Democrats Have Only Themselves To Blame For Trump


David Harsanyi:

While in many ways the 2016 presidential contest was an uprising against the establishment, let’s face it, Republicans weren’t punished last night. And that’s not a new development. This will be the fourth consecutive election in which the GOP has won the Senate and House. Nearly every conventional conservative Senate candidate — the ones Donald Trump’s fans supposedly hate — all ran ahead of the GOP nominee. In Arizona, Florida, Wisconsin — nearly everywhere. This includes Republicans who were reticent supporters or outright critics of Trump.

A melodramatic Van Jones is free to claim that Trump’s victory is a “white-lash.” But ever since Barack Obama’s unprecedented passage of Obamacare, his party has lost more than a thousand seats nationally in three wave elections. From 2010, the electorate demanded Washington share power, but the president didn’t listen, relying on executive power, the bureaucracy, and judiciary to pass agenda items without consensus or compromise. A couple of weeks ago I asked, “When Will Liberals Answer For Obamacare’s Failures?” Today, apparently.

In all their vast coverage of agitated right-wingers, it may have escaped the attention of many in the media that over the past eight years the Democratic Party has moved dramatically to the left on an array of issues. It’s now a party of cultural imperialists and economic technocrats who want to rule through fiat. It is a party more comfortable coercing Americans who see the world differently than in convincing them. It is a movement propelled by a liberal punditry that’s stopped debating and resorted to smearing millions they disagree with.

Perhaps Obama might be capable of governing this way and remaining popular, but his political talents aren’t transferable. Not to congressional or Senate Democrats, who have been paying dearly for his policies. And certainly not to Hillary. Democrats nominated a corrupt candidate with abysmal political instincts, a decades’ long habit of mendacity, and a dearth of new ideas.

It’s worth remembering that every time a media figure or liberal grumbled about how terrible the 2016 presidential election was, they meant Trump was terrible. The Democratic Party establishment never entertained any other nominee seriously, and the liberal punditry never earnestly lamented Hillary’s inadequacies. There was never any question that all the money, power, and infrastructure of the Left would mobilize behind Hillary.

The media never treated Clinton as an atypical candidate, although she was in so many ways. No matter how often she lied or much we learned about her racketeering or her malleable positions on foreign policy and everything else, her defenders could claim that there was no moral equivalency between her and Trump.

There was. Democrats nominated one of the least trusted people to ever run for the presidency. According to the final Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll, Americans trusted Hillary six points less than they did Trump, whose absurdities and outright fabrications probably came off as straight talk to millions of Americans sick of hearing manicured talking points. An Associated Press-GfK poll also found that 92 percent of Americans thought Clinton’s email setup either broke the law or was in “poor judgment.” Only 6 percent believed she did nothing wrong. This poll was taken months before the freakout over the James Comey letter. Rather than dealing with this reality, Democrats and their allies attempted to normalize her corruption.

Trump might also have been the beneficiary of decades of vacuous liberal attacks on Republican candidates who, as you know, are always racist, homophobic, transphobic xenophobes because they have different ideas about society or policy. Voters might be becoming increasingly immune to these histrionics. Yet, as soon as it became apparent that Trump would win, liberal commentators began blaming bigotry again. The Left has become so saturated in identity politics, it can’t imagine that anything else might drive a voter.

As my colleague Sean Davis has noted, though, seven states that voted for Obama twice voted for Trump in 2016. Did all these Americans suddenly become racist in a few years time?

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Nearly every conventional conservative Senate candidate — the ones Donald Trump’s fans supposedly hate — all ran ahead of the GOP nominee. In Arizona, Florida, Wisconsin — nearly everywhere. This includes Republicans who were reticent supporters or outright critics of Trump.

Kelly Ayote
Mark Kirk
Joe Heck
All ”Never Trump’ers.”
All lost.
(Well, Kelly might fight it since her recount is a done deal.)
But that certainly puts to the lie David’s major premise.
REPUBLICANS were NOT punished last night.
But those Never Trumpers in the GOPe were.
Lesson learned?
I hope so.

Actually, the people entirely responsible for president-elect Donald Trump are the people who voted for him. They’ll fully own the credit or the blame, depending on the consequences that follow.

The leftists have shown more and more Americans how truly sick they are. They are afflicted by a disease, a disease known as liberalism.

You realize the election is over, right? You should conserve your vindictiveness. You’ll want to have a good supply laid for when the people you elected fail to do all of the things they told you they would do. Having control of the White House, the House, the Senate, and a stacked Supreme Court to boot, they’re going to be flat out of other people to blame.

Here are the Don’s top 10 campaign promises. They heard them as far away as New Zealand.

Hillary Clinton appears to have won the popular vote.

With 99% of all votes now reported, she had 48% of all presidential votes cast: 59,796,396. Donald Trump, the president elect, won 47% of all presidential votes cast: 59,589,855

He’ll be the second republican president in recent years that a majority of the voters didn’t vote for.


That is the beauty of the electoral system. A mobocracy does not decide for the people. It is an affirmation of Federalism where state sovereignty still exists. But to a leftist, that is a foreign concept.

The 2016 election, not unlike the 2010 or the 2014 midterms, was a repudiation of all that is wrong with the democrats, leftism, liberalism, statism, socialism, communism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism and everything the left represents today.

But, you will never see it because as a democrat typist, you ascribe to the group think that they feed you.