That SCOTUS travel ban vote was both revealing and frightening and other bad news for liberals



About that blue wave…

Along with some of my liberal friends, democrats are convinced of the existence of a blue wave coming in November of this year and then 2020. I hate to burst the bubble, but the reality is not in accordance with that notion. The left has merged with the far left and America is not on the bus. To wit:

Kamala Harris (D-Whackjob) is blathering something about the Constitution being destroyed

California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris said there would be the “destruction of the Constitution” if President Donald Trump got to pick the Supreme Court justice to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy, Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Hardball with Chris Matthews.”

“We’re looking at a destruction of the Constitution of the United States as far as I can tell based on all the folks he’s been appointing thus far for lifetime appointments,” Harris told Matthews on Wednesday night. “He’s been appointing ideologues, he’s been appoint people who have refused to agree that Brown v. Board of Education is settled law.”

Trump picked a strict constructionist in Neil Gorsuch. The Constitution is not in danger from Trump. It is the left that jeopardizes it. They view the Constitution as something that can toyed with and twisted at social whim. The evidence for that is in the vote on Trump’s travel ban. Most people do not comprehend how important and telling that vote was. Trump absolutely held the legal and Constitutional authority to implement a travel ban on the appropriate countries. Led by Sotomayor, the liberals in SCOTUS voted against the travel ban NOT for legal reasons, but for what they perceived to be Trump’s motives. In other words, they would vote against the First Amendment if Trump used it to his advantage. They’re legislating, not ruling on the law.

That is why liberals should NOT be part of SCOTUS.

Now for the rest of the bad news for liberals

Twice as many people now think the country is going in the right direction in contrast to the end of Obama’s term:

(From Rasmussen Reports)

Forty-two percent (42%) of all voters say the country is headed in the right direction. This figure ran in the mid- to upper 20s for most weeks during the last year of Obama’s presidency.

Just 40% think America would be better off today if Hillary Clinton had been elected president in 2016.

Fifty-one percent (51%) blame Trump for his bad relationship with the media, but only 40% think it is possible for the president to do anything the media will approve of. Voters are also more distrustful of the political news they are getting than they have been in years.

Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters also agree with the Democratic gubernatorial candidate from Wisconsin who said last week that his party is “pickled in identity politics and victimology.”

In a survey three years ago, the North and South still didn’t see eye-to-eye on the cause of the U.S. Civil War 150 years after it ended, but one-out-of-three Americans didn’t even know when that cataclysmic conflict took place.

Ex-Clinton aide: 84 percent of Americans support turning undocumented immigrants over to authorities

Prominent Democratic pollster Mark Penn said on Thursday that a vast majority of Americans don’t really support so-called sanctuary cities that shield immigrants in the country illegally from deportation.

Penn, who served as chief strategist for Hillary Clinton‘s 2008 presidential campaign, revealed that 84 percent of Americans favor turning undocumented immigrants over to federal agents.

“I asked them, ‘Do you think notifying ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] would in fact increase crime because it would inhibit people from reporting crimes or does it decrease crimes because it takes criminals off the street,’ and they overwhelming said ‘decrease,’ ” Penn told Hill.TV’s “Rising.”

Penn said the response was strikingly “out of sync” with what the public might think about sanctuary cities. The broad term refers to cities that don’t fully cooperate with federal authorities when it comes to turning over people in the country illegally to immigration enforcement.

“When someone’s arrested, they expect someone will notify federal immigration authorities just as they would expect someone who violates state tax law will find out that they notified the IRS,” the pollster said.

51% of Americans think the wall is a good idea

As Townhall previously reported, a CBS poll released today showed that more Americans than not want illegal alien families either detained or deported all together. But, that same poll shows that 51% of Americans believe that a wall along the United States southern border is a good thing, even if that structure does not span coast-to-coast.

According to the poll, 32% of Americans believe that “a wall along the U.S. Mexican border” is a “good idea that can probably be completed.” 19% of those polled answered that the wall is a “a good idea that should be tried, even if it cannot be completed.”  48% of the 2063 adults polled said the wall was a “bad idea.”

The CBS poll was conducted last week from June 21-June 22. The poll comes after nearly two weeks of intense national scrutiny of the Trump administration regarding its handling of the southern border child migrant crisis. Democratic officials, liberals, and moderate Republicans have blasted President Trump for his “zero tolerance” policy of separately detaining illegal alien children from their parents when caught crossing the Mexican-American border.


POLL: Black Americans Prefer Deportation Of Illegal Immigrants

According to a CBS News/YouGov poll, a full 40% of black Americans feel that illegal immigrant families should be deported back to their country of origin.

Compare that to just 20% of black Americans who believe that detained illegal immigrant families should be released while they await an asylum hearing, for which many do not return. Only 20% of white Americans agree with “Catch and Release.”

It seems that both a majority of black Americans and white Americans agree thatillegal immigrants should be sent home and done so humanely. A majority in all polls regarding the issue also disagree with children being separated from their families while they await asylum hearings.

Despite that, the Democrats have made “Catch and Release” one of their signature policies on illegal immigration as the 2018 midterm elections close in. But polls suggest that this has already begun to work against them, weakening their chances of taking back the House and Senate.


All I can say is “Keep it up!”

Bonus: Want to know why Trump calls it fake news? Because they keep proving him right


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Flooding us with so called Refugees is all part of the NWO lead by the CFR and the Useless Nations and the Democrat Party

I noticed that, despite his name being Hispanic, he was, at least at first, termed a white man in his 20’s by the media.
Later we learn he’s almost 40 and Hispanic.

Will Dems young commie, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, – who took an elder stateman Dem’s place in the House – be able to win the general election when she stands for “open borders,” the end of Israel, guaranteed gov’t jobs for all, and, oh, yeah, for the impeachment of resident Trump?
I doubt many moderate dems will vote for her.
And, to a less extreme extent, Dems are seeing this all over as uber-libs win while moderate dems lose their primaries.
It’s all down to low turnout in primaries.
Every congressional district has ~ 700,000 people.
Ocasio-Cortez beat out Joe Crowley 15,000 to 11,000.
Nobody showed.

“We’re looking at a destruction of the Constitution of the United States as far as I can tell based on all the folks he’s been appointing thus far for lifetime appointments,” Harris told Matthews

This from someone who hates the Constitution and the rule of law, as expressed by her support for sanctuary cities in direct violation of federal immigration law.

Trump picked a strict constructionist in Neil Gorsuch. The Constitution is not in danger from Trump. It is the left that jeopardizes it. They view the Constitution as something that can toyed with and twisted at social whim.

They view it as something that stands in the way of the liberal agenda and is only useful when it can be used to impede the rights and privileges of the right.

Led by Sotomayor, the liberals in SCOTUS voted against the travel ban NOT for legal reasons, but for what they perceived to be Trump’s motives.

And yet, based on the powers Trump has as President, even if he wanted to ban people solely on the basis of their religion…. or anything else… he HAS THAT RIGHT. Beyond any possible doubt, all this time, money and effort was wasted for the one express purpose of opposing anything and everything Trump does.

I think all of this is due to the erosion of public faith in the obviously biased media. Disbelieving EVERYTHING the media says is not healthy, but if one does, they will be accidentally right far more than they would be wrong to do so. The answer to that is not to disregard the media, but for the media to disregard their emotional bias and liberal bent and actually report the news as it is. Who knows, perhaps some of THEM may experience an epiphany.

All that being said, the media controls the outcome of the election with their propaganda UNLESS people suspect their message and research their own answers… a pretty tall order. But, there is an abundance of indications that the “blue wave” may indicate a mood after the election than a tremendous liberal victory.

@Nanny G: She will most likely win, FREE ICE CREAM, the socialists will not tell the entire truth yes you get a government job, but only one that they choose, you take an test, this test says you are best suited to shovel out the stalls of the police horses, but that fine job is not available it went to the ze with a masters degree in social equality and the dangers of consumerism in a narrasistic patriarchy and how to tie that into global climate change.

dr (yeah right) john, I have no idea of the nature of your so-called “liberal friends” so let me be clear, all indications point to the reality that like trump, you are a goddamn liar, but I think that claim that “democrats are convinced of the existence of a blue wave coming in November” is just another lie that you have allowed your ultra-partisan and rancid racist mind to construe as true. Most on every front that I’m aware are more realistic and understand the numbers. Most, like myself, realize the stars just aren’t aligned and the math just isn’t our favor in this election cycle. We may very well take the House and possibly many state and local seats but the Senate is indeed a tall order.

Of course, you can spew whatever nonsensical and intentionally dishonest trump-butt-suck brownshirt propaganda you like I suppose,

@Ajay42302: I am sure it is the alignment of the stars and the math that will determine the outcome of this election cycle. It could never be the radical left finally going over board and chasing away long time voters. How can promising to raise taxes, opening borders, finding good in MS 13 members and supporting personal attacks against public servants have any thing to do with voter attitudes and changes in candidate support.

@Randy: Yeah, now AJ supports radical Islamic terrorists and MS-13 in the US. Did you see that the idiot accused Dr. John of making up the “blue wave” hope Democrats had or still have? Like any good liberal, AJ believes others are as stupid as he is and cannot remember the state of affairs from two months ago. He is a lying, no-question-answering coward.