A Historical Yawner…The Dems preside over an embarrassingly unimpressive impeachment.


Under the hackery of the Democrats, impeachment has become the tribute that unproductive partisans pay a productive president whom they can’t beat at the ballot box. Trump’s impeachment on Thursday was embarrassing to watch, as Democrats faked up outrage over suspended aid to a country they couldn’t find on a map. The aid got to their beloved Ukraine, aid that we’re told is central to America’s “national security,” but no matter. Trump, they intoned, had committed a thought crime, one he only corrected once he was caught.

This is the first impeachment in which a president is punished not for what he did but for what allegedly considered doing. The chattering class oohed over this “historic” day, but future historians will be at a loss to explain it, apart from the fanatical partisanship of the Democrats, for whom every exercise of executive power by Trump constituted an offense.

The impeachment is the culmination of a partisan campaign that began before Trump even entered office. Official Washington and the media teamed up from the beginning to brainwash the American people into seeing every moment of Trump’s presidency as illegitimate. Almost every story that has come out of the dominant liberal media has been premised on the outrageousness of Trump exercising executive power. If he hired someone, that was an outrage. If he fired someone (such as James Comey), that was an outrage. If he changed the priorities of an agency (such as the State Department), that was an outrage. Endless stories poured forth about this or that bureaucrat whose oh-so-sage advice Trump had ignored. The simmering subtext of every story was: How dare this chief executive control the executive branch!

The impeachment marks the most audacious attempt by the Democrats to cripple Trump’s executive powers — the final act in a farce that began with Dems boycotting his inauguration. Historians will see it not as assertion of the legislative branch’s “co-equal” powers but as a ploy to render the executive branch subservient to its partisan whims. They dressed that offense up as the “Obstruction of Congress.”

The Democrats, of course, will one day be hoist by their own petard. They have now turned impeachment into a routine tool of partisan opposition, no more significant than their “contempt of Congress” citations.

What a “stain” on his presidency, chanted the media chorus — the same one that idolizes the impeached Bill Clinton, a moniker they rarely ever apply to him. Unlike Clinton, Trump was found guilty not of lying under oath or anything like that but of the most nebulous of offenses — “abuse of power,” an elastic standard on which every president since the days of George Washington could have been impeached.

In Trump’s case, his grave offense was merely thinking about withholding aid to a country that is not entitled to it out of concern for corruption that actually existed. In Spygate, Barack Obama asked foreign governments for help in a meritless investigation against a political rival — an investigation that involved the bald violation of the civil liberties of Americans. The same media that shrugged at Spygate proclaimed itself appalled by cursory conversations about a merited investigation into the Bidens.

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The Democratic lemmings are running off the cliff to their all ruin their going to pay the piper for this little incident

Pelosi actually thought the Senate would bend to her wishes to bump up the impeachment charges by doing the House’s homework for it.
But she hit a brick wall.
Now she doesn’t want to send those charges over to the Senate at all.
But guess what?
The Senate need not hold those House charges in hand before they can try the president based on them.
They can do that, or, even dismiss all the House’s charges whether Nancy sends them over or not!

@Nan G: From the memory hole….
As usual, the President can’t own up to his mistakes, so this disaster is now the Republicans fault because, as Obama says, they don’t have any better ideas.
No strategy
Oh baby these politicians and partisan media talking heads are playing so out of their league.
They still have Simon and Garfunkel, Lie la Lie

Are there still Democrats with enough humanity to see the transparent hypocrisy, corruption and sedition in all the Democrats have attempted? Let us hope so for otherwise, society is doomed.

If Democrats don’t send this to the Senate, all they’ve accomplished is putting the asterisk beside Trump’s name, which may be all they wanted all along; there are certainly a lot of dim-witted liberals celebrating that. If they do send it to the Senate, it gets shredded and exposed for what it is.

This whole Impeachment is a scam fraud and coup against a legaly elected President the Jackass needs to have whip taken to it or better yet a 25:000 cattle prod

@Spurwing Plover:

no 250,000, the seizures are wonderfu to watch as they twitch all over the floor