The Week in Radical Leftism, 6/01/2018


It’s now unofficially summertime, but the insanity of The Radical Left never goes on holiday!

5/25 – New York Time: Democrats and NeverTrumpers “Quietly Align” to Meet, Scheme Ways of Defeating Republicans

Weird question, but can anyone here think of a comparable example happening on the other side? Obviously nothing on this scale but… anything?

5/26 – Oh, the Irony! Hogg Beclowned Himself With His Publix Stunt. [VIDEO]

There is something genuinely heartwarming about watching The Radical Left step on their own collective d***s.

5/27 – The Black Card.

Great video by Candace Owens for Prager U.

5/28 – Louisiana trial lawyers launch a litigious assault on the state’s energy sector

This week’s edition of “It’s time to go Master Blaster on The Radical Left”

5/29 – UK: Court-ordered News Blackout Lifted in Tommy Robinson Case

Make no mistake – The Radical Left would love nothing more than to bring this kind of authoritarianism here

5/29 – WATCH: RNC’s First MS-13 Ad Against Democrats Starring Pelosi. It’s Brutal.

Intelligently using Leftist stupidity against them? Who are these people, and what have they done with our RNC?

5/29 – Group Behind ‘Impeachment Now’ Sign Aims to ‘TAKE OUT SCALISE’

I’m at a rare loss for words on this one.

5/30 – Dear Ex-Friends in #TheResistance

This is one of those rare pieces that has me saying “I want to write like this some day when I grow up”. You’ll enjoy every minute of reading the whole thing, but here’s a taste:

Once you removed your pussy hat after attending the Women’s March, you made fun of Kellyanne Conway’s hair, Sarah Sanders’ weight, Melania Trump’s shoes, Hope Hicks’ death stare; you helped fuel a rumor started by a bottom-feeding author that U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley slept with Donald Trump. You thought it was A-OK that Betsy DeVos was nearly physically assaulted and routinely heckled.

5/31 – WATCH: Sarah Sanders Gives Strong Response To NBC Reporter Trying To Tie Trump To Roseanne

Sanders is a national treasure, and the Republican Press Secretary this country has needed for a long time

6/1 – WATCH: New Democrat Ad Most Over-The-Top Anti-Trump Yet

Comparing President Trump to Bin Laden. Thank you Democrats, for another ad in the #HowYouGotTrump campaign.

On a programming note, starting with this week these posts are going to get somewhat shorter. You might have noticed that last week I finally published two posts that were my first non-Week in Leftism posts in nearly six months. Yes, it’s been almost half a year! Anyway, I want to put more energy into those so I’ll be putting in a little bit less here. Don’t worry, the roundups aren’t going away though! And for that matter a lot of the weekend links I pull are from from The Pirate’s Cove’s “Sorta Blogless Sunday” posts. If you tune in to my weekly summary a pingback from The Pirates Cove generally appears early Sunday afternoon. I’ve been meaning to give the site’s curator, William Teach, props for his links for a while, so now is as good a time as any. “But Brother Bob”, you might be saying, “Where is your new post for this week?” Fair question. I had hoped to get a piece published last night, but since it’s probably the most incendiary piece I’ve written yet, I want to choose every word carefully. Expect to see something Sunday or Monday night.

From the archives, with school years wrapping up we go back almost four years to Two Seemingly Unrelated Stories that Explain the DC School System.

On a lighter side, here’s a great story from The babylon Bee: Movement That Demands Forceful Silencing Of All Opposing Viewpoints Unsure Why Nation So Divided

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook

Image at the top of the post appears via The Earl of Taint

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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David Hogg him and his fellow Useful Idiots held a Die in it backfired on them David Hogg the Chump of the Year 2018. Democraps about Trump LIES LIES LIES

5/25 – New York Time: Democrats and NeverTrumpers “Quietly Align” to Meet, Scheme Ways of Defeating Republicans

Trump is a threat to the establishment. He can’t be bought and he can’t be intimidated. He is not trying to secure a future of book deals and speeches to make him rich; he already is. Many are very afraid.

5/26 – Oh, the Irony! Hogg Beclowned Himself With His Publix Stunt. [VIDEO]

Hopefully more will follow their lead and stop contributing to those who will turn on and vilify them. The left had Hogg-tied themselves by releasing an attention-whore monster.

5/27 – The Black Card.

I can happily say that I don’t know any of the entitled, victim-centric blacks. All whom I have known from school, sports and work all have this same ethic. It is, truly, widespread but is dwarfed by those who choose to use their race as a crutch.

5/28 – Louisiana trial lawyers launch a litigious assault on the state’s energy sector

This sort of ties into the subject above. Areas the NEED good jobs are stifled because of the ideology and greed that attacks an industry that provides the good paying, ground level jobs many, including minorities, could really use to pull themselves out of poverty. For the left, that is the LAST thing they want their indentured servants trying to do.

5/29 – UK: Court-ordered News Blackout Lifted in Tommy Robinson Case

Indeed, due to the 1st Amendment, the only weapon the left has to curtail free speech is their threats of intimidation and violence, which they freely employ. This indicates what they would do if there WAS no 1st Amendment.

5/29 – WATCH: RNC’s First MS-13 Ad Against Democrats Starring Pelosi. It’s Brutal.

Using liberal stupidity against them means you never run out of ammunition, but remember these are people who think Samantha Bee, Bill Maher and Trevor Noah are funny and provide news facts.

5/29 – Group Behind ‘Impeachment Now’ Sign Aims to ‘TAKE OUT SCALISE’

I’m sorry, is defeating Hillary considered a high crime or misdemeanor?

5/30 – Dear Ex-Friends in #TheResistance

As is proven by the kind of political garbage the left will vote, or try to vote, into office, all they really care about is that the person is a liberal. Success, failure, safety, threat, security, exposure, economic growth, economic disaster… none of that matters as much as just having that warm and gooey feeling that a liberal is in office and a conservative is not.

But when those fantasies didn’t come true, you turned to Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels for hope and inspiration. It will always be your low point.

Now, don’t be hasty and sell liberals short. Given a challenge, they always seem up to the task. After all, they still regard Al Sharpton as a viable authority on “race relations”, so they do have the resources to out-do their reverence for porn queens and scummy attorney’s who don’t pay their taxes.

This weeks song dedicated to the Democrat feminazis that now want to bash we who prefer men to cat collections.

@Brother Bob: How bout a lil country