names of those Muslim nations (communities) where Christians, Jews and other religions are allowed to practice their faith “openly and freely”.

This was included in his introduction of Shaarik Zafar, another Muslim appointed to a high position in the Obama administration. I guess Zafar is there to, in some ways, replace Mohamed Elibiary, a Muslim Brotherhood sycophant and supporter.

But have no fear; the Obama administration is on top of who is the enemy. They have them inside the gate to better watch them, right?

An article about the “peaceful” Muslims teaching the basics to their young children.

@retire05, #8:

This comment was made by Kerry just the day after Steven Sotloff was beheaded by Muslims.

Steven Sotloff was murdered by a particular group of extremists who happen to be Muslims. Just as 6 million Jews were systematically murdered by a particular group of extremists, many of whom happen to have been Christian. No religion has had a monopoly on sanity or insanity.

@Greg: I do not believe the Nazis were Christians. Please do not rewrite history. People would think Kerry and Pelosi are Catholic, but they are not!


Steven Sotloff was murdered by a particular group of extremists who happen to be Muslims.

Just one problem; many, many, I would say a good majority, of Muslims do not disagree with ISIS. Where is CAIR on this “extremism?” Oh, that’s right, CAIR is holding rallies in Ferguson, Missouri, Where is ISNA? All we get from the two major Muslim organizations in the U.S. are crickets. The same deafening silence we got from them after Fort Hood, and the Boston Marathon, except for them to play the “race” card and yap about Islamophobia.

The Pew Center did a survey a couple of years ago and learned that most Middle Eastern Muslim nations supported Sha’ria law. Do you really think American Muslims are different?

@Randy, #10:

I do not believe the Nazis were Christians. Please do not rewrite history.

The great majority of Germans of that era were either Catholic or Protestant Christians. There’s plenty to be uncomfortable about concerning how so many people were able to convince themselves that they could be both Christian and Nazi. It’s part of history and an aspect of human nature that tends to be ignored. Consider these photographs.


It is precisely that kind of blatantly ignorant PC moral equivalency that will doom western culture. If you had actually read the Koran you would know how completely stupid your statement is.

No other religion calls for its followers to kill everyone who refuses to covert or be willing to be slaves.
No other religion teaches than followers who die while trying to kill nonbelievers will get 72 virgins to rape for eternity.
No other religion states unequivocally that a woman’s testimony is worth half that of a man, making it virtually impossible for a man to ever be convicted of rape.
No other religion encourages members to lie to non-believers specifically to buy time for the believer to amass the strength to conquer the non-believer.

The affinity the left has for the tenets of islam sure seem to be related to a shared inherent devotion to lying and deception, as well as an all consuming hatred of traditional Judeo-Christian moral beliefs. How else can you explain the left standing for muslim “freedom to practice religion” even in public schools, while they shriek against student led Christian prayers in school, or placement of the 10 Commandments in state courthouses?

The left supports islam because neither ideology has any respect for individual worth nor dignity, as such Judeo-Christian concepts stand against the goosestepping collective. An individual is only worthy of existence insomuch as said individual supports the collective. Once said individual’s existence no longer supports the collective, either through slave labor or through political propoganda that advances the collective’s goals, then said individual should just die and stop draining collective resources. This is the insane mindset that believes in AGW despite all evidence disproving it. This is the mindset that believes the socialist method of rationing medical care is humane. This is the brainless mindset that rewards mediocrity by giving every kid a trophy, even the ones who sat on the bench all season.

Leftism is a mental disorder.


An individual is only worthy of existence insomuch as said individual supports the collective. Once said individual’s existence no longer supports the collective, either through slave labor or through political propoganda that advances the collective’s goals, then said individual should just die and stop draining collective resources.

One only has to read the writings of Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother to Rahm Emanuel, and Obama’s favorite go-to guru for nationalized health care, to see that this is in fact true. Emanuel wrote that people should receive medical care based on a bell curve. Young, under teen age, and seniors, should take a back seat to those who are in the age span of their productivity. Availability to medical care, which Emanuel says will have to be rationed due to not enough providers, should be determined solely based on the productiveness of the person’s age. A 65 year old and a 10 year old are not productive and considered to be drains on society, and the medical industry, because they consume more than they produce.

No one defines the mindset of the Progressive more than Ezekiel Emanuel. Yet, I doubt a true believer [in Progessiveism] like Greggie has ever read that tripe. And what is Greggie’s argument? A atheist website that publishes people who are not only wrong on history, but dedicated to destroying any Christian beliefs in the U.S.. Says a lot about Greggie, doesn’t it?

Take a look at who the members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are. You will see names on that list that are those of true Socialists like Bernie Sanders (admitted Socialist), John Conyers (whose website, at one time, was in both English and Arabic), Rosa De Lauro,Luis Guiterrez and Keith Ellison. All hoping the alligator will eat them last.


Emanuel wrote that people should receive medical care based on a bell curve. Young, under teen age, and seniors, should take a back seat to those who are in the age span of their productivity. Availability to medical care, which Emanuel says will have to be rationed due to not enough providers, should be determined solely based on the productiveness of the person’s age. A 65 year old and a 10 year old are not productive and considered to be drains on society, and the medical industry, because they consume more than they produce.

This is the same POV that Slavers held on their slaves. Those too young, weak, infirm or too old to work were allowed to perish and be callously tossed aside like garbage. Democrat elites have not discarded their party’s racist slaver past, they have simply redefined it to consider all those lower than their social class level to be chattel of their utopian “all powerful state.” That is why they support amnesty, gun control and Common Core, so as to introduce poorly educated economic slaves to undermine the lower and middle class until all serve their new order party masters. As on many plantations there are plenty of slavish loyalists, (to report on those disgruntled servants who will not meekly accept their transformation into slaves,) expecting the plantation masters to reward them for their betrayals.

@Pete, #13:

It is precisely that kind of blatantly ignorant PC moral equivalency that will doom western culture. If you had actually read the Koran you would know how completely stupid your statement is.

I’m not sure which statement you’re talking about. The statement that many Nazis considered themselves to still be Christians? I’m not clear about what “politically correct moral equivalency” you think you’ve observed, either.

A lot of people make a habit of publicly generalizing about all members of any group they happen to dislike based on the most negative single examples they think they can attach to those groups. Doing that is a logical fallacy.


You would be the prime example of engaging in logical fallacies. And blatant dishonesty. I do not believe you don’t understand what I was referring to regarding your exercise in PC moral equivalency. You know exactly what I mean and are so dishonest you are trying to play stupid.

@Greg: #4 But how can man-caused global warming be addressed in the Bible when it is not even happening?