Biden Needs Stunt Driver in Target Parking Lot


Biden is at it again. Joe was handed the key fob to a new Ford F-150 electric truck which will be less popular than the 1958 Ford Edsel. Anything that Joe drives is the kiss of death and a horrible advertising gimmick. I guarantee that 74 million Trump supporters would rather chew crushed glass than buy any product that a geriatric Democrat thinks “is really neato.” The new Ford truck rings in at $70, 000 (without the bells and whistles) and will be called Lightning which perfectly describes how quickly money will leave your bank account. Anyone who buys the new electric truck will receive $50,000 from the government in Biden Bucks and a very long extension cord (rim shot). Just kidding-the extension cord is not included. Good news: A republican will be back in the Oval Office in 2025 (God willing and the creek don’t rise) and this electric crap-o-bile is going into the junkyard right next to the rusty Chevy Volt and all the nasty bird killing wind turbines. Ringing any bells?

Joe appeared on video driving a mysterious truck around a Target parking lot. Apparently Ford lacked confidence in Joe’s driving ability after watching him fall up the steps boarding Air Force One. Ford decided not to risk the optics of their new prototype truck running into a light pole, bursting into flames and then exploding. A kid in a shopping cart, observing the carnage, might scream, “Mommy, look! Why is that man on fire?” Mom would glance at smoking Joe, keep putting groceries in her car and tell her kid, “Son, that doddering, old dude is the president. Yeah, we didn’t vote for him.”

To avoid that dreadful scenario, Ford supplied Joe with a stunt driver and installed a second steering wheel. They also taped the entire exterior of the truck to obscure the fact that Joe was actually driving an old F-150 from 1975 reclaimed from a junkyard in Alabama. Ford covered up the Confederate Flag affixed to the back window of the truck with duct tape and scraped off the Gerald Ford, “HE’S MAKING US PROUD AGAIN,” bumper sticker. Joe thought that he was at the helm of a 2022 truck. He honked the horn like a two-year-old, hand cranked the window down (that should have been a clue Joe) and put an 8-track tape in the player (Come on Joe-buy a clue). Joe yelled out the window, winked and told a reporter from Fox News to “stand in front of the truck just for snickles and grins.” The stunt driver dropped the pedal to the metal and 7.5 liter, 460 cc V8 engine roared to life. The tires burned rubber as the screaming truck accelerated, leaving a trail of oily, black, acidic smoke hanging in the air. Joe exclaimed, “This sucker’s quick, but I really thought that an electric truck would be a lot quieter.”

Not really driving that old pick-up truck is a metaphor for Joe’s entire presidency. He’s not in charge but thinks that he is. He signed 60+ Executive Orders but never read them. He destroyed the Keystone XL Pipeline, opened the southern border, acquiesced to China, and treated Israel, our strongest ally, with appalling contempt and disdain. Joe thinks that he is doing great because everyone in his orbit says so. In reality, Joe is destroying the Democratic Party and our beloved country.

Say it ain’t so Joe. Tell us the truth. Do you still love America?

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“ I guarantee that 74 million Trump supporters would rather chew crushed glass than buy any product that a geriatric Democrat thinks “is really neato.” “

This would be the 74 million pro-COVID, pro-seditious, cop hating (at least Capitol police), pro-child sex trading, anti-constitutionalist, Putin kissing, thug loving, pro-rape, pro-violence to women, pro-14 year old girl impregnating, sore election loser and pro-Arizona recount rigging, white supremist loving, gerrymandering election stealing, vote suppressing, liar worshipping, unAmerican filth that’s still clinging to Trump’s big lie to abet his treasonous sorry ass to wreck the country because he’s too big of a man child to pull up his big boy pampers?

Here’s an idea. How about they just keep their COVID spreading sorry asses under their China made KKK inscribed rock with a China made Trump flag flying over it and leave those American made, good job paying, economy needed Ford pickups for the real Americans to drive?

The Right supports equal rights, racial harmony, and free speech. They also support democracy.

The Left supports none of these, demonstrably. They are promoting segregation, insurrections, and loss of our Constitutional processes. 4 Years of a coup, culminated in a false flag at the Capitol. The usual dictator takeover, in any century: rigged election, false crisis to surround the capital with troops, then threatening to imprison all those who disagree, and silencing people..slowly.

It’s fact. We’ve seen this before in history.

Trump and his voters are normal Americans, and the obvious majority. The systems that once oppressed blacks and others, such as CNN and Hollywood, are breaking down.

Yours is the usual tantrum because somewhere in that Cult-addled brain you know you are the very thing you pretend to combat: a bigoted, angry, pro-totalitarian nobody who can’t help but project through our political discourse.

You are scum, and your words, your life, are utterly useless as it is.

At least they aren’t the 60 million (or less) brain dead dependent lemmings that voted for the demise of the nation.

So this is what you are like off your meds. Get back on them, then go shopping today. Buy a clue. Maybe then you will stop spewing nonsense.

But how do you really feel?

According to truck experts this all-electric Ford truck might make its “expected” range of 300 miles once, when its brand new, unloaded and driving on the flat.
But if you need to keep up a farm or bring landscaping/plumbing/construction goods here and there, forget that 300.
If you must climb mountains or even hills, forget it, too.
After the first month the range falls anyway, for a third point.
And there isn’t time for letting it sit somewhere for hours recharging if you need it daily.
So, it is a cheap truck ($20,000 after rebate) for just bopping around town to and from stores and barber shops and banks.
So, I actually expect a lot of dime-store cowboys will buy one.
Heck, if it had 4 wheel drive to make it thru icy snow-filled roads here, I might buy one!

My thoughts are that we have some kind of new energy tech that we’re going to mask behind clean energy (it’s probably really clean too). Thus the move to electric cars, and suddenly offering to put solar panels on our house for free, etc.

The UFO hoax will be used to say that the tech was reversed engineered, or something.

We’re not giving it to the world, that is for sure.

Trump wasn’t part of the deep state plan. I was brought up to assume the government was always what it was, and the President was largely just a figure-head.

Trump wasn’t part of the plan, sadly.

They’re up to something.

The UFO hoax will be used to say that the tech was reversed engineered, or something.

None of the videos I’ve seen couldn’t just be the newest generation war drones.
We now have drones that can go from air to underwater.
They can, and do, turn on a dime.
Some of them can fly extremely high in our atmosphere, too.

Yeah. Something is up, and the need for everyone to come together to oust Trump and install Biden was somehow justified…in there minds.

I’m guessing it’s some fusion-like energy production tech.

They couldn’t get Trump to “buy in”, i.e. leverage House-of-Cards style to make sure he wouldn’t talk.

a ford? four wheels and a board-useless vehicles just like the pedophile. but wait, the current pope is a pedophile and promotes homosexuality.

Idiot Biden is just a stupid old fool the left is making a public fool of.

Pick-Ups are driven by either Farmers Conservatives and Real MEN HE SHOULD RIDE A Big Wheel Kids Tricycle or maybe Pee Wee Herman will let him borrow is Red Bicycle

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