Thank-You, Fox News [Reader Post]


Thank-you, Fox News. Thank you for reporting the news other networks ignore. Thanks for not condescending to the great unwashed by informing us how we should think on a given subject.

Thank-you for not adopting the patronizing, elitist attitudes that have become de rigueur on most other networks. Thank-you for recognizing that Americans have the right to information from both sides of the aisle and are fully capable of making up their own minds on issues, given enough facts.

Thanks, Fox, for actually questioning the incessant spin coming from Camp Obama. No one else is. If not for your reporting, most Americans would still be unaware of the depth of ‘change’ our president is proposing. Even though the old media succeeded in getting Obama elected, thanks to you, Americans are finally being given access to information they should have had before they voted. Better late than never.

Thank-you, Fox, for caring more about journalism than about access to self-anointed elites, and cocktail party invites from the inside the beltway crowd. You have succeeded without giving in to the politically correct crowd. That’s no mean feat. You have decided to play by the old, traditional rules instead of the oh, so fashionable, new improved ones the progressives have adopted. Very cool, guys. I know how hard it is these days to march to your own drummer instead of aligning yourself with the majority.

Thank you, FNC, for daring to veer from the decades old template by airing Glenn Beck during the news hour. And thank-you, Glenn, for providing information no-one else dares to report. You’re the man, Glenn. The fact that you drive the left crazy means you’re doing something right.

Thanks, Fox, for daring to be the first to actually report the conservative point of view without automatically assigning it to the fringe category. As a conservative columnist, I appreciate the risk you took. As an American, I’m tickled pink to see that it has paid off. The fact that your ratings continue to grow proves you are serving an untapped market.

The old media still hasn’t realized this market exists. I predict they will continue to deny this market reality until they fold. Which should be pretty soon now, unless Obama succeeds in socializing the media.

Until you came along, Fox, conservative views were treated as invalid and unworthy of debate. Now you are setting the national debate and the other networks are being forced to follow along. Albeit, unwillingly. Happily, their sneering condescension is apparent to all and isn’t scoring any points with the majority of Americans in fly-over country.

Until you came along, Fox, the old media was able to set the agenda. An agenda most now agree is based on emotion and ideology rather than facts. You’ve been the prime purveyor of essential facts, facts Americans need in order to make informed decisions. No wonder you’re under attack – you are forcing Americans to confront reality, a reality that, until recently, the left was able to define. To America’s detriment.

Thank-you, Fox, for not treating me like a dummy. God bless you all and keep up the good work. You’re the only major network that has enough sense, and enough faith in American citizens to allow them to interpret the news for themselves. And Shepard, I hear they have an opening at CNN.

Crossposted from Right Bias

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AMEN. i could not have put it any better.


While I watch FNC, I wish it were more classic conservative and less neocon (Karthammer, Barnes, Kristol and the rest of the Weekly Standard are a little too much).

Great., another website for religious right wing crazies. You had Bush for the last 8 years. What good did it do for you? Much of the world hates the U$A. Fox is a sham! Open your eyes and expose yourself to other networks.

Don’t forget Fox’s “terrorist fist jab” what a joke. Real news my ass!

BO’s rating have gone negative double digits (-10), 1st time since just after the Gates speech.

If this site doesn’t suit you, there is a whole wide web for you to go masterbate on.

You don’t have to anounce your departure. Just go.


Michelle Obama, as we reported on July 7, is not served by twenty-two attendants who stand by to cater to her every whim.

@Rob: Can’t we get by ONE DAY without one of you hate filled loons with more bile than brains dropping in here to spew more venom?

Your man won. You have control of both houses of Congress and just appointed a racially biased hispanic woman to the Supreme Court.

You should be happy.

Yet you’re not.

You are so filled with rage, you can’t even stop screaming about Bush.

Get over it. You’re tiresome and boring.


Now, go back to your ACORN coven where you belong!

I don’t know I am sick of fair and balanced I just want news good or bad. Just plain and simple I get tired of they have to say something negative about conservatives before the say something negative about liberals. Just tell the news unedited one way or the other.

Rob – Don’t go away mad…

I’ll drink to that. Thank you Fox News. Without you we would be mushrooms -> Kept in the dark and fed sh!t.

Don’t let the door hitcha Robbo

Open your eyes and expose yourself to other networks….snip You mean like ALL those other networks with their ratings in the tank??? LOL!

You are so filled with rage, you can’t even stop screaming about Bush…..snip

So right Mike. Actually Rob, the Dems took over in ’06, the economy crashed 11 months later…


Just think of it as diversity. If it was just you crazy left wing loons, what would happen to all the diversity you care so much about? Huh?

Hannity did a great show on health care last night. Sean Hannity Health Care Special: “Universal Nightmare” [1/4]

Actually, I just wanted to say what a sophisticated and attractive blog this is.

Really up’s the quality of posting.

The socialists must hate it.

And to think, I spilled blood 3 times for a country filled with so many idiots.

Folks, it’s time for you all the realize a few things:

1. Your President is BLACK, deal with it
2. You will NEVER prove he is not a citizen
3. Health care reform will be passed, and the Republicans will get banished to the forest for MANY years to come
4. The President is very SMART, and he is playing a game you all are too stupid to understand. He is giving ALL Republicans a chance to show their true colors, as he PRETENDS to want you all to join in the reform. In September, the Dems will push the bill in alone, and the Republicans will be left holding the bag.

* I sure hope when your Republican politicians pretend like they were for the reform the whole time, you all hold them accountable.

* If you are a Vet who served in this lovely war, I hope to god you aren’t supporting these criminals. The last time I checked, Bush & Co sent us to fight, and it was the same admin that decided we didn’t need that much ammo, water, nor armor. I remember having to steal water and ammo to survive. I remember not having armored vehicles. I also remember having to go to a Dem Rep just to get the disability pay I earned in blood.

They ALL voted to send us, but it was the Republicans that were in charge. Never again!!!

Oh, I forgot one thing:

5. This is NOT a Christian nation, nor does any OFFICIAL document claim so. Not to mention, most of you prove that you are not Christians by the way you attacked “Rob”.

Hey Former Marine,

You are an idiot if you think a party with a weak majority can crash an economy in 11 months. Please tell me you weren’t a leader in my beloved infantry, because if you were, I have no doubt your stupidity got Marines killed. That is, if you even say any action.

@USMC Grunt:


Your first post here and you already feel comfortable enough to call us stupid racists.

How classy of you.

I’ll do you a favor and not be so hasty and reckless as to judge you outright after just one post.

You may very well be right about the Dims pushing the health care bill all by themselves. They certainly have the power to do that.

They, after all, have the votes and there’s nothing that a single Republican member of the House or Senate can do to change that.

The Dims have the votes.

If they have the stones, let them pass it. They will spend the next forty years in the political hinterlands.

In case you haven’t noticed, the American People have had enough of this bunch already. Even die hard libs are bailing out.

There is a whiff of revolution in the air.

Let the Dims pass this on their own, if they have the stones.

Finally, if you really did serve our nation in uniform then you deserve a heart felt “Thank You” even though we may never agree on politics.

Exit question: When you took your military oath you swore to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Can you tell me which of the enumerated powers gives Congress and the President the authority to enact any sort of health care plan, whether it be public option or single payer?

That’s too hate/racists loons on this post already. Did someone link this to the Kos Hate Page?

@USMC Grunt: The only part you got right in that idiotic spew was ” he PRETENDS to want you all to join in the reform. “

Obama is the most partisan and divisive president in my lifetime. So much for his promise to be a post partisan president. It’s like all the other broken promises and lies that CHARLATAN has made.

If you support Fox News, they way most of these folks claim to, than you are a “stupid racist”. If you don’t see what is going on in this country, in refernece to Obama, than I really can’t help you. I have never seen so much blatant racism in my life, and I live in Texas.

I also realize that ALL sources have a slant, but I don’t go running around saying “News XYZ is so fair and balanced, thank you”. I mean, come on folks. You have Beck go off on the health care industry 18 months ago, and now he claims they are so wonderful.

It will get passed, because he has to get it passed. All you have to do is look at the numbers, it will only be a matter of time before only the rich can afford the care.

At the end, it is all the same to me, because you all pay for my health care. You too can be like me, just get your foot blown off in combat. With that being said, I still want everyone covered. Health care should be like the other SOCIALIZED type services that are provided to all Americans: military, cops, firefighters, school, etc.

And that “oath” you mentioned, it didn’t mean shit. The only thing that mattered is that you took care of your men, because lord knows, NOBODY else did. I loved being a grunt, but I didn’t appreciate fighting so rich men could get richer. It took me a while to realize what was going on, but I eventually figured it out. You have NO IDEA what is really going on over there, but that’s the beautiful thing for you all. You don’t have to.

“whiff of revolution in the air” LOL, the people in this country don’t have the balls or stomach for that. I think you all need to stick to prayer, or whatever it is you do.

The people in this country are disgusting piles of shit, and I was taught that in Boot Camp. How is that for “classy”.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to spend some time with a few Vets that are having a hard time adjusting.

Wow, I came across this site by accident, but I guess I will need to tune in more. Carry on Grunt, because this Army Ranger loves what you have to say. If all you civilians had to serve, this country would be a different/better place.

I sure hope some of you at least volunteer at your local VA Hospital.

HR 676 or something similar will get passed.

USMC Grunt / Ranger Mike…

You should be aware that we don’t tolerate sock puppets or their puppet masters here at FA.

There’s really no use pretending to be something that you’re not because we can see right through you.

Pick a user name and stick with it.

This will be your only warning.

USMC Grunt, Happy Ramadan!

Now go Troll elsewhere.

Ranger Mike of what class?

Play pretender here. Get your ass kicked at Benning.

@Old Trooper:

“Grunt” and “Ranger” are one and the same.

They’re confused at the moment about which personality is gonna post next.

Upon further examination, I have discovered that “Grunt” “Bill Jackson” & “Ranger” are all the same.

A charming little trio they are, aren’t they?

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

@ Everyone else. Please excuse this longish reply to the person below.

@ USMC Grunt

I usually give the trolls a pass. You would have gotten one as well, if you hadn’t felt the need to align the finest men in this country with the mindless drivel and endless vitriol that exudes from the far left reminiscence of that undeniable bouquet from ripened dung. The fine men that you taint by use of that screen name deserve better and I will defend their honor like they have defended our country, without hesitation.

From your manners/mannerisms, I do not believe that actually were/are part of that bastion of America’s shining light. While the Corps aren’t perfect, they quickly weed out imbeciles, incompetents, and various other insolent jackasses such as yourself. A Marine fights not for politicians, money, fame, or even the citizens back home, whether they are idiots or not. A Marine fights for the ideas and freedoms set down in the Constitution of The United States of America and his brothers in the Corp. If by chance you actually are one of the very few fools who managed to evade the screening process and actually served, I would like to thank you for your service and remind you that the only reason that I refrain myself from verbally releasing both barrels is my respect for the truly fine men who serve our country honorably.

1. Your President is BLACK, deal with it

I feel I can speak freely for the vast majority of folks who habituate these pages and say clearly; We don’t have to deal with it. We don’t care if he’s black, white, purple, green, or blue with red polka dots. Color has nothing to do with trying to run this country into the ground and turn it into the next socialist failure.

2. You will NEVER prove he is not a citizen

I’m not trying to. Even if I could, no one would do anything about it. A true Marine, however, is sworn to uphold the Constitution of The United States of America and should be very concerned with the possibility that someone is usurping said document by being POTUS without being a NATURAL BORN citizen. That’s the only issue. If you are going to berate someone on their stance on an issue, at least prove your own stupidity by not knowing what the issue is. Here I have given two reasons in three sentences why I do not believe you actually served.

3. Health care reform will be passed, and the Republicans will get banished to the forest for MANY years to come

OK. I believe you’re wrong on both assertions and that I can convince any reasonable person with logic.You have already proven that you don’t meet that qualification. That is again a reason I don’t believe that you actually served and the reason that I won’t waste time here disproving this moronic statement of yours.

4. The President is very SMART, and he is playing a game you all are too stupid to understand. He is giving ALL Republicans a chance to show their true colors, as he PRETENDS to want you all to join in the reform. In September, the Dems will push the bill in alone, and the Republicans will be left holding the bag.

Let me help you make that actually make sense. Change SMART to stupid and “too stupid to understand.” to “seeing this all too well.”. Now change “holding the bag.” To “looking much better than they deserve.” And you’ll have that fixed to make sense of the facts available to anyone with internet access.

5. This is NOT a Christian nation, nor does any OFFICIAL document claim so. Not to mention, most of you prove that you are not Christians by the way you attacked “Rob”.

Congratulations! You actually got something right without help. There is no official US document declaring this a Christian nation. However, just as the US is the film and entertainment center of the world, the US is undoubtedly a Christian nation. Neither are mandated by the government, but both are the clear choice of the American people. No one has to become a Christian or watch Hollywood movies, but most Americans CHOOSE to.

6. You didn’t actually have a sixth point, but then again you didn’t actually have five other worthwhile points. The rest of your post was truly, well I don’t see how this can be argued with by any reasonable person, just to stupid to bother refuting. So as was put so nicely to “Rob” (is your name really Robert?), don’t bother getting mad. Just go away. Fair warning; some other folks may not be so nice if insist on continuing this nonsense. There are many foolish sites maintained by the folks on the Left. Why don’t you go over there where they’ll never notice the brain damage and be happy?

(I got busy and it posted more before I got this one up. I;m not gonna bother with those. Wouldn’t hve this on except… ahh just read it and you’ll see)

“You have submitted comments to this blog too rapidly. Please try again shortly.”

Whats up with that? ” I’ve gotten it twice in a row now.

Nancy I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but as a staunch conservative, I have to admit I’m not by any stretch in love with Fox News. Sure, there are the better of the worst, but with their ratings, they have so much “lost opportunity” I almost want to hold them accountable for Obama’s election.

For example, let’s start with number one O’Reilly. For the most part, he’s an over inflated gas bag, playing to where the wind blows. Sometimes I think he writes some pretty good talking points, but then it’s all downhill, with ‘entertainment’ fillers for the senior citizens. Does anyone really enjoy Dennis Miller or the “Culture Quiz”, or the same old same old, ‘we know what you are going to say before you say it guests’? And it’s more than obvious he’s threatened of Glenn Beck, which is why me thinks he butters up to him. O’Reilly knows we want the edgy stuff but is too coward to risk his own ratings and reputations; so he uses Beck.

O’Reilly’s best shows are when Laura Ingram hosts. She’s the real deal, and the ONLY one who really calls a spade a spade on everything.

Hannity is well, certainly not my cup of tea; reminds me of a bad boyfriend. He’s soooo whiney, and overly dramatic, NEVER letting up or open to anything even middle ground from the left. And he’s anything but smart, which is why I suspect he always stays in the “attack mode.” He also, like O’Reilly, has fluff ‘entertainment’ guest on his “great panel.” For the life of me I have no idea how anyone can get through an entire Hannity show, but to each his own, I guess.

Now for Glenn Beck, whom I’ve extolled often on this blog. I can easily understand why Glenn isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but he IS smart or else/and has some pretty amazing researchers. I’ve yet to know him to be wrong on anything. The genius of Beck is unlike the others, he doesn’t take himself seriously, which is why he attracts. I know for a fact he reaches a crowd, through comedy and his theatrics that would never tune in to the more “elite” hosts. Consequently, many of the same people Jay Leno interviews on the street are now getting savvy on the Constitution, thanks to Beck. As for scare tactics and sensationalism, I admit, 10 years ago, I doubt he would have made it on TV News. The reality is, it now IS scary, and we need folks like Beck to not be afraid to put it out there, all at his peril. So Nancy, I DO thank Fox for Beck; CNN’s big loss.

And my next fav is Neal Cavuto. If I ever had to do a national interview, I would pick Neal Cauvuto as my news person of choice. He’s fair, kind, humble, and very smart; also not taking himself too seriously. Fox is lucky to have Neal, albeit he is more a business guy than a news guy, but I do love his interview style.

Greata is ok, even though I’ve always suspected in real life she leans “real left”, albeit is very good at keeping it neutral. I just never recovered from Natalie Holloway (HATE those exploitive lost and found shows), so it’s hard for me to think about tuning into Greta, fearing I’ll get the next missing person story.

The one Fox show I most dislike is Red Eye; what a cesspool that show is.

Anyone else, I don’t know enough to write about and besides, after a while, all Fox blonds look alike, don’t they?

But here’s where I have my greatest beef with Fox. Both Hannity and O’Reilly are what I call “political catholics.” They use their Catholicism when they need it to sell books or it fits with the flavor of the day (e.g., O’Reilly bashed JPII for years but wasted NO time in milking him for ratings upon his death). Likewise, Hannity never stops reminding us he was in “seminary” but yet continues to book everything from psychics to ‘Left Behind’ rapture writers to R rated book authors. The one time he did have a Catholic Priest on, he ended up in a meltdown over birth control.

My point is this. With their influence, if they had only lived their faith (which as Catholics they are called to do) on social issues, the Catholic vote that went for Obama very well could have gone to McCain, and we wouldn’t be in this freaking mess. I’m well aware that the abortion issue, at least politically, is for the most part, over. Abortion in the US is not going to be ended by political means. But what isn’t over, are the consequences of a “life debasement” culture, gone unchecked by but a few, Laura Ingram being one of them. Instead of all of their “fluff guests”, they could have well spent that time on experts in embryonic stem cell research, bioethics, and countless biotech and end of life issues that for the most part, the country is clueless. Consequently, we now have a radical pro abortion president and an administration full of Harvard elites who put more value in trees and animals than newborn babies and the elderly. A little “Fox education” could have gone a long way, and with the right guest, could have been fascinating. But hey, at least we know what Dennis Miller thinks!

So, I’m sorry if I’m not all goo goo ga ga over Fox News, but I do appreciate this post Nancy.
I suspect the Fox ratings aren’t off the charts because Fox is so good, but because everything else is so bad. IMO, Fox news, for the most part, has and continues to fail us. The country would be far better off tuning into Conservative talk radio listening to Michael Medved, Laura Ingrahm, Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, Hugh Hewitt, and maybe for some, even Michael Savage (a bit ruff but there’s a lot I like about Savage; like Beck, “right for the times I think).” Of course, Rush is already well known, but some of the others I mentioned are not, and just as good or better.

I was planning on doing a post on conservative talk radio, but for now, anyone interested needs to know most of all talk radio is available via internet podcasts; only a google away. If we are going to get out of this mess, it isn’t going to be by Fox News. There are many excellent conservative talk radio hosts nationwide, and best of all, someone out there for all of us. In the meantime, I suggest Fox News get some new “expert guests”, or better yet, a few new hosts with some backbone.

pdill, couldn’t agree more with almost everything you say. I’ve said the same, but with different descriptions…. i.e. Hannity=”Mr. Mantra”. Don’t think he could debate with a plastic bag intelligently. O’Reilly’s become a caricature of himself. But I will beg to differ that I adore Dennis Miller. Also love that the flagrant liberal found himself as a conservative after 911. Greta’s okay, but generally don’t like her topics. She did become the Palin specialist since the 2008 election.

Cavuto? Amazing. I even follow him to watch his Fox business news program. As a matter of fact, in the AM… after Megyn Kelly and her sidekick, Bill Hemmer, are off the air, I generally switch over to all Fox Business news until I start monitoring talk radio as I work. Megyn is nothing short of amazing. I shall miss her when she’s off on maternity leave.

Then Shepard Smith is also a good choice. Pure news delivery and not a commentary type of show. I miss Brit Hume, but he shows up as a guest occasionally. And Karl Rove always gives me a laugh.

I had turned my parents on to Beck long before he switched from CNN. I think I preferred his format on CNN, but with Fox’s free rein, Beck’s felt the need to outdo himself. I’m glad he’s getting entertainment ratings inbetween his news, but fear he might be getting as gimmicky as Hannity.

Also daily radio fare is, of course, Rush and Mark Levin… with a bit of Savage thrown in after Levin’s signed off. Savage being the “shock jock” entry, of course.

All in all, when it comes to cable, I fully agree that Fox has it’s ratings because the other shows are just deplorable. Radio is far superior, and internet for the raw news. They still remain my mainstay. The rest? They can easily go by the wayside if a great movie comes on.

USMC Grunt. Write a paragraph here with the three secret words that all Marines recognize but almost no civvie would know. Nunquam Fidelis

@BC3 – Krauthammer a neocon?

Charles Krauthammer has won many prestigious journalism awards from traditional liberal sources…he has also received recognition as one of USA’s most politically influential journalists. While we all resonate to a message that makes the most sense to us, Mr Krauthammer is not 100% a conservative darling — he got a lot of critique a few weeks ago so much so, it was even mentioned on the 6pm news show.

He also has a very interesting personal history – if you have never read his bio. His medical background makes his insights on health care issues even more compelling, to many.

Background includes:
Political science & economics undergrad, Harvard medical school, paralyzed in scuba accident, Massachusetts board certified psychiatrist, published research work on bipolar disorder, worked for Jimmy Carter, wrote speeches for Walter Mondale…etc, etc, etc (I am not the biggest Wikipedia fan but the following is an overview of Krauthammer’s bio)

As far as FOX News, no one is perfect…but their ratings climb as their message continually resonates with more and more people. Seems that the left has taken notice as the advertisers receive a lot of pressure NOT to advertise on that venue…but continue do so because of the growing market share…even Glenn Beck’s recent ad fall-out seems to be replaced.

However, if FOX is not your cup of tea — simply don’t watch. I’m sure there are some-other-channels-commentator, or two, who will be glad to share their “up the leg, tingly feelings” with anti-FOX News fans…no problem.


@USMC Grunt and Old Ez, if you consider a Supreme Court opinion an official document, then we DO have an official document that states the United States is a Christian nation, Church of the Holy Trinity v. U.S. (1892).

while I don’t agree with you, I will not attack you.
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

Why do these Moby’s think they can come to a web site populated by many veterans of all the various services, and then pretend to be something they are not?

It takes three sentences or less to spot one of these yeast infection brained tools.

“And to think, I spilled blood 3 times for a country filled with so many idiots.

Folks, it’s time for you all the realize a few things:

1. Your President is BLACK, deal with it
2. You will NEVER prove he is not a citizen
3. Health care reform will be passed, and the Republicans will get banished to the forest for MANY years to come
4. The President is very SMART, and he is playing a game you all are too stupid to understand. He is giving ALL Republicans a chance to show their true colors, as he PRETENDS to want you all to join in the reform. In September, the Dems will push the bill in alone, and the Republicans will be left holding the bag”

USMC Grunt:
You assume objections to Obama are automatically based on his race. You’re the one judging him by the color of his skin, so who’s racist?
Regards your other assertions – do you have any facts to back them up?

And pdil – Don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

Regards Marc Lamont, PhD: I always get the feeling he’s on speed

USMC Grunt:

I loved being a grunt, but I didn’t appreciate fighting so rich men could get richer.

I knew he was full of crap here. We fight so everyone can have the same opportunity to get rich or whatever else they want to do.

I have a friend of mine that works with me. He’s a navy vet and the Hummer he was in during the first gulf war ran over a land mine. He was sitting in the middle between two Marines. He’s the only one that lived. He’s black and he’s a democrat, still a good friend and one of the best people I have ever met in my life. We don’t talk politics very much, because we know where each other stand and we respect the other’s opinion. I just know he would never spew the crap that USMC Grunt just did. He would just state the facts and why he supports them.

As for Fox News…Love it. I don’t watch the commentary folks that much. There’s something about Beck I don’t like. O’Reilly, not a fan. Hannity, I can take in small doses, but like Mata said, his “Mantras” drive me crazy. I love the News Room when I get a chance to watch it. Megyn is not only a beautiful lady, but she’s is incredibly smart and quick as a whip. Debate her at your peril. Shep is a liberal, but he does the news very well with no bias that I can detect. I too miss Brit but I like Bret almost as much. I like Cavuto too, he always has a good. show.

INRE the comments to USMC Grunt… there were certainly objectional and debatable assumptions there. The “too stupid” to figure out what Obama’s up to is almost laughable. I tell ya, Grunt… if I were you, I wouldn’t go that argument very often for the predictable incoming backfire.

The Dems have all the power in the world to shove O’healthcare thru with nary a GOP voting. Hang, the House Republicans don’t even have to show up for work with their numbers. And the Republicans and conservatives have been opposing it since day one. If the goal is to make the Republicans “show their true colors” and thereby glorify the Democrats on some moral fantasy, that’s been done since the beginning.

Now a brighter than a dim bulb person would ask himself just why the Dems didn’t blow it thru anyway, as they are threatening to do now. Even more important, why didn’t they shove it down the nation’s throats when they had a better chance to do so?

Problem is, as more time went by, and the public had a chance to read the bill (unlike ARRA and the Omibus), Obama’s selling of a defective bottle of snake oil becomes more difficult… even to many of his own faithful.

The point you apparently miss, Grunt, is Obama wants bipartisan cover when his O’healthcare passes so that they can’t be solely drenched with the blame when it fails to live up to his promises of cheaper, better care for all.

You think his approval points edge up when he passes a remaking (not reform) of healthcare? Possibly. But then, the sheeeeet hasn’t hit the fan on the bureaucratic logistics and financial reality. Since all that is down line, and more than a few Democrats themselves realize that this is a financial fiasco in the making, Obama/Pelosi/Reid aren’t completely comfortable taking on the wild gamble that this will be a [good] legacy for the annals.

So I guess we can put you in the *not* brighter than a dim bulb intelligence category… which brings me full circle to the irony of you lecturing us and other US citizens as being “too stupid”.

I will agree that there is finally some “true colors” being shown. Unfortunately the colors being flown by the WH are not settling well with America. They may be slow to waking up, but they are waking up to the obvious that is Obama.

Below, however, is what I consider the most disturbing thing Grunt said:

Now if you will excuse me, I need to spend some time with a few Vets that are having a hard time adjusting.

You’ve proven to us here that you consider Americans disgusting piles of shit, and only support serving country if rich men can’t get richer. Well, Grunt, I hear Venezuela’s looking for a few good men…

But I say this to appeal to *any* human compassion you may possess. If the goal is for you to help our returning warriors become as “well adjusted” as you, I suggest you are doing our soldiers a serious disservice. If you have any heart, stay away from them. And oh, BTW, someone should ACE your ass to the proper therapy as well.

Hey grunt- this is from someone who spent time in the sandbox too- and allow me to say, you need to climb down off of that cross, use the wood to build a bridge and get over it! I do not know what made you so bitter and blind, but most of my guys had brains- you must be motor pool- we know what the Resident is trying to do to this country, and the oath he took, which is the same basic one we took, was to protect and defend against ALL enemies both FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.
He is violating his oath, but it probably doesn’t mean much to him.
And yes, this is a Christian- based nation, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

USMC Grunt is a member of the Troll Detail. He got a good lunch here. I wonder who is feeding him dinner?

Aye Chihuahua

Made me smile;-)

Thanks to Fox

Ps think the old man had it right about ram-a long-ding dong looks like bho send out his message in many lang.

Adios Rob, we all understand that you can’t handle the truth. America is beginning to realize that they where duped by the MSM which obama bought and soon they will have to answer. Gee, wonder why the MSM stations are failing and Fox is growing. I’m sure it’s a vast right wing conspiracy.

Your a joke my friend and your messiah obama is destroying our country. The audacity of dope.

USMC Grunt – Thank you for serving our wonderful country. Now, we are going to get to the root of your comment. We are not racists because we don’t agree with your messiah. Were all the blacks who did not agree with Bush racists? It goes both ways. I would appreciate you not calling me or anyone else you don’t know a racist. Better be prepared to back up your slanderous statements.
Next, Fox News has it all over the other networks. None of the anchors or commentators on Fox have an orgasm when Baracks name is mentioned. I don’t get a tingle running up my leg either. I have more class than that, and so does Fox News. At least when they reported the guy with the gun at the Obama town hall they stated it was a black man. Some of the other networks chose to show a picture of the man with the gun and had the image blurred and I was under the impression it was a white man with the gun from the way they were telling the story. Total fabrication by the MSM.
So, USMC Grunt – take care what you say. You are attacking a very large group of people who have just about had it with the buying of a presidency and the lying and criminal acts behind it. (I can back this up). I saw it on the news. A driver for ACORN was asked if they were telling the homeless people they were driving to the polls who to vote for, and the lady said “Yes, we tell them to vote for Obama”. When the question was repeated, the lady repeated they were told to tell the people to vote for Obama. Then, to everyones amazement, the lady looks over at someone motioning to them and makes the statement:” “Oh no, we never tell anyone who to vote for”. Criminal acts caught on tape.
Sorry this is so long. I get really upset when someone has the gall to attack patriotic citizens.
Just my opinion

USMC Grunt? More like MSNBC *unt.

I’m with you with the only exceptions that: (1) Eddie Munster (Cavuto) comes across as as a bit oily for my tastes. I watch him but his pro-corporate slant get a bit insufferable and annoying at times. (2) I like Dennis Miller and I’d rather FOX gave him that gasbag O’Reilly’s spot.


None of the anchors or commentators on Fox have an orgasm when Baracks name is mentioned.

I’m beginning to wonder about O’Reilly on that. For some reason he seems to think that because Obama agreed to that softball interview with him that Barak is a “stand-up guy”. I think that Bill should be ashamed of himself for that miserable set of interviews (for which he is definitely a “pinhead”).

Charles Krauthammer is great, and seems to be the most balanced, fair and intelligent commentator on that show, although Juan Williams is in my opinion a fool. Shepard Smith is alright. and Glenn Beck is probably their best program because he covers things that the other FOX anchors shy away from. Red Eye sucks an should be taken off. Hannity is 50% less rediculous without Combes. Now if they would just dump Hannity it will be a good program. All the FOX ladies rock, and I continually wonder where FOX finds all those smart and beautiful women.

FOX is not the only cable news I watch, but it’s better than most. I’d have to say that CNN’s regular newscasts are the only competition that comes close, but they lose because of their rotten non-“news” programming.