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ACORN is a criminal enterprise.

Another example of tax funds from the stimulus bill at work?

This is bigger than this, hopefully by this time tommorow this page will be filled with comments, This is so much bigger than people realize, listen to glen beck tonight on Fox, tell your friends!

I can’t imagine Beck really CONCENTRATING on this if a couple of thug, ACORN Obama voters is the whole story. It might be worth a segment, but not a whole Beck show. There must be more to this story…as in where it leads.

ACORN receives Tax Dollars for this? Yes they do. It is organized crime on a Billion Dollar scale. Between this mischief, voter fraud and conspiracy to defraud the US Government they need a suspension of any further US Tax Dollar funding and a Criminal investigation by the FBI.

This was just the Baltimore office. How many others are involved in illegal activities? Probably most of them nationwide. This could likely be just the tip of the iceberg. I’m not holding my breath on the Holder DOJ doing much about it but ACORN needs to be investigated. Period.

You will notice that the Child Prostitution issue didn’t impact them. These folks are absolutely shameless.

It’s just dead wrong. ACORN’s operations could easily fall under the 1970 RICO Statute as an organized crime entity with all of the shady deals they seem to have their hands into. I am 100% against ACORN receiving any Tax Payer subsidies. Between ACORN, Unions that have their political paybacks at Tax Payer expense they make the old East Coast Mafia look like choir boys.

The current crop of scoundrels in Congress have rewarded special interest groups for far too long.

Charlie Rangel under Ethics Committee scrutiny for Tax Evasion. Don’t make me laugh. He won’t even get a hand slap. The IRS would be all over me for that mischief. Geithner was not prosecuted for under paying his taxes. I’m just tired of the dual standards and lack of integrity in Government.

Non vetted Czars spending Tax Dollars and all the rest of this Administration being non accountable to Voters leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This spending orgy has got to stop.

Now we know why former DC Mayor Marion Barry said “the bitch set me up” while getting busted undercover for smoking crack. LOL!

God, how I weep for my country….I can’t type.

I’m sorry, but this is depressing. Does anyone know how long this has been going on? I know I only heard of them since their connection to Obama’s election, but I know they’ve been around before that.

I know these are just two Acorn workers, but if they are representative of all of Acorn, does this not sound like a mafia operation, as in, organized crime to the max?

@Aye Chihuahua:
Thanks for your research, Aye. I guess the truth is depressing many times, and will only be eradicated by being exposed. But, a hug-time Kumbaya moment at the end to boot!? Lord have mercy–on us who’s money is going to this corrupt group without our knowledge.

It did sound like those two workers were speaking from personal experience in the “performing arts” industry, is my guess, so have some vested interest in keeping things under wraps. Their points on how not to get caught were way too familiar to them, IMHO.

@Aye Chihuahua: I’ve wondered why we never see you commenting between the hours of 5 and 6 PM. Now I know why. You’re really GLENN BECK! 🙂

Yo ACORN….can you “pimp my ride” ??? 🙂

A similar story has Hit Fox News:,2933,549241,00.html

The ACORN tax specialist says, “If they are making money (turning tricks) and under age, you shouldnt be letting anybody know anyway. (laughing)”

and then the sign in the front of the building says, “People Over Profits”.

How utterly disgusting!!!!!!!!