Creating Wealth

While our president crusades with his unrealistic plan to tax the rich in order to pay for his profligate spending and bring the country back to what now seems like a Capitalist pipe dream of Utopia, the elusive pre-Obama economy. Obama Elites, who are rich, but don’t seem to pay taxes or worry about them, agree with the old Marxist parable, “tax the rich to spread the wealth around,” at least, as long as no one dips into their private accounts. If Obama stays in power, their money is safe, that’s the way his system works. While the public frets over wether Obama is a Statist or a Marxist, because he keeps trying to make the old failed Marxist principles work. Apparently, the Marxists of history didn’t understand how to run a Statist economy or so Obama must reason to keep from being collectively diagnosed as a psychotic, by doing the same experiment repeatedly and expecting a different result.

So Obama Is Worried About Women

Apparently, he is worried about his daughters and the world they will live in as adults. I am sure he will want them to be Elites in the Marxist Utopian dreams he has envisioned, it is so much better than that dreadful poverty the rest of us will be trapped in, but one thing for sure, he will want them to be respected by men and the public. The thought of public disrespect directed towards them or women in general, is too horrible to think about. That is why he has called Ms Fluke, the woman who attends an expensive Jesuit law school, but can’t afford or can’t date someone with enough sense to afford contraception.

Smart Diplomacy

How lucky we are, we who mourn the erosion of freedom and the implementation of Statism; for now, we at least have the consolation and comforting feelings that come with knowing we have a high degree of intellect directing our international diplomacy, more commonly known as “Smart Diplomacy”. The phrase our former First Lady used to describe her self-professed skills in diplomacy; skills that were apparently acquired in managing the “Bimbo Eruptions,” her husband precipitated during their marriage and sometimes bizarre journey to the White House. Skills that became patently obvious with the Obama Administration’s opening of our embassy in Damascus and Ms Clinton describing Assad,the butcher of Syria, as a reformer. Yes, if the diplomacy of the White House and the State Department were any smarter, the dictators of the world would be cowering in fear when Hillary flexes her brain and farts intellect by the bucket.

Eastwood Makes Obama’s Day

How symbolic, the red and blue spheres merge and the resultant color is a deeper shade of blue. Propaganda is considered effective if it is subtle and delivers a covert or subliminal message without the subject being aware of the intent. In this image, the profile of Obama was superimposed over the merging of Conservatism and Socialism with the profile of Obama and the result is a deeper shade of blue; picturesque and convenient, Obama brings the country together and we are united under a deeper shade of Marxism. It was created by the same team that made the Chrysler commercial; it hasn’t achieved fruition, but not for a lack of effort by Obama and his lackeys.

Tears Of Joy

Kim Jung Il’s life: a soliloquy in lunacy and madness.

Often the sages admonish
Oh Death, be not so proud
A tender soul’s last wish
The welfare of others be allowed

Death unkind, strikes indiscriminate
History records with only a wretched few
Death comes not soon enough to elate
The drop of his miserable carcass in its tomb

Without A Hitch

Christopher Hitchens 1949-2011, essayist, provocateur, wit, atheist, Brit-American and honest man, passed away on December 15. A Socialist early in life who evolved into a Marxist and eventually into a Conservative Marxist (a distinction he coined), later in life; Hitchens played no favorites and took no prisoners with his writing, he sought victims from both the Left and the Right, using his views of incompetence and dishonesty to guide his sharp critiques of those he eviscerated with indifference and without remorse, but regardless of whether you agreed with him, and he almost always bucked public opinion, he had the ability to make you think.

So You Want To Win The Nomination

The GOP candidates are struggling for position like horses in a long race; except they must contend not only with each other, but with Obama’s State Directed Media as well. For the MSM is intent on ruining the reputation of all but their personal picks with innuendo, fraud, false accusations, and lies. If there is an element of truth within the onslaught of smears, the public, except for the witless believers and those who suck blindly of the Socialist teat of Marxist pablum, have become immune to the assault of the media.

There Are No More Campfires

Prologue: This is a story of two Stone Age chieftains, who migrated to America during the last Ice Age, approximately twenty thousand years ago: one came from the East and one came from the West, but before you begin to recite the teachings of Archaeology from twenty years ago, you might be surprised to know of startling new discoveries about the migration of man and the inconvenient facts surrounding the theories of Anthropomorphic Global Warming.

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Wall Street

Christopher Muffin is a 99%’er; well not quite, actually, he is a new member of the 99%, ever since his dad turned off the money. His dad is a 1%, who has way too much money and doesn’t want to share it anymore with Christopher. He just doesn’t understand, Christopher’s mission has been to find himself. Spending thirteen years at university is nothing, many holy men spend a lifetime searching for their inner being.

It’s a good thing the OWS movement started; otherwise, the university was wanting its tuition or blood money and his dad wasn’t going to foot the bill any longer. Man, that’s just bad karma for his dad.