“Obama’s lecture on the euro crisis … is overbearing, arrogant and absurd.” The Bild, A German Newspaper

Europeans are underwhelmed with the latest Obama Drama. With the sanctimonious attitude of a faux professor, Obama lectured Europeans on the importance of restoring fiscal responsibility to the European Union.

As humorous as it sounds, the Europeans found nothing to laugh about; in fact, they are insulted and indignant over the presumption of a profligate wastrel like Obama lecturing anyone concerning fiscal responsibility.

Conservatism, Health, And Common Sense

Conservatives traditionally resist government intrusion into the home and personal lives of American citizens: Liberals tend to welcome the guiding hand of government into every facet of modern life. This is one of the fundamental differences between Liberalism and Conservatism. During the GOP Debate, Rep. Bachman called Governor Perry on his issuance of an executive order in 2007, requiring all girls in Texas to receive Gardasil unless a waiver was signed by her parents. Gardasil by Merck, prevents infection of the more common strains of human papilloma virus. These particular viruses, once established, can initiate http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/277093/gardasil-and-gop-henry-i-miller, as well as cervical, anal, vulvar, and vaginal cancers. The vaccine Gardasil prevents the infection and consequently prevents the associated diseases.

Marxist Ideology, Obama’s Personal Demon

We who walk the earth struggle with personal demons throughout our lives, if the demons devlop obsessions, we are then consumed by strange passions that control and ultimately destroy our lives and those around us.

In Melville’s Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is consumed with his obsession to kill the White Whale, Moby Dick. His inner demon is pure madness and vengeance. Obama, by not recognizing his personal failures and the failures of his policies, is displaying signs of a mental imbalance: consumed with Narcissism, driven by an obsession with Capitalism, and the inner demon of Marxism, he is not capable of seeing alternatives or making rational decisions. The mental imbalance within both Ahab and Obama becomes or was more apparent as their voyages progress. Obama’s Presidency and Ahab’s voyages were both scheduled to last four years.

Casey Anderson Learns She Must Spend A Few More Days In Jail

The Death Of A Child: Lessons Learned

America died with Caylee Anthony, not literally, but we will never be the same. A Narcissistic mother forgets to report her daughter missing, decides to party for a month and get a tattoo that reads “Beautiful Life,” while her daughter decomposes in a plastic sack. Is this the sign of a mad woman; perhaps it is a desensitizing to the ideal of a mother’s right to choose or what we should celebrate as our culture of death. Ms Anthony has spent the last four years in jail, but if she would have elected to have a partial birth abortion and had her daughter’s brain sucked out while being born, there would have been no issue.

The Blood Of Murdered Agents On The Hands Of Eric Holder

Attorney General Eric Holder admitted and boasted about operation “Gun Runner” on April 2, 2009 to Mexican officials in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Last week, our administration launched a major new effort to break the backs of the cartels. My department is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams, and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing on kidnapping and extortion.

The Undefeated Trailer

…there are tens of millions of Americans who not only relate to her, but her ballsyness contrasts more with the Republican Party than the Democratic Party. If Sarah Palin doesn’t run for the Presidency, someone in the Republican Party should take note on what real leadership looks like.
-Andrew Breitbart

MSM Liberal Bias – Ignoring Obama’s Gaffes; Pouncing On Republican Gaffes

Jake Tapper appeared on the Dennis Miller radio show last week and basically admitted to the bias in the MSM. He acknowledges the fact that the media completely ignored Obama’s Medal of Honor gaffe while the media jumped all over Palin’s and Bachmann’s recent gaffes:

Obama Starts Another Illegal War, Anxious To Win Another Nobel Peace Prize

We are now engaged in another great illegal war, this one is in Yemen; relax, we are only killing Al Qaeda operatives and civilians, since Obama was elected with a 6% landslide margin and has the unflinching support of American Socialists, he is not bound by the usual rules that govern presidents. The war is classified so only the readers of the New York Times and Flopping Aces know about it; however, the relatives of civilians killed in the kinetic actions have probably put the pieces together. We are striking at militant leaders with armed drones and fighter jets, so in Obama’s unique definition of war and Nobel Peace Prize qualification, it narrowly misses being designated as a war, there is also a growing power vacuum in a nation we consider to be an ally.