The Presidential Debates Have Devolved Into Liberal Controlled And Hyped Media Events

We had our debate last night, and as was expected, Crowley made her partisan views and bias a significant factor in the debate: if you deny this obvious fact, you suffer from willful ignorance or you are so lost in your bias your sanity might be in question.

Crowley let it be known, before the debate, she planned to inject her influence into the debate; after all, she has a superior intellect and is a member of the elite cadre of media engaged in the reelection of Obama. How could anyone expect or ask that she be a neutral moderator, with such superior talent, she needs to be an active participant and personality within the debate. Who knew the debate, between men vying for the most powerful position in the world, required the participation of an obvious shill for Obama to clap for Obama and allow him extra time to make crucial points because they are “important.”

Don’t cry for Barack Ameritina… [Reader Post]

I know that when Charles de Gaulle said it he was speaking of Brazil, butt his observation actually applies better to its neighbor now: “Argentina has a great future and it always will have.”

Argentina, as you may or may not recall, has only recently recovered from a crippling default on its bonds which left investment in the country virtually nil for over a decade and development levels slightly below that level.

Michelle Hints That New Supreme Court Justices Are Political Stooges

First Lady Obama presumes that her husband’s Supreme Court Nominees will protect political rights not enumerated in the Constitution. She made this remarkable claim at Democrat fundraisers by stressing that Sotomayo and Kagan are indeed political appointees and can be counted on to protect the right to “Love whomever we choose” and “the right privacy”. This mysterious “Privacy” right is presumably a reference to Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, but these nebulous terms are often invoked to mean anything Democrat strategists want them to mean at a later date.

Dogs Are An Excellent Source Of Protein, According To Our President

The Dog Days of Summer Are Here

Some of us are willing to give a tacit seal of approval to people who eat dogs, but if someone has the audacity to tie a dog cage with a dog inside to the top of their station wagon, before embarking on a family vacation, a serious breach of the holy covenant between man and dog has been breached. I assume that most of you know, people in Indo-China, Indonesia, Korea, and our president have enjoyed the flesh of dogs with no misgivings; however, in all the world, no one agrees with securing the family dog to the roof of a car.

So Obama Is Worried About Women

Apparently, he is worried about his daughters and the world they will live in as adults. I am sure he will want them to be Elites in the Marxist Utopian dreams he has envisioned, it is so much better than that dreadful poverty the rest of us will be trapped in, but one thing for sure, he will want them to be respected by men and the public. The thought of public disrespect directed towards them or women in general, is too horrible to think about. That is why he has called Ms Fluke, the woman who attends an expensive Jesuit law school, but can’t afford or can’t date someone with enough sense to afford contraception.