Fakes emerge throughout Ukraine crisis just to be debunked later


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Fakes emerge throughout Ukraine crisis just to be debunked later

So, the same tactic as what they used/use on Trump?


CNN and the rest are fake news.

Putin has turned Russians into morons by claiming all news source other than his own are fake news. 

Hmmm… now, THAT sounds awfully familiar.

Ghost of Kiev video game , Starwars footage, Deep impact stills Zelensky appointed his pals from the studio into his cabinet after he was installed. Its very cold in Northern Ukraine and they find a childs flip flop near a mass grave.

Anything can be faked, so I try not to form opinions on the numerous videos posted here and there. There are atrocities committed, probably by both sides (I imagine having your home invaded would make one prone to commit atrocities, especially if the invasion included atrocities).

One, one thing is clear, true and undeniable: Russia invaded Ukraine without provocation in a war of territorial conquest. While all the other accusations will have to be investigated and judged, that one fact remains unchanged.