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Letting them have a fifth of our uranium should help out.

So how much did Bill and Barack deal out to the Russians while they held office please tell me Hillary

Hiiabeast does nothingwithout gifts and or donations

@Kitt: Once again, people are expected to trust the most untrustworthy person in the country. Once again, every liberal will.

Clinton’s comment can only be properly understood in context. Here’s the full printed transcript of her March 19, 2010 interview with Vladimir Pozner, which took place in Moscow and was broadcast on First Channel Television.

She was speaking as Secretary of State, in the language of diplomacy. The 14-second video clip is a deliberate misrepresentation.

@Greg: Only a strong Russia can afford to pay $500,000 for a stale speech.


Clinton’s comment can only be properly understood in context…

The 14-second video clip is a deliberate misrepresentation.

And the last time lefties considered the full context of any comment by a conservative was?

And lefties have never deliberately misrepresented any comment by a conservative?

Yawn. Welcome to your own brand of political discourse.