Black Privilege: School Shooter Released on Just $75k Bond Thanks to the Color of His Skin


by Scott Greer

A school shooter wounded three people in a rampage at an Arlington, Texas, high school Wednesday. He spent a grand total of one day in jail before he was released on a $75,000 bond Thursday. Media outlets are sympathetically portraying him as a victim of bullying and amplifying his family’s defense. This may shock some readers. Who could be worse than a school shooter? Aren’t we supposed to keep these young monsters locked up so they don’t hurt any more kids?
But there’s something different about this school shooter from the ones you usually hear about on the news. Timothy Simpkins, the 18-year-old shooter is black. In the Globalist American Empire, that awards him privilege. No white school shooter could’ve expected such a generous treatment.
Simpkins’s defense claims he used a gun in self-defense. He allegedly grabbed a gun after the fight and unloaded it in the school. One of his victims is a 25-year-old white teacher who was shot in the back as he tried to break up the fight. He suffered a collapsed lung and broken ribs. Another victim is a 15-year-old male who remains in critical condition.

This sounds pretty indefensible, but Simpkins’s family and lawyer make the case anyway.
“I’m not trying to justify the gun that was brought, but when you’re being bullied, when there’s bullies, throughout this nation you hear of young people … committing suicide,” said family spokeswoman Carol Harrison-Lafayette. “The decision he made, taking the gun, we’re not justifying that. That was not right. But he was trying to protect himself.”
“There are numerous school shootings that have occurred across this country which are tragic. All school shootings are tragic,” Kim T. Cole, a civil rights attorney representing the family, exhorted to the press. “However, in this situation, this was not someone who was just out to go and shoot a school and had made up their mind [and said,] ‘You know hey I’m upset and I’m just going to shoot anyone I see.’”
“That was not the situation here. So I request the media correct their narrative with regard to what happened, and that you all respect the family’s privacy,” she added.
No white family could’ve gotten away with these public statements if their child did a mass shooting. They would’ve received a flood of online harassment and media denunciations. You’re not supposed to claim your kid, who just shot several people, is a lovely boy who did it to protect himself. But that rule apparently doesn’t apply to black school shooters.
It’s noteworthy the family turned to a civil rights attorney to defend Simpkins over a school shooting. Did systemic racism somehow drive him to go on a shooting spree? It’s also noteworthy that she implies this wasn’t a typical school shooting, but it actually resembles the typical mass shooting. Most mass shooters are black, according to a 2016 New York Times report, and the vast majority of them are not the work of some deranged loner murdering people at random. They’re mostly gang-related or the result of brawls—as was the case for Simpkins.

There are cases of whites who resorted to a gun to defend themselves against actual threats. Unlike Mr. Simpkins, they got the book thrown at them. Kyle Rittenhouse was hit with murder charges and a $2 million bail after he gunned down three men who attacked him during the Kenosha riot last year. You can face censorship on major tech platforms for daring to show support for that young man. Meanwhile, several people are openly supporting Simpkins on Twitter, even though there is far less evidence to support his act of violence.
Simpkins’s ridiculous defense may work in George Floyd’s America. Authorities now work hard to ensure black criminals escape justice.

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A sure way to promote and assure there are more school shootings: make excuses and justify a shooting because it looks good, give the shooter lenient treatment and show him sympathy because he was “bullied”. Has no one else been bullied? Will no one else be bullied? Has defunding the police pulled a lot of resource officers from schools?

This is how the left “fixes” things.

Meanwhile scores of Americans exercising their right to protest languish in jail to continue to promote a false narrative about January 06.
Maybe while incarcerated they should don blackface and see if that gets them out of jail.

had he been protesting IN PEACE the DOMINION election Solitary confinement for 366 days. Bread and water!