Trump’s Long Term Vision


Well into his second year in the Oval Office, President Trump has, by any objective measure of pro-freedom and applied common sense, accomplished more that most Presidents in memory.  That is, “more” with respect to moving America positively forward as a successful Nation, rather than allowing it to recede into stagnant oblivion, rushing over the cliff of socialism and into the abyss of communism.   


Ignore his personality. Look at the powerful results already accomplished.  Unlike too many of the CEOs made abnormally wealthy by Wall Street bankers who focus on thirty day results, Trump has brought an unusual mission to his Administration — long term goals, with strategies to stabilize the Nation’s foundations and invigorate its engines for long term stability.

Submerged in unsurprising ignorance, almost one hundred percent of the media whines about everything President Trump touches or thinks of touching.  The end of the world is announced each and every day.  For example, Trump’s “positioning” confrontations with the EU, Canada, China, or Mexico, on trade tariffs are met with uninformed loathing.  

The media would rather a President lead with submissive posturing, hoping, pleading, and begging for fairness from the Merkels and Macrons of the world. Is it really a surprise that the levels of EU tariffs on American-made cars have minimized that market for the U.S.?  The media disparages the strategy as an attack on our allies, and accuses Trump of having “protectionist trade policies”, using the term protectionist as a derogatory and condescending term.  No, he’s for pro American worker trade policies.  And the roof isn’t going to fall in.

Trump clearly does not want to waste time taking the long road that past Presidents have taken to nowhere.  He knows what he needs to achieve with his strategy and he has executed for maximum results in a timely manner.  

Is it a surprise that Merkel has already announced that she is ready to reduce German tariffs?  The MSM must be astonished that Germany sells more cars to the US than the rest of it’s EU comrades.  The MSM must be really confounded into a stupor by discovering the fact that Germany is racing toward outright energy dependence on Russia as it fills Putin’s coffers with billions of dollars.

Isn’t it peculiar that Obama, Bush and Clinton didn’t care enough for America’s manufacturing infrastructure to attempt anything remotely like what Trump is actually getting done?   He’s even offering zero tariffs. How’s that for a gambit?  Zero tariffs isn’t likely to occur, but oh, everybody run, the roof is going to cave in. 

The roof will also not cave in when our European allies finally begin contributing their fair share of NATO costs.  The media feigned dismay and shock when Trump told the NATO member states, “. . . You gotta pay your bills.”   If the world believes the neo-Marxist media, Trump is declaring an attack on our allies. Instead, these unbalanced, bias-blinded observers should welcome a President thinking about fairness for America’s taxpayers, and the long term benefit of a more balanced relationship with Europe. 

For the near term, some of  us will enjoy the unqualified and ignorant media’s reaction to the President’s dressing down of Germany for its cozy multibillion dollar energy entanglement with Putin’s Russia. In that stroke Trump is also exposing the insanity of the “collusion” lie which the left has been chanting since election night. 

Western Europe has long been conflicted on its Russian and Iranian affiliations.  Much like Canada and its complete dependence on China for financing, building, and filling a million condos feeding its out-of-control immigration industry. Not a word against China’s tech thefts, or cash laundering, healthcare abuse, etc., or you’ll be attacked with accusations of racism.  Canada’s senior bankers, just like the EU’s senior bankers, control the political landscape.  Their wealth comes first.  

In their midsts this week, and as the CEO of the world’s most powerful Nation, Trump is an unwelcome disrupter.  Unlike Obama who had a deep need to be liked internationally, Trump is a cyclone deliberate on moving toward long term international stability rather than the destabilizing path his predecessors have accepted.  He is impeding globalists’ long term plans for a border-less western world, accelerated through counter-cultural and overwhelming “multiculturalism”. 

This contemptible media-fuelled absurdity feigns “caring” while knowing full well the inevitable outcome of weakening America and Europe through socialism.  The daily barrage of sanctimonious hypocrisy from talking heads across America and Western Europe lacks common sense, and is void of basic intelligence. 

So let’s take a closer look.  Notice that the media fears confronting the reality that Gerhard Schroeder is unabashedly sitting as director of numerous Russian energy companies controlled by Putin’s Gazprom and now sits as a director of Gazprom itself.   Does anyone notice the irony in the fact that Schroeder, Merkel’s predecessor, guides Putin’s energy empire, while Germany, the world’s fourth largest economy, is committed to annually feeding billions of dollars to Russia?  Is it surprising that Schroeder is lambasting President Trump, and telling Merkel to ignore the President’s call for spending 2% on defence?  Schroeder is in effect a member of Putin’s administration.  Germany’s enormous energy deals with Putin, places it squarely within Russia’s sphere of influence. How’s that for evidence of a malignant political class leading the western world?  

Germany, the EU’s leader, cannot be beholden to Putin while at the same time respond to President Trump’s demands to strengthen its commitment to remain a strong force against Russia.  It makes little sense that our media applauds Merkel’s shovelling of billions to Putin, while it attacks Trump’s tightening of sanctions on Russia.   It is beyond the bounds of reasoning minds that the media would worship Merkel, but denigrate President Trump. 

From their ivory towers in Brussels the authoritarians dispense decrees that macerate personal freedoms across all of Europe. The millions of America’s left who worship this globalist collectivism, do not comprehend the consequences. Their leaders understand — they all dream of being Lenins, or Stalins, or Maos, or Xis, and the flapping lips in the media are their co-conspirators.  

None of this bodes well for the American Constitution.  The left must change it and eventually replace it. It will be unrelenting until God given rights and liberty are wiped from America’s foundation.  

Trump, with all of his flaws, seems one of the few in power standing against the neo-Marxist wave which seeks to weaken America, just as it has weakened Europe.   

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Does anyone notice the irony in the fact that Schroeder, Merkel’s predecessor, guides Putin’s energy empire, while Germany, the world’s fourth largest economy, is committed to annually feeding billions of dollars to Russia?

Or how about the coincidence that Merkel is cozying up to Putin and she is from communist East Germany?

Trump, with all of his flaws, seems one of the few in power standing against the neo-Marxist wave which seeks to weaken America, just as it has weakened Europe.

And THAT’S why he is hated and attacked by the left and their manipulate gang of professional protesters.

Donald Trump is the right man at the right time to keep America from slipping under the globalism waves.
The only ones who want globalism are those few elites who think they’d end up either in charge of it or, at the very least, protected (perhaps behind tall walled gated communities) under it.
All of the poor oppose it even as the globalists use them as pawns.
Workers who understand it oppose it, too, although globalists use union (globalist) leaders to pull the wool over as many of their eyes as possible.
Professionals oppose it, even as they race from country to country competing for fewer and fewer well-paying jobs.

My question is, how do these elites plan to keep their Muslim “pawns” under their thumbs?
The EU has no army.
Less then 4% of their population would even take up arms in defense of their lands.
History shows that, sure, the elites are among the last to be viciously murdered by hoards of barbarians when they take over, but murdered they are.
Maybe those floating super yachts are their plan….
Or, maybe they thought the USA would run to their defense.
Trump is teaching them a lesson on that score.

@Nanny G: Trumps co-author on Art Of The Deal warns us DT is losing his mind—it certainly seems that way..
This guy has known Trump for many years.

Our government no longer works as designed it has become forced compliance, well we didnt comply by not voting Hillary, or give up and not vote at all. The Media working as part of the government has brainwashed reprogrammed thousands into being violent & mindless or compliant fool cheering when the government teaches “them” a lesson. A General, a campaign manager, ect they were with “him” he is insane, dangerous, and every other foul thing humanity needs to be protected from. Accusation pushed by the media is proof enough, yes bankrupt them, jail them, threaten them, they will spill the beans. That is not considered witness tampering, because its done by the government for “us”, to protect “us”. If you are not 100 % against “them” you are “them”.

@Richard Wheeler: Pfft recycled idea they tried that line already. Gee it worked with Goldwater, it isnt 1964 anymore.

@Kitt: Odd what liberals consider crazy. To them, growing the economy, creating GOOD jobs, addressing unfair tariffs, destroying ISIS, directly confronting threats to national security, facing off world leaders and telling them things they probably don’t want to hear, facing down our enemies and strengthening our allies is insane. Bowing, apologizing, wrecking our economy, luring in millions of illegal immigrants and promoting racial strife and political violence is what they consider, apparently, sanity.

@Richard Wheeler: Tony Schwartz got a 50-50 royalty for co-writing Art of the Deal.
That was in 1987.
It is STILL in the top 500 books sold annually.
But Schwartz is a screaming mad liberal.
So, when Donald Trump won the presidency he became offended by getting his $100,000+ annual royalty.
So, he gave it to a illegal alien charity.
Now he claims Trump has lost his mind???
He’s merely another liberal opponent of Trump who is willing to say anything to try to hurt him with his supporters.
Not buying it.
A military doctor said Trump was mentally and physically fit for office.
Him I trust.
But, boy!, did the liberal media have a conniption fit!

@Richard Wheeler:
Considering ALL Trump’s gotten done in a year and a half, we ought to hope that disease is contagious!

You Trumpists like the “summit?” Trump was had–set up by Vlad–Russians are gloating.
Trump backs Putin over HIS OWN ENTIRE intelligence community? Yes I think he needs mental evaluation—got on Air Force One with stooped shoulders—-he knows he’ll have a lot of explaining to do to all Americans except you hardened Trumpeteers.

Nan Schwartz says he wrote the book and regrets “putting lipstick on a pig.” What “illegal alien society?”

@Richard Wheeler: What else does Cable propaganda say? I cant wait to hear from you exactly what shit the freakshows pull out of thin air.

@Kitt: Obama, in a setting he thought was secluded and speaking words he thought would never be heard, promised Putin, through Medvadev, that after his last election, he would be free to do whatever Putin wanted him to do. Remember all the liberal outrage over Obama making the deal then to stand down and allow Putin to get involved in our elections? That must have been the agreement because that is precisely what Obama did.

Perhaps Putin wanted a refund for all the money he invested in making Hillary President.

@Kitt: Did you see the Putin-Trump news conference?–nuf said.
News? Are you waiting for DT’S spin–is that your only souuce–shameful Kitt—or get it from Bill—who missed where Putin SAID he wanted DT elected.

You 2 are in the tank–blame Obama lol

@richard wheeler:

or get it from Bill—who missed where Putin SAID he wanted DT elected.

Why would Putin want Shillary elected? #1) he knows how stupid she is (remember the reset button?), #2) he knows how crooked she is and #3) dictators don’t like competition.

What did Putin get from Obama?

1. A free hand in Georgia
2. A free hand in Syria
3. The betrayal of Poland vis a vis the missile shield
4. The betrayal of Ukraine by refusing to provide its governor with useful weapons
5. A whole bunch of our uranium via Uranium One
6. A deal allowing Russia’s Iranian allies to go nuclear
7. Failure to do anything about the same Russian actions that the media is now blaming Trump for. Instead his administration actually issued a stand down order.

What has Trump given to Putin? Nothing. He’s come to the defense of Poland and Ukraine when Obama wouldn’t.

If this is the media’s metric for treason, then Obama is a traitor. He not only praised Putin, he promised to make a sweetheart deal with Russia after the election was over.

That’s number 8.

President Obama was running for re-election in March 2012, when a live microphone picked up his whispered conversation with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Obama told Medvedev it was important for incoming President Vladimir Putin to “give me space” on missile defense and other difficult issues and that after the 2012 presidential election he would have “more flexibility.” Medvedev said he would “transmit” the message to Putin.

@retire05: #4, Hillary has provided him with loads of good blackmail material

#5, Hillary is a bargain. He can buy her cheap.

Keep in mind, no one was ever supposed to hear what Obama told Medvedev. Obama was promising to give the US away and he got caught. No telling what kind of deals he would have made with Russia had we not heard that conversation. As it is, all he did was allow Russia to interfere in our election, mainly because Hillary was supposed to win handily.

@retire05: Common now. You know there are two sets of standards: one the left has for themselves and a much higher one for the rest of us. Here is a compilation of all the criticisms the lefties here made when Obama was making nice nice to Putin. I put RW’s first. Enjoy the read:

Hopefully that didn’t take too long to read.

Obama’s gone—leading the good life like “W”

We got Trump who praises our enemies and bashes our friends–He’s going straight to Hannity tonight—Trumpeteers tune in for Trump news—I’ll be out.

AV–You gotta admit DT is a classless bore. No?
For the record I bashed Obama when he didn’t bomb the butcher Assad–Vlad’s buddy.

What did you think of Trump’s meek appearance with Putin?

Gotta love FA’s damage control in full swing–hilarious.

@another vet: You think Mueller will send investigators to Russia to question those he has indicted?

@Deplorable Me:

You think Mueller will send investigators to Russia to question those he has indicted?

The ball is now in his court and I think that’s part of what has the lefties’ panties in a wad. There are numerous IT experts out there, some of who worked for the NSA, who still claim the “hacking” was an inside job because of download speeds etc. I’d still trust Putin as far as I could throw him. The only President who took a hard line with him was GWB and the left bashed him for it. Romney also said he was going to take a hard line with him and the left bashed him for it. Obama treated him with kid gloves and the left defended him. I think Trump could have done better but no matter what he would have done the left was going to bash him for it. Let them pound sand.

@James Raider:

To hear the left whining, nothing short of Trump walking into that meeting wielding a Kalashnikov, shooting Putin in the knee and making demands approved by Chuck (The Schmuck) Schumer would have been satisfactory. Amazing how Schmuck Schumer is asserting that the Russian involvement has been proven. Remind me again when the Russians had a trial. I seem to have forgotten that part.

All the left wing “journalists” who are crying in their beer are clearly not businessmen (maybe that is why they’re trying to sell lines, not products) and don’t understand the first rule of business; treat your adversaries with respect. You get zip with disrespect.

I also find it odd that the indictment of the Russians never mentioned the fact that there was also an effort to hack the RNC computers but they had a better firewall than the DNC. Odd, right? And what did Trump get? Putin agreeing to let our FBI interrogate those Russian agents. That is a BIG deal, and one that Obama would have never gotten,


And what did Trump get? Putin agreeing to let our FBI interrogate those Russian agents. That is a BIG deal, and one that Obama would have never gotten,

In watching the Chris Wallace interview of Putin, there is a treaty already in place that allows for this. Apparently, Mueller could have asked for this but hasn’t… for some odd reason. Also, for some odd reason, no one has mentioned the existence of any such treaty (if it indeed exists).

I don’t think this was Trump’s finest hour but I am sure he was pissed and put off balance by Mueller’s grandstanding indictment of people he has no intention of prosecuting. He should trust and rely on the IC, but one should understand why he would have his doubts; they have done nothing but lie about and to him and try to damage or destroy him. THEY could make some effort to establish mutual trust as well.

@Deplorable Me: Trump knew damn well the indictments were coming and when the announcement was going to be just before the planned meeting. With them hinting the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming with lawyers this makes it a popcorn moment, I’m getting tired of popcorn may just get the jujubes, milk duds and free refill size soda. Now 2 hours 2 hours alone with Putin we know Putin knows things….gave him a bugged soccer ball to be in on the fun when Trump gets back on AF1 lol.

@Kitt: THERE’S the impeachable offense; Trump accepted a bribe!

@Deplorable Me: Not really he could just leave it behind at the end of his term as a gift to the USA, put it next to the bust of Churchill.

@Kitt: Just don’t let Hillary get ahold of it. It would hold a lot of wine.

@Deplorable Me:

I don’t think this was Trump’s finest hour but I am sure he was pissed and put off balance by Mueller’s grandstanding indictment of people he has no intention of prosecuting.

Let’s not forget the hero of the Democrats and Barack Obama; Khrushchev completely ran over JFK and just two months after that meeting in Vienna, Russia built the Berlin Wall. JFK came home bloodied and beaten. JFK then risked nuclear war with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Obama’s hot mic moment made it clear that Obama was not in control but rather was asking for more time to appease Putin.

No, this was not Trump’s finest hour, but compared to former presidents, it, for me, doesn’t rank up there warranting Trump being called a traitor. Schumer, who was alive during the JFK days, now says he has never seen such bad behavior in a president. Schumer must have long term memory loss.


No, this was not Trump’s finest hour,

It wasn’t i think he should have been way more forceful, but what do you do if you are POTUS and you know that there is an “insurance plan” that was put in place to bring down your presidency and some of the people involved in that are some of the same people who indicted the Russians? Unfortunately, we are now at a point where you can’t trust Putin or your some of your own people.

BTW, whereasTrump hit Putin up about the meddling, did anyone see where Putin hit Trump up about the hundreds of Russians our troops wacked in Syria? You’d think if he thought Trump was pushover he would have made a HUGE deal about it.

@another vet:

No one was in that personal meeting with Putin but Trump, Putin and the interpreters. So for the left to go off the rails when they really have no idea what was discussed, or what was agreed upon, just shows that the left is not interested in the final results, only getting even for having such a miserable candidate as Hillary, who they thought was a shoe-in.

They also forget what a foreign relations disaster that both JFK and Obama were. One little tidbit that old Greggie Gobbles will never bring up is Obama’s interference in the elections in Israel. Obama sent one of his top guys from Organizing for Obama (which morphed in Organizing for America) to Israel to defeat Netanyahu. How is that not “traitorous?”


Obama’s hot mic moment made it clear that Obama was not in control but rather was asking for more time to appease Putin.

What it showed was that Obama WANTED to appease Putin. Putin had already entered Crimea, wrapped Obama around his finger (or some other digit) in Syria. Still, Obama wanted to appease Putin, probably to suck up so Putin would help Obama swing that “wonderful” Iran deal.

No, this was not Trump’s finest hour, but compared to former presidents, it, for me, doesn’t rank up there warranting Trump being called a traitor.

Indeed not. If anything, it will make things harder for Putin.

Obama sent one of his top guys from Organizing for Obama (which morphed in Organizing for America) to Israel to defeat Netanyahu. How is that not “traitorous?”

Well, because Obama did it. You know, the ends and all that stuff.


So for the left to go off the rails when they really have no idea what was discussed, or what was agreed upon, just shows that the left is not interested in the final results, only getting even for having such a miserable candidate as Hillary, who they thought was a shoe-in.

The dummies believed their own propaganda. If this was done properly, Trump should have been given, or he should have asked for, the evidence before he went (he was told ahead of time the indictments were coming) that way when Putin denied it, he could have threw it in his face, that’s assuming there is evidence. You’d like to think so but given the coup that is going on, how can we be sure especially when there are NSA IT folks out there still claiming it was an inside job because of download speeds etc.?

Obama sent one of his top guys from Organizing for Obama (which morphed in Organizing for America) to Israel to defeat Netanyahu.

Now that the praetorian guard has set a precedent, perhaps their comrade Obama will be indicted by the countries whose elections he interfered with (France, Germany, Israel).

Fantastic writeup Ace!

Sometimes, as I watch the lefty news, I imagine what it would be like for the news to be presented with some honest evaluation, not opinions, of what Trump’s objectives might be. Even call it, The Method behind his madness. But to at least be intellectually curious about what he is doing and why he is doing it. The media adds such little value to the overall picture. In reality, they might as well come up with some PowerPoint slides that put up the talking points to every action that he takes or words that he speaks. They are like a broken record and cannot fathom anyone, including the President of the US, taking sides with our country instead of everyone else. Why? Because. Because America is bad. We have been the imperialist nation that saved the world and grew to become the world’s largest economy by simply taking advantage of everyone else. As you point out, it is as if they have no clue just how tyrannical the EU and the folks in Brussels are, and will increasingly become, as their power grows over the continent.

I commend your thoughts and sharing of a clear and poignant list of many things that are going on. It really isn’t rocket science if you follow things on a regular basis. But even so, there are a lot of “hidden” scams going on that a true negotiator like Trump knows about and is calling people out on.

Like the appearance of taking sides with Russia/Putin over the US Intelligence services. After what we have been witnessing over the last year and a half from Mueller’s investigation and Russia-gate, I simply don’t see anything wrong with saying so. I don’t trust them either. Nor do I have any faith in our so-called Justice system. And I won’t until some of the real Traitors to our country are tried and put behind bars, for life. No deals. They did the crime, they do the time.

“Said would instead of wouldn’t,”

yes instead of no—–up instead of down..

can’t remember which foot it was.

He wants to be Putin’s buddy—He should stick to grabbin em rather than being one.

@Richard Wheeler: “Oh, but I’m a tough guy too! I got mad at Barry for not taking shots at Syria back when! See, I can be tough too!”

Sheesh! What a douche.

@Mongoose: Concur on Trump a douche.
Glad to see you’re not a mindless Trumpeteer—thinks he can simply change what he said and his mindless lemmings would fall in step. You’re not stupid enough to buy in.
Damn right BHO screwed up when red line crossed and he didn’t take out Assad.

Semper Fi—when did you serve?

@Mongoose: Weakness and surrender are a mainstay among liberals. Therefore, they have no idea what a leader looks like. Trump made one mistake with one word and he his called a traitor. That’s liberal-think for you.

@Deplorable Bill: If Trump trusts the deep state more than Putin he is a fool, I dont think he does, they have given him no reason to believe.
One an open adversary the other smiles in you face and has a sharp knife for your back.
Onward to make America great, let them expose themselves as anti-American poop-chutes.

@kitt: It’s a shame that a President has to do his job without being able to trust most of the organizations around him. General Mattis may be the only trustworthy person he has.

@Deplorable Me: Shame is dead , we just need to ignore the distractions and move on with what needs to be done. Let them have their hissy fits . My neighbor is a democrat and said to me what she doesnt like is Trump bragging on the accomplishments, I had to tell her Obama didnt do that cause he had none.


My neighbor is a democrat and said to me what she doesnt like is Trump bragging on the accomplishments, I had to tell her Obama didnt do that cause he had none.

And he had the media to make them up and brag about them.

@Richard Wheeler: A “dense” douche at that. Sad. Very sad.

@Richard Wheeler: Richard, you are really despicable in your use of that honored slogan “Semper Fi.”

To have served this country, I will give you the benefit of the doubt on that one, and yet be so outspoken about Trump and like so many, probably said nary a word of criticism against our feckless leader, B. Hussein, indicates to me that you have some serious issues.

And then to hold up Semper Fi as a shield or badge of courage, and maybe that is all it is to you … a opportunistic slogan for the slime ball you appear to be, is beyond the pale. Your comments on this site reveal your complete ignorance and lack of fidelity for the country. That you would side with the Left and it’s socialist. communist designs, shows you to be among the biggest fools in the world. And there are plenty.

So don’t try to twist my words into something that resembles support for your lack of critical thinking ability. So STFU and go away. Alpha Mike Foxtrot. Out.

@Mongoose: You’re off your wheels. I did call Obama to task in Syria–can’t you read?
I’ve followed ‘ ‘CAN’T REMEMBER WHICH FOOT IT WAS’ Trump for over 40 years–I didn’t like him as a Dem or Reform or whatever he choose to be–he’s a boldfaced liar. I voted for fellow V.N vet Marine Officer Jim Webb.

Sorry if my humor offended you—you’re obviously a Trumpist. I don’t gotta like him and I don’t.

@Mongoose: I’ve never understood how someone that purportedly has such reverence for military service supports the party and people who hate and denigrate the military and military service. When you figure that out, let me know.

@rich wheeler: Thought you were off to Spain when you go have fun. What do you think of Sen Cohen calling for a violent coup? Is he trying to compete against Mad Max for being really really stupid? if convicted he could serve 20 years in the clink 18 U.S.C. § 2385 – U.S. Code – Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government
At the very least a censure should be called for.

@kitt: If he goes to jail, maybe he can get a Purple Heart for his sore butthole.

@kitt: I’m leaving for Spain 8/4.
Former Repub. Senator Bill Cohen of Maine? Didn’t see his comments.—violent coup? think not.

Bill You saying guys like Jim Webb and Connor Lamb aren’t Patriots??—and Trump is–that a joke??

@kitt: Trump said he trusted Putin over Coates, Pompeo and Wray—he appointed all three–you agree with that? Do other Trumpists here believe that
Trump looks weak–what’s assassin Putin got on him?–why has Putin got high approval #’s from Repubs?

I believe DT is facing a come to Jesus moment—can he honestly tell the American people what he believes ie the truth.

@Richard Wheeler: Democrat Sen Cohen Tennesee who thinks Strzok deserves the same medal that our service people get for losing limbs, wants the military to rise up and take the Whitehouse, you dont think it would become violent the secret service vs invaders of the White House? The civil war between Armed voters vs banana republic style coupsters.
Quote: Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.
“Enemy” when did we declare war?
unhinged Rich this guy acts like he has a brain tumor.

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