Gregory Salcido: Why Should Possession of Kiddie Porn be a Crime?


History teacher and Pico Rivera council member Gregory Salcido has been removed from all his committee assignments after he accosted a student in his class wearing a Marine Crops sweat shirt and was recorded denigrating our armed forces in a froth-flecked rant. While he cannot be removed from the governing body, because there were apparently enough moron voters who elected him to serve there, and it will be up to them to boot him, Salcido’s story doesn’t end there.

In a rant recorded by a student in his class, Salcido wonders aloud why possession of child pornography on your phone or computer is considered a crime, because you didn’t actually commit the atrocious act of raping a child, violating a precious innocent person for profit and the twisted tastes of perverts all over the world. Hell you don’t even know the victims!


Salcido goes on to claim at the end of the recording that attempted suicide should be considered attempted murder against oneself, and that the poor souls who jumped to their deaths from the WTC towers on 9/11 rather than be engulfed by flames from terrorists crashing planes into those buildings are guilty of murder, (!!!) demonstrating a stunning lack of comprehension about the meaning of murder, the meaning of suicide, and the moral difference between choosing to harm oneself or end one’s own life, and committing violence against innocent others.

“You know is one thing, you guys think I might be crazy here, and it is a disgusting subject, as I think about it I say why would that be crime?

You guys know how people get arrested for having like kiddie porn on their phone or their computer, like they downloaded the pictures.

You did not take them you are not in them but you downloaded them and you get arrested for them. I don’t think you should.”

He went on, “I think you are a fricken pig , but you should not be arrested because you had nothing to do with it.”

“You did not take the pictures, you are not in the picture, you don’t know the people in the picture you just had it on your computer, should that be a crime?”

“And if so why?”

“Is it disgusting, yeah, but I don’t know if it should be a crime.”

Yes, parents. This is what’s teaching your children. This isn’t an exercise in critical thinking or devil’s advocacy. This is actually a twisted degenerate, who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a classroom, spewing his own political views in a history class filled with impressionable teenagers.

Why should child pornography be a crime?

Gee, I don’t know.

Some depraved, vicious, debauched scumbag attacks an innocent person, rapes them, hurts them, takes their innocence and their dignity away, records the abuse, and then distributes it to similarly inclined pieces of sub-human detritus, who get off on watching an innocent child be abused, and somehow Salcido sees nothing wrong with possession of this slime?

Paying for and downloading this twisted shit creates a demand, which leads to an increase in supply, but there’s nothing wrong with this, according to Salcido?

Creating that demand enables entire industries that rely on the depraved abuse and harm to the most vulnerable members of our society who need our protection to exist. The supply wouldn’t exist if scumbags who get turned on by victimizing innocents didn’t prop up the market with their twisted desires. But Salcido doesn’t see anything wrong with this, because the offending perv didn’t personally rape and exploit the child?

Every time some steaming turd downloads or purchases child porn, they are in essence paying someone else to rape a child for their filthy enjoyment. And Salcido doesn’t see why perpetuating a demand for child abuse should be a crime? He doesn’t understand why it should be illegal to be part of that noxious market?

This clueless, depraved miscreant is teaching impressionable kids in his history class, and while the school district claims to be “investigating,” and for now has pulled this slimy shit canoe from the classroom, somehow I have my doubts that this reprobate will lose his job. I do hope to be pleasantly surprised, though.

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Hmmm… so if he is able to make that argument with a straight face, can he explain why the ideology he supports prevents people from expressing a point of view he doesn’t agree with? The points of view don’t actually harm anyone and, even if disgusting to him, can be easily ignored.

Oh, that’s right… he’s a liberal. He doesn’t have to explain why his logic does not work when applied to other subjects. He is your typical, run-of-the-mill military-hating, anti-American liberal. He gets graded on a curve… a STEEP curve.

I had just learned today that a star from the TV series, Glee!, had been convicted of possession of child porn (under puberty children photos).
He was sentenced to between 4 and 7 years in prison.
He hanged himself from a tree in his backyard rather than face more years of sexual abuse himself, after his bad experiences as a youngster in TV.

I would yank my kid out of this cockroaches class.