Trump’s Long Term Vision


Well into his second year in the Oval Office, President Trump has, by any objective measure of pro-freedom and applied common sense, accomplished more that most Presidents in memory.  That is, “more” with respect to moving America positively forward as a successful Nation, rather than allowing it to recede into stagnant oblivion, rushing over the cliff of socialism and into the abyss of communism.   


Ignore his personality. Look at the powerful results already accomplished.  Unlike too many of the CEOs made abnormally wealthy by Wall Street bankers who focus on thirty day results, Trump has brought an unusual mission to his Administration — long term goals, with strategies to stabilize the Nation’s foundations and invigorate its engines for long term stability.

Submerged in unsurprising ignorance, almost one hundred percent of the media whines about everything President Trump touches or thinks of touching.  The end of the world is announced each and every day.  For example, Trump’s “positioning” confrontations with the EU, Canada, China, or Mexico, on trade tariffs are met with uninformed loathing.  

The media would rather a President lead with submissive posturing, hoping, pleading, and begging for fairness from the Merkels and Macrons of the world. Is it really a surprise that the levels of EU tariffs on American-made cars have minimized that market for the U.S.?  The media disparages the strategy as an attack on our allies, and accuses Trump of having “protectionist trade policies”, using the term protectionist as a derogatory and condescending term.  No, he’s for pro American worker trade policies.  And the roof isn’t going to fall in.

Trump clearly does not want to waste time taking the long road that past Presidents have taken to nowhere.  He knows what he needs to achieve with his strategy and he has executed for maximum results in a timely manner.  

Is it a surprise that Merkel has already announced that she is ready to reduce German tariffs?  The MSM must be astonished that Germany sells more cars to the US than the rest of it’s EU comrades.  The MSM must be really confounded into a stupor by discovering the fact that Germany is racing toward outright energy dependence on Russia as it fills Putin’s coffers with billions of dollars.

Isn’t it peculiar that Obama, Bush and Clinton didn’t care enough for America’s manufacturing infrastructure to attempt anything remotely like what Trump is actually getting done?   He’s even offering zero tariffs. How’s that for a gambit?  Zero tariffs isn’t likely to occur, but oh, everybody run, the roof is going to cave in. 

The roof will also not cave in when our European allies finally begin contributing their fair share of NATO costs.  The media feigned dismay and shock when Trump told the NATO member states, “. . . You gotta pay your bills.”   If the world believes the neo-Marxist media, Trump is declaring an attack on our allies. Instead, these unbalanced, bias-blinded observers should welcome a President thinking about fairness for America’s taxpayers, and the long term benefit of a more balanced relationship with Europe. 

For the near term, some of  us will enjoy the unqualified and ignorant media’s reaction to the President’s dressing down of Germany for its cozy multibillion dollar energy entanglement with Putin’s Russia. In that stroke Trump is also exposing the insanity of the “collusion” lie which the left has been chanting since election night. 

Western Europe has long been conflicted on its Russian and Iranian affiliations.  Much like Canada and its complete dependence on China for financing, building, and filling a million condos feeding its out-of-control immigration industry. Not a word against China’s tech thefts, or cash laundering, healthcare abuse, etc., or you’ll be attacked with accusations of racism.  Canada’s senior bankers, just like the EU’s senior bankers, control the political landscape.  Their wealth comes first.  

In their midsts this week, and as the CEO of the world’s most powerful Nation, Trump is an unwelcome disrupter.  Unlike Obama who had a deep need to be liked internationally, Trump is a cyclone deliberate on moving toward long term international stability rather than the destabilizing path his predecessors have accepted.  He is impeding globalists’ long term plans for a border-less western world, accelerated through counter-cultural and overwhelming “multiculturalism”. 

This contemptible media-fuelled absurdity feigns “caring” while knowing full well the inevitable outcome of weakening America and Europe through socialism.  The daily barrage of sanctimonious hypocrisy from talking heads across America and Western Europe lacks common sense, and is void of basic intelligence. 

So let’s take a closer look.  Notice that the media fears confronting the reality that Gerhard Schroeder is unabashedly sitting as director of numerous Russian energy companies controlled by Putin’s Gazprom and now sits as a director of Gazprom itself.   Does anyone notice the irony in the fact that Schroeder, Merkel’s predecessor, guides Putin’s energy empire, while Germany, the world’s fourth largest economy, is committed to annually feeding billions of dollars to Russia?  Is it surprising that Schroeder is lambasting President Trump, and telling Merkel to ignore the President’s call for spending 2% on defence?  Schroeder is in effect a member of Putin’s administration.  Germany’s enormous energy deals with Putin, places it squarely within Russia’s sphere of influence. How’s that for evidence of a malignant political class leading the western world?  

Germany, the EU’s leader, cannot be beholden to Putin while at the same time respond to President Trump’s demands to strengthen its commitment to remain a strong force against Russia.  It makes little sense that our media applauds Merkel’s shovelling of billions to Putin, while it attacks Trump’s tightening of sanctions on Russia.   It is beyond the bounds of reasoning minds that the media would worship Merkel, but denigrate President Trump. 

From their ivory towers in Brussels the authoritarians dispense decrees that macerate personal freedoms across all of Europe. The millions of America’s left who worship this globalist collectivism, do not comprehend the consequences. Their leaders understand — they all dream of being Lenins, or Stalins, or Maos, or Xis, and the flapping lips in the media are their co-conspirators.  

None of this bodes well for the American Constitution.  The left must change it and eventually replace it. It will be unrelenting until God given rights and liberty are wiped from America’s foundation.  

Trump, with all of his flaws, seems one of the few in power standing against the neo-Marxist wave which seeks to weaken America, just as it has weakened Europe.   

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@kitt: I don’t think the left wants the military to express it’s view. They won’t be pleased. Plus, because Trump shows them the respect they deserve, law enforcement will be behind him and the Constitution, too. Leftist lies and propaganda are only weapons to undermine our personal freedoms; they won’t be of much use if push comes to shove and propaganda is all the left is good at.

Cohen is just another liberty-hating liberal that has watched the rest of his liberal komrads incite violence and get away with it, so he though he’d join in on the fun. Until one of these miserable worms goes to jail for seditious and inciting violence, it will continue. As the attack on Scalise and the others proved, seeing their encouragement of violence played out does not slow them down. They WANT to see their useful idiots sacrificed as long as they deliver some violence, terror and intimidation.

@Deplorable Me: CNN exit polls, veterans voted at a 2-1 ratio for Trump that poll must have puckered their chutes.

@kitt: Tenn Senators are Alexander and Corker.
DT’S head is spinning like a dreidel as he keeps changing his story—probably should go dark for awhile.

@Richard Wheeler: 9th district Tennesee house of representatives my bad right state wrong house, still an unhinged freak

Trump is a f-cking idiot. Today, on Montenegro. He doesn’t even have reliable short-term vision.

July 18 — ‘Absurd, crazy’: Trump discussed allowing Putin to interrogate US ambassador

The White House has declined to rule out accepting a Russian proposal for the questioning in the United States of Americans, including former US ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul, sought by the Kremlin for “illegal activities”.

The proposal arose at Monday’s summit between the US president Donald Trump and the Russian president Vladimir Putin, and any decision by Washington to assist with an adversary’s prosecution of former government employees overseas would be a stunning shift in US policy, especially as it could violate the international legal principle of diplomatic immunity.

“The president is going to meet with his team and we’ll let you know when we have an announcement on that,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told a news briefing. Sanders added that Trump “said it was an interesting idea … He wants to work with his team and determine if there is any validity that would be helpful to the process”.

It would be helpful to the process of getting him impeached.

Tucker Carlson: The Cold War Is Over. The World Has Changed. Time To Rethink America’s Alliances.

“The people yelling the loudest about how the Russians are our greatest enemy and Trump is their puppet happen to be the very same people who have been mismanaging our foreign policy for the past two decades, the people who invaded Iraq and wouldn’t admit it was a mistake, the people who killed Muammar Gaddafi for no obvious reason and prolonged the horrible Syrian civil war and then threw open the borders of Europe, the ones still defending the pointless Afghan conflict and even now planning brand-new disasters around the world in Lebanon, Iran and, yes, in Russia,” Carlson explained.

“These are people who’ve made America weaker and poor and sadder, the group whose failures got Trump elected in the first place,” he said. “You’d think by this late date they would be discredited completely and unemployable, wearing uniforms and picking up trash by the side of the turnpike somewhere, but, no, they’re not.”

Interesting. Iraq was now a HUUGE mistake. Update your GOP textbooks, people. Apparently Trump’s critics also killed Gaddafi, and prolonged the Syrian Civil War. (For some reason I was under the impression that in was Russia that rushed in there with troops and tons of military aid. Something about a warm-water port, I think.) Oh yeah, and Afghanistan was also a mistake. (Wasn’t that the country that was serving as Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda’s base of operations? The one place we should have gone?) And it’s democrats who want a war with Iran?

The Russian attempt to meddle in our election was comically amateurish.

Really? Look who’s in the White House, you frickin’ nut case.

Ukraine has had a partnership with NATO since the 1990s, sending troops to work with the alliance in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the nature of the partnership remained loose
Trump sent them arms after Obama turned tail.
The Ukraine could have been Europes breadbasket but they wont even recognize Poland taking refugees cause they are not from Africa.

@kitt: Conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham says DT should address the nation and tell us what actually transpired in Putin meeting and CLARIFY his positions and beliefs—leave out ref to Mueller, fake news, deep state etc. Straight up Russia-Putin-current Intelligence Community’

In other words –clear the air–tell the truth.

@Richard Wheeler: IMO it was a private meeting private has a meaning, curiosity is no reason to know. Our media sluts should have asked better questions over and over it has been confirmed there is no evidence none that Russia had a significant effect on our election. You would never had voted Trump I would never had voted Clinton. I was seriously looking into escaping the US had she won.

“Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a 2010 interview on Russian television with Vladimir Pozner that the Obama administration wanted to “help strengthen Russia.”

“What is being done to make it easier for Americans to come to Russia and for Russians to visit America?” Pozner asked.

“Well, we want to encourage a lot more travel and a lot more exchanges,” Clinton responded. “As we move forward and we get more experience between our two countries and facilitating business travel, tourism travel, education travel, every kind of travel, I think it will become, at least I hope, easier and easier.”

“Many of our businesses want to have their business leaders come and have open-ended visas and similarly a lot of Russians want to be able to come and have as much time as they need,” Clinton continued. “That’s what I would like to work towards.”

“One of the fears that I hear from Russia is that somehow the United States wants Russia to be weak,” Clinton added. “That could not be farther from the truth. Our goal is to help strengthen Russia.”

Oh, but wait, where were the left wing complaints when Hillary said this when she was Secretary of State to Obama? And when Mitt Romney said that Russia was our biggest threat, didn’t Obama tell Romney ‘The 1980s Are Calling, They Want Their Foreign Policy Back’? Why, yes, Obama did say that; on national TV during a presidential debate. Seems that Obama was Putin’s poodle back then.

@retire05: Everything Obama did gave them a tingle up their leg, they gushed and swooned. I continue to monitor actions, not words, results not methods, Trump is a different type of guy not a politician with promises and no follow through, without the benefit of media covering for his screw ups.

@kitt: Have you ever seen liberals so unhinged, so irrational, so desperate? It is, I thing, a good sign for the future because obviously they see NO possible way for them to achieve electoral victories. But, damn, it’s obnoxious and repulsive to see them all constantly in such an infantile tantrum. Will they ever mature?

Another article here on FA lays out the way Obama set Ukraine up for failure, then walked away. Obama did nothing but encourage Putin and every other adversary with his “flexibility”, yet suddenly (as they were asleep to it during the Obama disaster years) they awaken, fabricate issues to fake outrage over.


Really? Look who’s in the White House, you frickin’ nut case.

You are calling all of the IC and the FBI LIARS? They’ve all said NO votes were changed and the election was not influenced, but you DISTRUST our agencies and call them LIARS!! That is totally disgraceful.

By the way, Obama simply sat by and did nothing. Was that proper?


“Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a 2010 interview on Russian television with Vladimir Pozner that the Obama administration wanted to “help strengthen Russia.”

And, boy, did they ever. Of course for Hillary, a stronger Russia meant more money deposited into her coffers.

Oh, but wait, where were the left wing complaints when Hillary said this when she was Secretary of State to Obama?

Hell, they all just nodded dutifully and clapped like trained seals. Listen to and watch ALL their imaginary grievances; they are ALL acts Obama and Hillary committed, including collusion, and the left is obsessed with transferring those failures on Trump.

@Deplorable Me: So terrified of what dime Putin might drop on them, the Podestas , Hillary and Obama. Imagine the dossier they could have on the former SOS, and Obama the 400K that Hillary has not denied may just be the least damaging information the former KGB agent has proof of.

@Deplorable Me, #63:

You are calling all of the IC and the FBI LIARS? They’ve all said NO votes were changed and the election was not influenced, but you DISTRUST our agencies and call them LIARS!! That is totally disgraceful.

“No votes were changed” refers to their conclusion that voting machines don’t appear to have been hacked. That wasn’t the form Russian election meddling took. What Putin’s operatives successfully hacked were the brains of a significant number of voters in critical geographical locations. They successfully manipulated voter perception and opinion in a highly focused and effective manner, using personal information they obtained through hacked voter and social media databases for targeting purposes. They poured out a load of propaganda and misinformation using social media advertising tools to narrow their aim down like a laser pointer. They knew perfectly well where the electoral college leverage points would be. They easily figured out which buttons to push, because they were watching someone else doing it.

Twenty months after the election, Trump supporters still don’t seem to have a clue how Russia’s false news and social media operation worked. They don’t really want to know, and their media outlets aren’t about to tell them.


“No votes were changed” refers to their conclusion that voting machines don’t appear to have been hacked.

No voting machines were hacked; no paper ballots were altered; no polling locations were block against entry by Democrats, and for years, you on the left demand that voting fraud is not an issue.

What Putin’s operatives successfully hacked were the brains of a significant number of voters in critical geographical locations.

Warning, Will Robbins, WARNING. The Russians are hacking into your brains. Prepare yourself, we are being invaded by hoards of Manchurian candidates.

Trump supporters still don’t seem to have a clue how Russia’s false news and social media operation worked.

Why don’t you show us, Greggie Gobbels? Show us one, just one, tweet, Facebook entry, et al, that the Ruskies planted on social media. JUST ONE.

We all know you’re an idiot and think that anyone who doesn’t accept your propaganda just can’t see the forest for the trees.

Try this Donald—NATO is good—-Russia is bad—We are NOT turning over American citizens for Putin to interrogate.
Then you can go back to gloating about your “accomplishments.”.


@retire05: Dont remind him Hillary rigged the Primaries, had 4 not 16 IC leaking to the pres that Trump was a Russian agent cause hookers peed where the Barry slept perhaps a twisted story about Bill not Donald.
Trump insulted his way to the top but he insulted politicians not potential voters. We deplorable smelly hillbillies are showing up November 6th every last one of us. I may decorate the truck with a gunrack and american flag just for the occasion.

@Richard Wheeler: How about having top prosecutors look at Putins courts evidence then decide if we will cooperate?
How about 33 billion more pledged to NATO as a result of Trump dressing the freeloaders down.
How about not insulting a possible trade partner for American goods and an ally to squash terrorism planet wide?
You despise Trump I get that, but can you wake up to widen your mind?
Still dodging the question why trust backstabbers?


What Putin’s operatives successfully hacked were the brains of a significant number of voters in critical geographical locations. They successfully manipulated voter perception and opinion in a highly focused and effective manner, using personal information they obtained through hacked voter and social media databases for targeting purposes.

So, you ARE calling them liars. OK. No votes were changed means no votes were changed. We did see voting machines change all Republican votes to Democrat, but no one thinks the Russians did it; the Democrats did. But, explain, HOW were all these minds changed? What was the super-effective propaganda that changed the opinion of anyone considering voting for Hillary to NOT voting for her? Give me examples, for I’ve never seen anything anywhere that falsely accused Hillary of anything. (Note: Hillary DENYING accusations does not make them false; in fact, it verifies them)

Why did the Russians also try to hack the Republicans if they were trying to help Trump? If the Russians were hurting Hillary, why didn’t Obama counteract it?


perhaps a twisted story about Bill not Donald.

Not likely, since then the story would be hookers peeing in Bill’s mouth while Hillary and Huma watched… intermittently.

@Deplorable Me, #70:

So, you ARE calling them liars. OK.

No, not at all—as I just explained quite clearly, in easily understandable English.

I won’t comment on the vulgarity you finished off with. Decorum is one of those areas where the average democrat parts company with the average double-digit IQ Trump rally attendee.

3 Facts–)-Putin SAYS he wanted Trump to win
2) Trump’s intelligence community SAYS–Russia interfered in effort to help Trump win.
3) Richard Wheeler contributed to and voted for Jim Webb for POTUS.

Kitt—Putin’s evidence against our Ambassador–are you serious?
Remember KGB Putin is a stone cold assassin, Trump merely a classless Queens bully. I grew up in Queens with guys just like him.

@Richard Wheeler: Fact : Putin also said he wanted Obama to win
Fact: Brennen is a communist…communist-vote/index.html
Yes I am serious I dont think we should feed him to Putin, just have our people look at the evidence, did that guy do something bad enough to remove diplomatic immunity, if not F Putin. In exchange we get the Big Bad Russians that robbed poor deserving Hillary of her turn.
Proof Mueller has it all locked away wouldnt you love to see some evidence?
What nation doesnt try to influence another countries elections for their benefit can you name 1?

@Richard Wheeler:

3 Facts–)-Putin SAYS he wanted Trump to win

Crooks don’t like competition and Putin knows Hillary is a crook.

2) Trump’s intelligence community SAYS–Russia interfered in effort to help Trump win.

I know, I know; Greggie says that Russian was turning people into mindless Manchurian candidates. Greggie will be giving us a sample of the Russians Twitter, Facebook, etc. posts that “hacked” our brains in 3….2…………….

3) Richard Wheeler contributed to and voted for Jim Webb for POTUS

Ok, so you wasted not only your money but your vote, as well.


Crooks don’t like competition and Putin knows Hillary is a crook.

He says he wanted Trump to win… NOW (that he’s won). However, Hillary would have been a win/win/win/win for Putin. She is easily bribed. She would be easily blackmailed. She would also do as much, if not more, damage to the United State as Obama did. AND, he could, in retaliation for her interfering in HIS election, humiliate her on a global scale.

If he WANTED Trump to win and HELPED Trump win, he made a monumental miscalculation and mistake. Does anyone, based on what we’ve seen Putin do, believe THAT?

@Kitt: Do you trust Coates.Wray and Pompeo–yes or no? I’m not sure if Trump does–are you? do you care?
We got 3 smart guys there that don’t always agree with Trump. You seem to buy into whatever Trump’s spouting/tweeting on any given day—aren’t you smarter than that Kitt.
Now he’s invited Putin to Wash to discuss agreements made in Helsinki??—-Wray and Coates not aware of invite.

I truly hope for the country’s sake that you are right in your evaluation of Trump–most of us are not so cock sure.

@Deplorable Me: SOME people don’t seem to remember when General McChrystal wanted troops for a spring offensive in Afghanistan and Obama was advised NOT to remove our troops from Iraq… smart people, advise ignored… no problem.

@richard wheeler: I told you before Trust no one, How does an ultra light get into a no fly zone over the President? Not a shot fired, there were 2 with rifles on the roof, just watching dude buzz in with his moronic banner, he should have been shot down long before he reached the building. Arrested later isnt good enough, not good enough by a long shot.
Trump flipping around after he came home, tired maybe, or was it because one his SS agents wasnt coming home to his kids.
How many times does he have to say he thinks Russia meddled 10, 20, 50 before the propaganda bafoons hear it once?
Did you really want the alternative? Uruguay seemed like a likely country to flee to had she taken the Presidency.

@kitt: Uruguay has beautiful beaches punta del este is beautiful. Pina del Mar in Chile is our choice.
Assume you don’t trust Trump any more than the rest–that makes sense.
Trump’s problem is what he ACTUALLY SAID in Helsinki.

Who do you trust and why?

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump’s problem is what he ACTUALLY SAID in Helsinki.

No, it’s YOUR problem because you have an acute case of TDS.

How about what Obama said in respect to Russia? His red lines, reset button, et al. What he said totally conflicts with what he actually did. What Trump said is not what he is doing, which is being tougher on Russia (I guess the left has finally gotten the 1980’s foreign policy back) than Obama ever was.

Of course, as the left now has it’s Russian hate on, while they supported Russia during the Obama reign, the fact that it was the Chinese, not the Russians, that hacked Hillary, is being totally ignored by the lame stream media.

@retire05: At this point I don’t give a damn what BHO did—-As you know I blasted him for not bombing Assad when red line crossed.
Trump is our CURRENT problem—IMO he’s off the rails and flip flopping like a fish. For the sake of our country. I hope he gets his head screwed on
Not just the left questioning his recent statements/actions..

@Richard Wheeler: Trust and respect are earned not granted. I have never been to Uruguay just researching and it came to the top. I certainly would have traveled there had the election turned out differently, I try to always have a plan B. Beach property too expensive, 10 to 15 acres a bit more into the interior near some small town, the climate, the cost of living, good medical, low crime ect ect ect.

@retire05: Yeah, the left doesn’t care about the gigantic mistake they made electing the greatest disaster to ever hit Pennsylvania Avenue…TWICE. Now it’s time to bitch about the guy that has to clean up their mess.

@Deplorable Bill: Oh how they cried about the mess Bush left behind, yet how was it fixed? Double the debt and zero results.

@Deplorable Bill, #83:

Says someone that voted for a candidate who was illegally assisted by Vladimir Putin, acclaimed by Kim Jong un, and endorsed by the KKK.

@Richard Wheeler:

At this point I don’t give a damn what BHO did

Of course not. To point off the total inadequacy
of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. is not allowed for those with TDS

—-As you know I blasted him for not bombing Assad when red line crossed.

Whohoo!!! In all the screw ups by Obama, you objected to one of them. Forceful.

Trump is our CURRENT problem—IMO he’s off the rails

Of course that’s your opinion. You don’t like Trump and it doesn’t matter a tinker’s damn what he does, you won’t like it. Instead, you’ll eat up the words of Shit-For-Brains Schiff and “The Schmuck” Schumer. You’re a liberal, RW, and your opinion of any Republican president is going to be negative, even with record unemployment, especially among minorities, businesses agreeing to train blue collar trades, pressure being put on the Communist world that should have happened under the Obama regime.

If it wasn’t for left wing propaganda websites, Greggie would be mute.

“Left wing propaganda websites,” as opposed to what?

@retire05: It’s Fox commentators that are ripping Trump–he’ makes himself an easy target for scorn from all parts of the political spectrum.
Gotta say Trumpists here are doing their best–can’t be easy. How’s Chairman Un doing on fulfilling his promises to DT and Pompeo?

@rich wheeler:The new Democrat bull, Everytime a man votes a woman voting is silenced…Dont be selfish men sit this one out… Midterms This time lets make Herstory.
So Dem men dont be selfish!
That is funny. It’s time for men in the democratic party to STEP ASIDE. Women are the only ones who can vote responsibly.
While you are at it put on this collar.


Says someone that voted for a candidate who was illegally assisted by Vladimir Putin, 

Assisted how? Please elaborate or retract.

acclaimed by Kim Jong un

Stating the obvious is hardly acclaim, but he sure changed his tune after Trump promised to kick his ass, didn’t he? Strength gets respect, Obama’s weakness got disrespect.

and endorsed by the KKK.

The Klan endorsed Hillary AND contributed to her campaign.

Left wing propaganda websites,” as opposed to what?

As opposed to nothing. All left wing sites are propaganda.

@kitt: Funny I’d say Repub Party has traditionally been white men from rich to redneck and the women who obey them.

@richard wheeler: Love honor and obey, its part of the deal collar wearer.

No long-term vision here…

July 19 — Endangered Species Act stripped of key provisions in Trump administration proposal

The planet is currently in the midst of its 6th mass extinction event. At the current rate of species disappearance, 30% to 60% of all currently existing species could be extinct by mid-century—that is, in a bit over 30 years.

Nor here…

July 11 — Iowa nursing homes benefit from Trump’s regulatory rollbacks

Lobbyists for Iowa’s nursing home industry called federal regulators last month and thanked them for lowering fines imposed on facilities that deliver substandard patient care.

“None of that surprises me, unfortunately,” said Toby Edelman of the nonprofit Center for Medicare Advocacy. “The current administration has been marching in complete lockstep with the industry. And, really, the first thing they did was go after the enforcement system.”

Nor here…

July 18 — EPA rolls back Obama-era coal ash regulations

According to the EPA, there are over 1,000 coal ash disposal sites across the country, many of them constructed in the 1950s and 1960s, well before any sort of regulations.

Holleman, the Southern Environmental Law Center attorney, said he can’t imagine a more precarious way to manage this waste.

“Millions of tons of industrial waste directly on the banks of major drinking water reservoirs that serve hundreds of thousands of people,” he said, “that’s a recipe for disaster.”

In the past decade, there have been two major coal ash spills in the US. In 2008, a break in a dam at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Kingston power plant sent over a billion gallons of coal ash cascading into the Clinch River. The black sludge blanketed over 300 acres, inundating the area around Kingston, Tennessee. The spill destroyed three homes and damaged a dozen others. Scientists found fish contaminated with high levels of arsenic and selenium months after the spill.

I view Donald Trump as a greed-driven enabler of human stupidity. The evidence that I’m correct is rapidly piling up.

@kitt: A happy wife’s a happy life—YOU OBEY your husband—there it is.

My lovely South American wife not much on politics—-till she heard DT’S “rapist drug dealers” speech—ouch.—“who the F is he” then the Hollywood Access Video–“how can any self respecting woman vote for ###”

@rich wheeler: Yes I do, he has final word on all decisions, a ship must have a captain, an army a general. If I didnt think he could be a wise leader I wouldnt have married him. My voice is not shut down my opinion is sought out. I will not undermine a decision I may not agree with.
The access hollywood tape just shows some women have no self respect if a guy has enough money, Weinstein proves some will debase themselves and let it happen to others for money. Listen to the tape he never says he grabbed anyone, he says they would let him. Many men would take the advantage if they could. Slick Willie is a good example.

@Greg: The greenies are pushing limits, for the sake of 6 minnows a dam that could provide pollution free electricity to many thousands is halted. Fly and coal ash have other uses, nearly free soil additives, in cement, and in wallboard, get some real scientists and engineers to find more uses. Do you know where the floride in your drinking water comes from , yet no scientific proof it is good for your teeth, and banned in europe. Wolves reintroduced here are becoming a threat to humans and domesticated animals I think they need to begin a hunting season on them like bears, or captured and put in your back yard.

@kitt: blame the women??
You blindly accept your Captains decisions?
The greenies are trying to save where we live and protect our animals.

There are plenty more moving fast to destroy what we have.

@rich wheeler: Yes liberal women prositutes, you cant rape the woman who chases after it.

I cant stand it Rich you are so hook line and sinker. My sides hurt.
There is no one so blind as those that will not see.

@kitt: Prostitutes?? Debasers?? “And I assume some are good people.”
Debasers would be guys like Weinstein, Clinton and Trump

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