Fox News’ Left-Liberal Cranky Old Fossil and Conspiracy Theorist Chris Wallace Defends Joe Biden on Guns, Insisting That He Doesn’t Want to Erode the Second Amendment, Just Take Away “Weapons of Mass Destruction” Like the AR-15



Had enough?

I ask again: Why are 90% of the positions in “conservative” media filled by left-liberals?

It’s almost as if the corporate stooges running these companies intend them to be safe, managed Controlled Opposition operations that will never be too conservative.

That basically describes 90% of “conservative” politicians as well.

…Wallace’s analysis of the Democrats’ convention went off the rails when he turned to the topic of Joe Biden and gun control.

Earlier in the hour, Wallace praised an address by former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords — whose husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, is seeking to unseat Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., in November — as “enormously powerful” and called her “a living embodiment of the concern” most Americans have about gun violence.

“I understand that Republicans will say that Joe Biden wants to take away your Second Amendment rights,” Wallace added. “The only problem with that is, Biden has made it clear over and over [that] he’s not interested in taking away Second Amendment rights, he’s interested in taking away weapons of mass destruction like assault weapons.”

Wow, Chris Wallace decloaks as a left-liberal hack and partisan shill for the Democrats.

What a surprise. Yet again, my expectations have been so subverted that my whole reality is spinning and my limbs feel like alien meat controlled by invisible puppeteers.

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He has been a GWB loving Ronny hater for decades. When he hosted “Meet The Press” at NBC he was quick to lie about Ronny, to smear him. Fox is GOP; but liberal/progressive GOP. Fox loves GWB and hates Ronny. See why Chris left NBC?

Barry’s book is hard to read; but he shows VERY CLEARLY how the GOP “leaders” have been liberal for 110 years!

Seriously who wrote this has not been watching Wallace in a long time. Because of his sneak style neither have I, he reminds me much of Paul Ryan and Mittens.

Do you want to hear what Wallace said, or believe what somebody else said he said?

From FOX News: Chris Wallace says Biden blew ‘a big hole’ in Trump’s ‘mentally shot’ claim with DNC acceptance speech

Trump has never sounded as coherent, focused, or righteously American as Biden did during his live 25-minute speech tonight. Joe Biden is unquestionably the better man and the better leader.

Well, right on schedule, Biden switches from “just to the slight right of Bernie” Biden to “Cmon, man! I’ve ALWAYS been a moderate!” Biden. Of course, he’s not so moderate that he won’t lie about Charlottesville or ANTIFA, but, hey, just trust him.

Nah, he ain’t against the 2nd Amendment… he just wants to eliminate semi-automatic weapons. And he’s so moderate that political terrorism is just fine, as long as it serves the Democrats.

@Greg: Biden has, no doubt, been practicing his sperch for weeks. He’s had coaching and instruction. He did a great job (by Biden standards, amazing) up until the end.

There’s never been anything we’ve been able to accomplish when we’ve done it together.

Well, maybe he was describing his own party.


comrade greggy-poo: wallace has been a registered democrap his entire life. wallace would attach his lips to any male appendage to spin a story. from the video, it looks like paedophile joe’s AD mediation was timed just right.
-so after being in the senate and done NOTHING, than 8 years as VP only to attend the adult film industry awards three years , and has done NOTHING. so now he is going to cure Cancer,cure the Virus, defund the Police, Ice, pay reparation( joke) all democrap pres. promise this one both whore dog billy and gay terrorist obama-shit, to remake the social and physical structure of neighborhoods, destabilize the country by allowing revolutionary rioting and looting in major cities; thus, destabilizing the internal structure of the federal government to turn this country over to the communists.
-so biden will last one day, kamaslut is married to a cracker, and bar fly pelosi would have a shot at the vp spot.
-with a scenario as this, suicide would be a welcome opportunity, for America would now be history soon to be washed away in the new history books of communism.

@MOS#8541, #5:

I’ve formed my opinion of Joe Biden by listening to Joe Biden, not to Chris Wallace.

Joe Biden generally speaks the truth. Donald Trump lies about everything. That alone would be enough for me to make my own mind up, but there’s a lot more in Biden’s favor. There’s no end to the problems with Donald Trump.

I’ve formed my opinion of President Trump by listening to President Trump not to joe biden.

President Trump generally speaks the truth. Joe biden lies about everything. That alone would be enough for me to make my own mind up, but there’s a lot more in President Trumps favor. There’s no end to the problems with joe biden

@Greg: You COULDN’T have formed a positive view of biden by watching Biden (not the left wing media propaganda that ignores his gaffes). Biden is a disaster. Cmon, man!

I’ve formed an opinion of Trump based on what he has done. I voted for him to keep Hillary’s criminal hands off the Supreme Court, but he has been amazingly successful and accomplished great things. The same goes for Biden; he has done NOTHING.