Obama’s Vampire Government…Raise Taxes Until The Well Is Dry


John Gibson had a quite interesting show this morning which illustrated the class warfare being waged against those who pay the majority of this country’s taxes. The caller, Howard, built a business up from scratch to a point where he made 3 million a year. He was having to pay 1 million of that in taxes and was sick of it, especially when they now want MORE! So what is he doing?

Moving to another country.


A Vampire government.

Just like a vampire they are never satisfied. They need a way to continue to ramp up entitlements and instead of cutting the out of control spending they instead want to raise taxes.

They won’t cut taxes because we all know the rich are evil right? Nevermind that they employ the majority of this nation. Nevermind that they already pay 97% of all taxes in this country. No, lets raise their taxes again and again and again and force them to pack up those businesses, lay off those employees, and go somewhere where they are appreciated….where they won’t be taxed to death.

Obama supporters called in afterwards to complain that Howard left because, “he makes enough money”

Like this guy…


Who in the hell are they to decide he makes enough money? Who in the hell is the government to decide he makes enough money?

The dream is to become successful, through hard work, ingenuity, and risk taking. Raising taxes will only stifle this dream. Who is going to work hard and take risks to become successful when they know the government will step in and take a majority of what you worked so hard to make?

Oh, and one other thing. There aren’t enough rich people to fix this economy, even if you confiscated every single dime from them (and many of them will be leaving just like Howard). So what will our government do?

Come after you and me next.

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The Poor Aren’t Buying Obama’s Class Warfare

Obama is forcing our troops to fight a politically correct war in Afghanistan; however, he is prosecuting his class warfare with no holds barred. Obama and the Democrats are the Navy SEALS of class warfare. Fortunately, his target audience, the poor, are not impressed with his ferocity. Obama’s support among the poorest Americans has dropped to an all time low, according to the latest Gallup poll. This, from CNS News:

Each week, Gallup publishes the president’s average approval rating for the previous week among four income brackets: those who earn $2,000 per month or less, those who earn between $2,000 and $4,999 per month, those who earn between $5,000 and $7,499 per month, and those who earn $7,500 per month or more.

For the week of April 4-10, Obama’s approval rating was 48 percent among those making $2,000 or less per month, and 46 percent among those in each of the three higher income brackets.

Mr. Tax-the-Rich is now under 50% support among all income brackets, garnering roughly the same level of support among low-income Americans as from the rich guys whom he detests.

While Republicans were never skilled at articulating how free markets offer the best jobs and cheapest products to the poor, Obama is the master. Even the most naive voter intuitively knows that Obama has impounded our natural resources and printed fake money. No matter how many welfare programs he tries to create, poor people will not take kindly to the pain they experience at the gas pump and in the supermarket. If Republicans would do a better job articulating the regressive effects of ethanol and farm subsidies and food commodities, Obama’s lowest approval rating would be among the poor.

Here is the latest report from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau regarding inflation on some of the most basic needs in Wisconsin:

* Apples increased 24 cents (18 percent) to $1.52 per pound.
* A gallon of whole milk increased 50 cents (17 percent) to $3.41 per gallon.
* One pound of bagged salad increased 33 cents (15 percent) to $2.48.
* A five-pound bag of flour increased 25 cents (12 percent) to $2.34.
* One pound of ground chuck climbed 32 cents (10 percent) to $3.41.

It’s important to note that Wisconsin’s “Marketbasket” inflation is actually lower than the national average. Even the government can no longer manipulate the CPI numbers to ensconce any trace of inflation. Look who’s forcing poor people to eat cat food now?

Memo to Barack Obama: As poor people suffer from the high cost of basic needs, they are not pinning the blame on Bush’s “tax cuts for the rich.” They are pinning the blame on the donkey.

Now, if only the (non-ethanol promoting) Republicans would seize the moment….


OT2, it is now time for Larry and friends to show you how very wrong you are!

Great post, Curt.
And great comment, OT2.

I can only add a bit.
I was thinking about my late sister and our last hunting trip.
We had the pleasure of watching deer in large enough numbers to act as a herd in the wild.
(Rare for me, rare in the USA anymore.)

But that got me thinking about those folks Obama is always saying are ”the poor.”
They act as a herd.
Public schools as well as their own peers encourage them to act as a herd, a ”poor” herd.
To even try to break out of poverty requires an individualism that is schooled out of the poor by an early age.

Think about Edison.
Would he have bucked the crowd and created the light bulb?
And what about Ford.
Could he have fit in while trying to invent automobiles and the assembly line?

Familiar with Charles Paine?
He’s a black CEO of a financial company, Wall Street Strategies.
He grew up in Harlem with junkies and winos all around him.
He wanted to make money so he would steal copies of The Wall Street Journal to learn how to make money.
No one ever suspected a little black boy was going to steal that!
His most prized possession as a child was his briefcase!
He didn’t care about fitting in.
Now he’s rich.
And his company is my main financial adviser.

The herd mentality is deadly to the poor.

Obama wants to institutionalize it just for votes.
Yes, he’s a vampire.
Obama sucks the potential good life out of people who could have been so much more.

Blackula has bought socialism hook, line and sinker. Too bad. He believes that some faceless bureaucrat, 1,000s of miles away has the right to take life from someone, and your earnings are your life, and give it to someone else that has been deemed more deserving.

How in the world do you rationalize that?

I see a very bloody stretch of time a’coming.

Ya know, Nan, that “herd mentality” bit as a justification of being correct was something I tried to raise to our not-to-be-named-disgruntled-former-author last summer. That didn’t go over well. LOL

I see many “herds” of the big rodents (deer/elk) in my neck of the woods. They are not diminishing here. Additionally, I do see the “herd mentality” proliferating in the US. When people are unsure of their own familiarity of the political subject, they run for the “herd” view as a stamp of approval.

Yes, as you say, the herd mentality is deadly to the poor”. It is also deadly to survival of the fittest. Simply put, the “herd” is not always correct. Can anyone remember when the world was “flat”?

BTW, Charles Payne is one of my favorites. As well as Cavuto and other FBN personalities. Changed my satellite pkg about a month ago to pare down to the new realities. Fox Business News is one of my regrets in the loss. sniff….

@ Randy, I’m basically a die hard Capitalist, Non-Party Affiliated and immune to Leftist/Prog/ Redistribute My Wealth types that don’t feel as if They get Taxed, Regulated or Bullied enough by a Government that can’t balance a checkbook, run a Lemonade Stand and break even or follow Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution on Their Job Descriptions.

The difference between My Money and Their Redistribution of Wealth Notions is that in My Neck of the woods, Charity is Voluntary, NOT Mandatory. This is Christmas Eve for Democrats, the day before Tax Day. I aim to make sure that they ALL get a lump of Coal in their stockings and keep their hands out of My Pockets. Larry and Friends can write a big blank check to the US Treasury if they choose to. I won’t.
I gave at the Office.

Should ask the OBama supporter what percentage he’s paying. Let say he’s paying 20%. Why does he think its okay for another human being to pay 50% and you only 20%.

@Old Trooper 2: Plan on having veggies going even higher. The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia’s Gov. Moonbeam has made sure we won’t be producing diddly out of the central valley. And those that we do produce will cost …. big time. Damn Socialists idiots.

@MataHarley: You could see the herd in WI.

Randy, I see two “herds” in WI… the loudmouthed public unions and their paid demonstrators, and the more quiet voters, weighing in with the “silent majority” via the last State Supreme election. There is a “herd” mentality to both… even the good herd.

Hell, if I could I would run for president and show all these people a good speech, strong military and what a market economy should look like. On top of that I’m not afraid to kick some @ss once in a while. now I believe in conservative values and unlike mr president I don’t waiver from my values. If they ever make a constitutional amendment so I can run, I will. I get tired of being a spectator sometimes.

From a philosophical point of view its not right to put a value on a person by the size of his bank account. If a person who was rich was more of a human than a person who were poor the socialists would be real upset. Progressives talk about equality but don’t realize that equality goes both ways. Rich and poor need to be treated as equal. A sales tax seems like a good plan and when business starts expanding again it would be profitable. Then again I guess progressives are not really about “equality” or being treated as equals by the government.

We also need financial literacy taught in school! They say they are investing in children but they are not teaching children how to get more money. Teaching financial literacy would also increase the amount of people taxed. We could build a surplus of federal funds, vote on a cause and use them for charity, like aids in africa, or to help countrys hit by tsunamis. Both seem like better causes than welfare checks and abortions.


Progressives talk about equality

Zac, when liberal/progressives speak about equality, they mean the equality of the result. Their intentions are for everyone to end up equal to one another, regardless of anything else. This is why they practice wealth redistribution. While on a certain level they understand that not everyone is of equal ability, or desire, or intelligence, they change rules and place obstacles so that people end up more equal than they would otherwise. To them, it’s the result that matters.

They do not understand, however, that our Declaration states, and the Constitution guarantees, the equality of opportunity, as it should be.

Lets also not forget that by equality, they mean for everyone else and not themselves.

Budget-Cutting Process Reveals U.S. Overpaid UN by Millions for Its Share of Peacekeeping Expenses


(Wouldn’t You know it!)
“We didn’t know we had a lot of these credits until we asked about them,” said one congressional source, describing the budget cutting process. “At least we’ve taken away the ability of the administration and the U.N. to accumulate them.”
Peacekeeping savings, including the overpayments, amount to $286.7 million—more than three-quarters of $377 million in cuts to various U.N. payments that are included in the controversial $38 billion in 2011 budget reductions that Congress approved on Thursday.

The $377 million in U.N. cuts is a comparative drop in the bucket compared to the roughly $6.35 billion that the U.S. sent to the U.N. in 2009, according to the last comprehensive set of figures compiled by the Obama Administration. Overall, the reductions amount to a shrinkage of about 11 percent in U.S. peacekeeping contributions.

The peacekeeping surpluses are not the only wads of loose cash that the U.S. has allowed to accumulate in its U.N. accounts. The Obama Administration last summer was suddenly able to allow the use of $100 million, part of the surplus in another U.N. account, to upgrade security at the U.N. headquarters complex in New York City, currently under renovation.

I don’t know if anyone else catches C-SPAN when the House debates.
This AM the Ryan Plan was being debated.
Dems were openly calling their own Obama plan the ”Progressive plan,” and the ”People’s plan.
But one Republican called it ”socialistic” and was forced by Dems to take out that word.
What do Dems think ”progressive” and ”people’s” mean, if not socialistic?

@Hard Right:

While what you say is true, the message I bring is the one that must be put forth to the people who still have some amount of control over their government, namely, the voters. There are, of course, a diehard group of the democratic voting bloc, intent on socialistic ideals, that will never understand, but there is also a big group who, due to being misinformed, or sucked in by the rhetoric, would change their minds once they realize the truth.

Liberal/progressives believe in the equality of the result. In order to get their way, they must destroy the urge, or desire, for people to chase the American dream, and attain wealth of their own. The statists must make the people believe that wealth accumulation is evil, and to be looked down upon by society. This is why when we read, or hear, their words, negative descriptions are given to things like “Big Oil”, or “Big Pharmaceuticals”, or “greedy capitalists”. Once this barrier to the desire for wealth has been put in place, the people become more susceptible, and influenced, to support the forceful taking of a man’s income, then wealth, by the state. And it all centers around rhetoric designed to promote the ‘equality of the result’.

Our Constitution, like I stated above, guarantees the right to ‘equality of opportunity’. The resultant is immaterial to this idea, as is the journey to the resultant, and the ideas put forth by the founding fathers only allows for government intervention to ensure that one’s journey to the resultant doesn’t impact another’s rights, and that another’s journey does not impact the one’s rights.

So there you have it. There is the liberal argument, for ‘equality of result’, versus the conservative argument, for ‘equality of opportunity’. One seeks to adjust the outcome of a man’s life by destroying what others have gained. The other seeks to adjust the outcome of a man’s life by simply opening up, or building, paths for the man’s journey in life. One destroys, the other builds.

I don’t disagree with what you say John. In fact, I couldn’t have said it better myself.
My point is that they view themselves as the elite and think their socialist rules won’t apply to them. In their minds they will use their “elevated status” or “connections” to avoid the burden placed on the rest of us. Many even have the delusion that they will be the people in charge.

I first must admit that I would love to be able to complain about paying $1,000,000 a year in income taxes. The states that have the highest income tax rates are having their citizens leaving.

The Fair Tax would take care of the problem. A sales tax on all new purchases is fair for all. The rich pay their fair share because they buy the higher price stuff, and more of it. It would also get rid of the IRS.

@Hard Right

I know you don’t disagree, and I certainly don’t disagree with your statements. However, just like the arguments about numbers for the debt and deficit, I think your focus is wrong. Concentrate on the foundation of their arguments, instead of the details. We shouldn’t be pointing out the personal hypocrisies of the leftist elite, but rather, how their ideology is bent on destruction, while that of conservatives is focused on building and populating the paths to economic freedom.

Once the argument devolves into specific details, the acceptance of their ideology becomes easier for the masses. The foundation for their arguments strengthens. We must attack the foundation of their arguments, to tear down the entire ideology. Once they have no foundation to stand upon, their mindless blathering about numbers becomes a moot point.

Example: Instead of arguing about how Obamacare is a spending monstrosity, discuss exactly why it is in direct opposition to the Constitutional limitations placed upon the federal government. Once you show that it is an unconstitutional piece of legislation, and that it should be repealed based on that, then the details of Obamacare itself, such as the spending, doesn’t matter at all.

@Old Trooper 2:

U.S. Overpaid UN by Millions

How about this?
IRS paid $513M in undeserved homebuyer tax credits

*Most of the money — about $326 million — went to more than 47,000 taxpayers who didn’t qualify as first-time homebuyers because there was evidence they had already owned homes….
More than 47,500 taxpayers claimed the first-time homebuyer credit even though there was evidence on previous tax returns that they had already owned a home, including deductions for mortgage interest, real estate taxes and mortgage insurance.

*More than 13,400 taxpayers claimed the credit even though they had not yet purchased a home. These people listed future purchase dates on their tax forms. The report estimated these people claimed $97.8 million in credits.

*Over 1,000 convicts in prisons said they purchased homes while they were incarcerated, claiming $7.7 million.

*More than 2,500 taxpayers claimed credits for buying homes for which at least one other taxpayer also claimed the credit for buying. These received $11.4 million.

*More than 2,700 taxpayers claimed credits for homes that were purchased before the tax credit went in effect. These received $17.6 million.

*There were also $531,134 in tax credits claimed by 96 taxpayers who were under age 18.

I agree completely that the Right needs to be smarter in selling their campaign against the governing and spending habits of Obama and the Dems.

(1) By blocking drilling for oil, the supply goes down while costs of fuel rise. EFFECT: Inflation.
(2) The Federal reserve is printing money, which causes the current money to be devalued. EFFECT: Inflation.
(3) Obamacare is already causing health care costs to go up and it hasn’t even really gone into effect. The result is employers change to less expensive plans probably with worse coverage, and still may have to cut out worker raises to pay for it. EFFECT: Stagnant wages and more expensive health care.
(4). The Democrats fight tooth and nail to block the reform of entitlement programs, agency spending, and cuts to their political beneficiaries such as NPR, Planned Parenthood, Unions etc. (who in return fund Democrat campaigns). EFFECT: Overspending and a corrupt quid-pro-quo system.
(5) The more jobs and money that goes overseas, never to come back, the less that is here to circulate around. EFFECT: Increased joblessness and recession on top of inflation.
(6) Deficit spending sprees steal tax monies from our non-working, non-voting children. EFFECT: Taxation (of the children) without representation.

The end result is that with Obama and the Democrats, wasteful government spending has gone up obscenely, the prices of everything goes up, while your money is worth less.

What have they done? this is so scary to envisage that this is at a point of
not only the richs and wealthy leaving, but the poors are beginning to be scare of the tomorrows,
because they had help to elect incompetant unworthy and vincdictive opponant of the real AMERICA,
with their frantic deathwish to destroy the best of it that had work for centurys
so to install a change into the lives of the NATIONS to become the rags wearing society of beggars
for their every day pitance, they elected thoses who have already divided the society,
the same way that the ennemies are forcing their COUNTRYS to live under them,

For the heck of it I went back in time and found Obama’s 2008 Campaign Speech. I guess I just wanted to see again what it was he said that sounded ‘so good’ to a bunch of gullible young people. Yes, his plan was to go after the impressionable…
Here is a paragraph from his speech and it just infuriates me how people fell for this crap…and worse… I wonder exactly what was going on in their minds, besides ‘hating Bush’ so much… Oh, and the ‘tingles’ going up one’s leg …

Did these same people really expect; Gas at $3.50 /Gal Average? Each ‘averaged’ item at the supermarket is $3.00 (Yes $3.00 an item)? 14 Trillion in debt (yes Obama ‘owns’ this)? Steady unemployment (average 9% +)? No Jobs? Another war (Libya)? The Hate? The Violence? The ‘division’ of the American people? The escalating Class Warfare? This list goes on and on… Liberalism Stinks, Liberalism put us deeper into this mess…Liberalism does not = ‘Hope’, Liberalism = ‘Change’ – for the WORSE… this from a man who ‘claimed’ to be a ‘Uniter’ of People…United in what? ‘Despair’? ‘No Hope’ ? This is where [Hate] gets you (as in Hate for Bush).

From Obama’s Campaign Speech… (Where we are today? What a horrible Joke)
But Washington has a long way to go. And it won’t be easy. That’s why we’ll have to set priorities. We’ll have to make hard choices. And although government will play a crucial role in bringing about the changes we need, more money and programs alone will not get us where we need to go. Each of us, in our own lives, will have to accept responsibility – for instilling an ethic of achievement in our children, for adapting to a more competitive economy, for strengthening our communities, and sharing some measure of sacrifice. So let us begin. Let us begin this hard work together. Let us transform this nation.

Rainbows and sunshine… huh?
People who voted for this guy ‘are stupid’… I think this is who Obama and ilk are talking about when he touts Americans are Stupid… Obama needs to go 2012