The mass shootings for which Barack Obama is responsible



Barack Obama was one brutally divisive President. Among his vitriolic statements:

1. Americans are “racist”

2. “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”

4. He used the White House Easter prayer to attack Christians

In 2015, Barack Hussein Obama used his remarks at the White House Easter prayer breakfast to attack Christians:

“On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that, as a Christian, I am supposed to love. And I have to say that sometimes, when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned. But that’s a topic for another day.”

He made no mention of the massacre of Christian students by Islamic extremists at a university in Kenya just days before.

5. “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion”

6. He made up a white girlfriend to highlight race issues in his memoir

Lots more at the link.

Barack Obama Was Pretty Damned Divisive

It was not Donald Trump who told supporters to take guns to knife fights.It was not Donald Trump who told Hispanic voters that Republicans were their enemies.It was not Donald Trump who encouraged people to report their neighbors for lying about him and his healthcare plan.It was not Donald Trump who built an app to show you if your neighbor was a Republican.It was not Donald Trump who derisively referred to some as clinging to their guns and religion.That was all Barack Obama.It was Barack Obama who divided the nation between us and them. It was Barack Obama who targeted Christians for ridicule and sought to punish nuns and Christian small businesses. It was Barack Obama who targeted Catholic charities. It was Barack Obama who used a strategy of “othering” and division to win the election. It was Barack Obama who tried to shame gun owners and target the Koch Foundation and the NRA.The Obama Administration did this all with ruthlessness that included using the Internal Revenue Service to harass conservatives.

Lots more at that link

And this:

** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”

“I think people are right to be angry!”

“Hit back twice as hard”

“Punish your enemies”

“Bring a gun”

This incendiary rhetoric did not come without a cost. Here is a list of mass shootings for which Barack Obama is responsible:

  • Pulse Night Club  50 dead
  • San Bernardino  14 dead
  • Charleston Church  9 dead
  • Jewish Community Center 3 dead
  • Fort Hood   13 dead
  • Navy Yard   12 dead
  • Sandy Hook  26 dead
  • Aurora Movie Theatre  12 dead
  • Dallas Police shootings  5 dead

The left says if you’re President, you’re responsible. Barack Obama has a lot to answer for.

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The left denigrates Christians and Christian principles. Whether they believe in them or not, taking the opposite stance from peace, love, forgiveness and respect does not seem helpful. As Democrats become more and more leftist, they prefer to replace faith and obedience to a Higher Power with faith and obedience to leftist principles. Obviously, this is not working because they are incompetent at governance. They also don’t yet have the absolute power they need so they must pander to interest groups, creating victim mentality and treating some differently than others.

Guns have been available to citizens since the beginning of this nation. Much of the same weaponry available to our military has been available to the public until relatively recently. Yet, killings of these sorts were not prevalent.

What has changed is a deterioration of morals, respect for life, respect for the rights of others and tolerance of different beliefs. THIS is what has created the pubic risk, not the advance in firearms from single shot to semi-automatic.

this POS butchered America. smoked crack-cocaine in the wipe house-the kitchen was the drop off point. the american press has glorified terrorist, rapists, murders,workplace violence, during his term. associated with actors so he could become one in the future. his administration gutted public school education, gun sales to mexican cartels-one that wound up in the Paris massacre. he now claims that if he was still in office this would have never happened. the morals and ethic values of current America is in the toilet. snowflakes, generation y, z and who gives a shit on these worthless individuals. the useless and gutless media is 60% of the problem. one should read Hitler’s speech of April 12, 1921-alleged progressive demorats are National Socialists. welcome to the beginning embers of the 4th Reich.

Whenever there was a mass shooting under Obama’s tenure there was a call to control guns more and more.
The natural reaction to this was gun sales went up and up after each gun control/confiscation threat.

Now Donald Trump is president and MOST mass shooters are not even covered in the media because they don’t help push this confiscation (of law-abiding gun owners’) narrative.
Here’s a photo array of all the solved mass gun death incidents in 2019.

A lot of other multiple gun death incidents go unsolved because witnesses refuse to cooperate with police:

More than 140 mass shootings are unsolved largely because no one will give descriptions to the police, even when shootings happen in places with dozens or hundreds of people around which is often.

@Nan G: Doesn’t look as WHITE as the left would want us to believe, does it?

Here is what former president, Barack Obama, had to say on his twitter feed today:

Until all of us stand up and insist on holding public officials accountable for changing our gun laws, these tragedies will keep happening:

Yeah, Barack, lecture us all about “work place violence” why don’t you?

@retire05: Indeed, until the left gets what they want, the repeal of the 2nd Amendment and confiscation of all guns (owned by the law abiding citizen), they will continue to promote the climate and culture that assures mass shootings will continue.

One of Utah’s senators, Mitt Romney, wants to outlaw, ban AR-15 guns, which implies confiscation of those already out there.
Now ask yourself, with cops who won’t even come help stop a shooter on a high school campus (Parkland, FLA) or arrest members of a violent mob (Portland, ORE) when they outnumber the bad guys, which ones of them are going to volunteer to knock on doors of known law-abiding citizens to take away their guns that were legally (at the time) bought?
Won’t happen.
Anyway, even without the 2nd Amendment, Congress has been ordered to make no “ex post facto” laws.
And that means they can’t criminalize your legally bought gun and confiscate it.


Now the “red flag” or mental health aspect of new laws to constrict gun sales.
Had the mental health industry not been co-opted by the Left, I’d have been all for this.
BUT, nowadays, Leftists are in charge of redefining what is mentally healthy and what is not.
So, all forms of sexual perversions, no matter how many bad side effects they cause to those involved, are mentally fit.
There is even a push to label pedophilia as mentally healthy.
Just as Google, Facebook and Twitter have redefined Hate Speech as any speech they (Leftists, all) disagree with, so, too, could mental health parameters shrink to only include Leftist viewpoints.

As such, guns could be taken from people who disagree with the Left, and it would be legal!
Obama tried to take guns from people based on their changing signatures over their lifetimes!
We have to be cautious in this area.

@Nan G:

Just as Google, Facebook and Twitter have redefined Hate Speech as any speech they (Leftists, all) disagree with, so, too, could mental health parameters shrink to only include Leftist viewpoints.

But THIS is not a violation of Facebook’s “community standards”. This pretty clearly indicates what those “standards” are.

As long as there are legislators that are a member of a party that believe simply disagreeing with them is “racist” while they promote and condone political violence, they should have no say in what constitutes a “red flag”.

Liberal Democrat Idiots like Cory Booker and Beto Orourke are blaming Trump for the mass shootings but their both Liberal Democrats all mouth and no mind and always getting themselves in the liberal rags like the NYT’s.TIME,NEWSWEEK, ROLLING STONE Etc

We wrote to the DNC today insisting that all the white Dem candidates withdraw from their run for the nomination.
ALL of those should then make it plain which POC they throw all their support to.

@Spurwing Plover:
cory is a closet gay and the only way he is going to get of the shit hole NJ is to win the election. he is a looser!