Sunday Funnies


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If they realy wanted to remove a statue of a real terrorists remove the statue of Che in New York’s Central Park and Al Bore is a con man and Snake Oil Salesman selling his dangerous elixer to the gullible dumb enough to listen to his Malarkey and his dumb poem and we no longer have High Education its all Brainwashing and Indoctrination by Big Brother

This is what the world looks like through the eyes of a Trump voter.

These cartoons are way better then the liberal crap from Tom Toles,Rex Babin’ David Horsey and the rest of the Infernal Scribblers

Hey if a asian man can lose his job becuase his last name is Lee then what about Sheila Jackson Lee that mindless old hen for California

I wonder if some would,nt ever consitering pulling down and smashing to bits the Quetzakciatyle idol its dedicated to the Aztecs who commited Human Sacrifice or ending the burning man festival which is also a pagan festival