The Bizarre Situation With Huma And Terror

Senator McCain’s chivalrous defense of Huma Abedin, intimate confidant of Hillary Clinton, is not only inappropriate, but it borders on gross negligence and incompetence. We have come to expect the release of classified information that puts our servicemen and ultimately the Republic at risk from the present administration, but it is disconcerting to hear Republicans defending possible terrorist moles with the bravado of latter-day Chamberlains, promising peace in our lifetimes.

It Was A Trap [Reader Post]

I can’t shake the feeling that it was a trap. A set-up. An ambush.

And that Obama bought it. And Joe Biden made it all possible.

There was no end to self-adulation of Barack Obama following the raid in which Osama Bin Laden was killed. In the revelry, the brainiac that is the Vice President opened his mouth and identified those who carried out the Bin Laden raid.

Finally an Intellectually Honest Critic of EITs

The idea that waterboarding and other abuses may have been effective in getting information from detainees is repellant to many, including me. It’s contrary to the meme many have embraced: that torture doesn’t work because people being abused to the breaking point will say anything to get the brutality to stop — anything they think their accusers want to hear. But this position is at odds with some behavioral science, I’ve learned. The architects of enhanced interrogation are doctors who built on a still-classified, research-based model that suggests how abuse can indeed work.

I’ve examined the science, studied the available paper trail and interviewed key actors, including several who helped develop the enhanced interrogation program and who haven’t spoken publicly before. This inquiry has made it possible to piece together the model that undergirds enhanced interrogation.

What did the President know and when did he know it? [Reader Post]

“The Fast and the Furious” was a gun-running program that allowed thousands of AK-47′s to enter Mexico from the United States ostensibly to allow tracking of their movements. At the same time it allows the AK-47′s to go into Mexico, it is the policy of this administration to arm border patrol agents with bean bags as their first line of defense against AK-47′s.

Such policy got border patrol Brian Terry agent killed in December. Terry was killed with one of the assault rifles that this administration sent into Mexico.