Homeland Security Report targets Flopping Aces [Reader Post]


Well, it had to happen sooner or later, ladies and gentlemen; the Department of Homeland Security (the Motherland, sic) has put out a nine page report to the police that lists all the ‘right wing radicals’ whom poise a threat to the country today. “A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines “rightwing extremism in the United States” as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority. “It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” the warning says.

As I understand it, the report basically starts on supposedly the ‘far right’, lists everything in existence nearing the ‘center’ and lists everything to the left of center as acceptable radicalism. Likely this report is going to become a classic and anyone who feels they have an affinity for Washington, Jefferson, Madison, to Reagan and so forth will be insulted should they not appear on subsequent lists naming the potential malefactors that have to be ‘kept an eye on.’

According to the report, we need to keep a close watch on returning veterans since “Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists,” it says. I guess those veterans who were lucky enough to make it back home have to be labeled something sinister to keep them from getting all those wonderful military benefits they are entitled to. Chris Dodd is obviously jealous that their benefits may eat into his retirement, so the less drain there, the more to go around. “DHS/I&A is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities.”

The report also mentions “‘end times’ prophecies could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition and weapons. These teachings also have been linked with the radicalization of domestic extremist individuals and groups in the past, such as the violent Christian Identity organizations and extremist members of the militia movement.” Oh my, as a member of the Georgia Right to Life and a student of ‘end times’ prophecy, I guess I fit the bill.
The report also warned law enforcement agencies to watch for suspicious individuals who may have bumper stickers for third-party political candidates such as Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin. That’s right since any candidate having different ideas than the mirror image republican-democrats is a radical and anyone who gives them the time of day likely is a raving lunatic with a hoard of AK-47’s and other assorted specimens and ammo in their fallout shelter.

The White House has distanced itself from the analysis. When asked for comment on its contents, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said, “The President is focused not on politics but rather taking the steps necessary to protect all Americans from the threat of violence and terrorism regardless of its origins. He also believes those who serve represent the best of this country, and he will continue to ensure that our veterans receive the respect and benefits they have earned.” Of course, exactly as it distanced itself from the Somalia pirates until they could generate maximum positive publicity from it. Obama distances himself from Everything until he determines if it can be spun to the positive. Everyone loves Obama, to 88% of Democrats , he is still the messiah, and I simply cannot see how 28% of those who call themselves Republicans believe he rose from the dead this past Sunday and now sits on the right hand of the Father.
Give it a little more time, folks and this One World consortium will come to reality. The only question will be who wins the jockeying for Big Kahuna.

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Sounds like printing out a few dozen of these “reports” and burning them at a Tea Party might be a good idea.

Quite an honor for Flopping Aces to be on Big Brothers “most dangerous” list. As I have the honor to be among those who comment rather frequently, I expect that my name will also appear in their ” lunatic hit parade.” My mom told me that some day I’d make good!

If Obama can use guns to solve problems why can we?

I don’t see that report mention FA… but keeping in mind that the biggest terrorist attack on the homeland prior to 9/11 was a right wing extremist, Timothy McVeigh. And Eric Robert Rudolph, the Olympic bomber was another recent right wing extremist it would make sense Homeland Security would be studying them.

It does not matter what “wing” someone comes from… if they decide to break the law or blow up shit for their political beliefs, that is too much. Doesn’t matter if they are right wing or “eco-terrorists”.

McVeigh… good riddens, and Rudolph (who plead guilty because he was a wus and afraid of capital punishment), rot in jail mofo.

“DHS/I&A is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities.”

This is unfortunate, but both McVeigh and Rudolph were vets, hopefully no more will go down this bad path. They were not patriots, they were murderers and terrorists.

blast, were those guys right wing or far left?

scott m: blast, were those guys right wing or far left?

Scott… read my comment, I answer that question.

Do you think they were right or left wing?

Is it just me, or does the timing of this report seems to maybe have some bearing on 4/15/2009?

Read the report blast. It refers to people that advocate a small federal government and oppose abortion and immigration (doesn’t mention illegal immigration). In response to Michelle Malkin’s inquiry when she called DHS to verify the report, they told her that it was started almost a year ago, and yet the report refers to an increase in right wing activity since the 2008 election.

The biggest thing that jumps out at me is the generalization lumping anyone right of Bill Ayers as a right wing radical.

This is beyond frightening.

I doubt the Ok city bombers ever voted anything but democrat, the favorite party of terrorists world wide. Democrats try to hide their guilt by associating others with they’re own organizations like the KKK. You formed it, financed it and your congress critter was/is a member, you own it. The NAACP/Black Panthers, ELF/ALF (all democrat supported) have done more damage and killed more citizens than any organization you can remotely connect to the conservatives.
I has all to do with 4/15/2009. Never speak ill of the new messiah. Out of his own mouth “there will be no Privacy” allowed. So his prompter speach was written as ‘piracy’ he said what he really believes.


I think you might be right Scrapiron, McVeigh’s essay written before he was executed doesn’t appear to be “right-wing” at all.


I also think this report’s release has something to do with the Tea Parties scheduled for tomorrow. The left has had a non-stop campaign against them from the beginning, example being left-wing hypocrits such as Media Matters, Oliver Willis and others funded by Soros are accusing this grassroots effort of being media hyped(FOX) and corporate backed.


Now the radical left is using Homeland Security and our tax dollars to demonize the opposition. Absurd.

Got a link from the NYT’s Steve:

Anyone who thinks this sort of gov’t activity is nothing to worry about had better wake up, sit up, and pay attention.

We’ve seen this before in the “Modern Militia Movement” report issued by the State of Missouri.

Folks, I’ll be honest.

I fit in several of the categories laid out in the Missouri report.

I even have the “Don’t Tread on Me” Gadsden Flag flying in front of my house.

Did anyone reading here support Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, or Bob Barr? Do you have any Libertarian party materials laying around? If so, then you’re included too.

I’m covered by portions of the new DHS report as well because the language in it is so broad.

Try these lines directly from the report on for size and see how many of the posters, readers, and participants here at FA are covered by the broad generalization:

those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.

Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential
administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and
citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms, ownership and use.

I even wrote a half page Op Ed for our local newspaper last month in which I excoriated Obama and his administration for a wide variety of shortcomings.

Don’t be so quick to say this is no big deal because the next report the gov’t puts out may very well include you.


I forgot to add that I agree with your assertion about the timing of this report coming just a day before the Tea Party events across the nation.

I’m still attending one of the events tomorrow and I am hopeful that this effort by DHS to intimidate will blow up in their faces and make the Tea Party movement even stronger.

Americans don’t take kindly to being intimidated.

Obama the great unifier….yeah right.

I’ll take it as a compliment to be called “extreme”

Barry Goldwater: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice”.

@Aye Chihuahua:

Yes, this could have the opposite effect, might just inspire a few more to join the crowd.

I don’t know if you looked at the Malkin link, she describes her call. Just like you are saying, the way they are describing righwingers is vague and could cover a broad range of people. That seems to be Obama’s and the new Congress’s MO, if you note, anything that has been written, passed and signed is broad, vague, not specific, plenty of room to play.

Here’s her paragraph, note how she explains the difference in that they are specific when it comes to leftwing extremist groups, we are all just tossed into one big pot. Hard to accept that this is happening in this country.

They were very defensive — preemptively so — in asserting that it was not a politicized document and that DHS had done reports on “leftwing extremism” in the past. I have covered DHS for many years and am quite familiar with past assessments they and the FBI have done on animal rights terrorists and environmental terrorists. But those past reports have always been very specific in identifying the exact groups, causes, and targets of domestic terrorism, i.e., the ALF, ELF, and Stop Huntingdon wackos who have engaged in physical harassment, arson, vandalism, and worse against pharmaceutical companies, farms, labs, and university researchers.

Darn, my comment is in the filter.

I haven’t read the report yet, so have no idea if FA or other blogs are specifically mentioned. But OMG… doesn’t anyone see the delicious irony in all this?

The nine-page document was sent to police and sheriff’s departments across the United States on April 7 under the headline, “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”

Yo Curt… love to have seen your expression when you found out you may be targeted as a radical when your department received this little ditty.

Not to mention, I generally don’t think of law enforcement as liberal/progressive types. Don’t really know what the breakdown is for law enforcement as conservative vs liberal/progressives, but just can’t see the anti-2nd amendment/nanny government mentality fitting our local sheriffs, troopers and police departments. Sending them this nonsense is like telling them to beware of their locker room mates!

This announcement is a warning to us for being the opposition party. Sounds like Venezuela with Chavez !.In 4 years , citizens of this beautiful country of ours will not have the ability to vote. Everything is going to be control, our privacy gone and we are going to be visited by Acorns and your friendly IRS agent to be audited. Moreove, all of the War vets(76%) that voted for McCain will be coming home very soon, and the new “soldiers” will be in placed. Sadly, so many cannot believe us and see how the students of Saul Alinski have come home to roost. The Christians are being left out of this new Judeo-muslim axis, and with the help of all the extreme leftists, they are now a mayority and yes we are now the minority. What a sad day for America. Where is all of these going to lead us? Let us pray for peace!


I haven’t had the opportunity to read MM’s post yet. I’ve been busy and my Internet time has come in fits and starts.


I’ve printed off the report and so far have not found FA mentioned specifically.

The general language of the report sure paints an awful lot of people with a broad brush though.

As a matter of fact, I’m covered in their paint.

So I called the number given at the end of the report, (FBI) and turned myself in. Really.
I started out acting “concerned” about “a person” and went into detail about how he seems overly protetive of his “rights”, he’s a former SeAL, his son is a Marine, and that I thought he owned a LOT more weapons than what would seem normal, and that he trains his children to use those same weapons, and he cuts me off mid-sentence and says:

“Ummm you’re reporting yourself, aren’t you?”

I said: “Yes I am, along with a few million who think just like me.”

He said : You and about 10,000 other good folks have flooded us today, and between you and I, keep it up.”


Guess this will include the govenor of Texas:


Right on!

They’re on to me? Awwww crud. I almost had my hydrogen bomb completed.

Now there will be no earth shattering ka-boom.

I suspect Obama is hoping for a trigger event from a small group of extremists on the right. He’ll welcome it as a reason to implement the most far reaching gun and mind control laws imaginable. The old media will be more than willing to help him disarm and marginalize anyone to the right of Bill Ayers. Domestic terrorism would get an incredible emphasis and the response would include strong attention to the real danger: the expression of ideas out of sync with the far left.

I’m genuinely afraid some small group may actually be stupid enough to openly try to make a political statement using force somewhere in America. I’ve even occasionally seen comments on this blog implying the potential to take up arms. Regardless of the radical changes taking place as a result of the last election, there could be no positive outcome to something like that.

Without such an event, we needn’t have too much concern. But with a narcissist in the White House, I don’t fault anyone who is less optimistic then me.

@Aye Chihuahua listed the early iteration of this kind of thinking with the Missouri Militia report. Isn’t that the case where some bumper stickers on the back of your car can get you pigeon-holed as a possible dangerous extremist? Meanwhile, we are still patting down grandmothers at airports because profiling for terrorists would be wrong?

I’d also like to point out that trumped up threats against Obama were used during the campaign to unleash the power of the Secret Service to investigate opponents. In at least one case the horde of black SUV’s showed up at a citizens house all because she was rude to an Obama campaign worker over the phone. No recording was ever produced to show that the woman was a threat, just the word of the Obamaton.

What we are seeing now is the deliberate plan to CRIMINALIZE POLITICAL SPEECH.

Welcome to the New Reich!

And I’ll bet you any amount of money that the nitwits who wrongly claimed President Bush was infringing on civil liberties (they never produced ONE valid example) will be silent on this move or cheering it on.

Well, they got spanked by the National Commander of the American Legion, no doubt other veteran’s organizations will be weighing in.

From Malkin’s site.

Secretary Janet Napolitano
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

April 13, 2009

Dear Secretary Napolitano,

On behalf of the 2.6 million-member American Legion, I am stating my concern about your April 7 report, “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence and Recruitment.”

First, I want to assure you that The American Legion has long shared your concern about white supremacist and anti-government groups. In 1923, when the Ku Klux Klan still yielded unspeakable influence in this country, The American Legion passed Resolution 407. It resolved, in part, “…we consider any individual, group of individuals or organizations, which creates, or fosters racial, religious or class strife among our people, or which takes into their own hands the enforcement of law, determination of guilt, or infliction of punishment, to be un-American, a menace to our liberties, and destructive to our fundamental law…”

The best that I can say about your recent report is that it is incomplete. The report states, without any statistical evidence, “The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.”

The American Legion is well aware and horrified at the pain inflicted during the Oklahoma City bombing, but Timothy McVeigh was only one of more than 42 million veterans who have worn this nation’s uniform during wartime. To continue to use McVeigh as an example of the stereotypical “disgruntled military veteran” is as unfair as using Osama bin Laden as the sole example of Islam.

Your report states that “Rightwing extremists were concerned during the 1990s with the perception that illegal immigrants were taking away American jobs through their willingness to work at significantly lower wages.” Secretary Napolitano, this is more than a perception to those who have lost their job. Would you categorize union members as “Right Wing extremists”?

In spite of this incomplete, and, I fear, politically-biased report, The American Legion and the Department of Homeland Security share many common and crucial interests, such as the Citizen Corps and disaster preparedness. Since you are a graduate of New Mexico Girls State, I trust that you are very familiar with The American Legion. I would be happy to meet with you at a time of mutual convenience to discuss issues such as border security and the war on terrorism. I think it is important for all of us to remember that Americans are not the enemy. The terrorists are.


David K. Rehbein
National Commander
The American Legion


Ut oh…they used the “T” word! Lumpy Janet will have to reindoctrinate Mr. Nick LOL!

No, it’s no accident that this report broke the day before the Tea Parties. Nothing happens in this Administration by accident. True American citizens scare the hell out of the Left though and they are running like their hair is on fire with the outpouring the parties are bringing. The Left will dow whatever they can to incite problems tomorrow so that they get a better sound bite on the news.

And Ms. Napolitano, you better re-phrase the words you use. I am an AMERICAN and I’ll be happy to answer your questions any day of the week.

Terrorists? You want to see a terrorist??

Anyone remember the armed Black Panthers “guarding” polling places??????

We are all terrorists now.

They have all our names. Soon the blue-shirts will come for us.

The Barack Obama Lied

Flag high! Ranks closed tight!
The Acorn Troopers march with bold, firm step.
Socialistic strong arm bullies
March together within our ranks.

Clear the streets for the Acorn battalions.
Clear the streets for the Socialist men!
Millions already look hopefully up to the Messiah.
The day is breaking for hope and change!

For the last time now the call is sounded!
Already we stand all ready to fight!
Soon the Obama banners will flutter over the streets.
Our freedom won’t last much longer!

Flag high! Ranks closed tight!
The Acorn Troopers march with bold, firm step.
Socialistic strong arm bullies
March together within our ranks.

Wonderful input from all you guys! Thanks! For those of you who noted the timing to 4/15, AB SO LUT LEE!

The are timing it to tell us that “Big Brother is Watching You! We will be taking photos, writing down tag numbers, sic, we will find where you live and your place of employment! We will go through your garbage and woe to that individual who neglects to separate the recyclables! We will log into your IP and find out every site you visit on the Web. We will know you better than your know you.

Welcome to the Brave New World!

I am so mad I can’t go to the Tea Party here in Louisville KY tomorrow, but my thoughts and spirit will be with them tomorrow. If Washington needs to try and monitor me then where do I list myself as a disgruntled American Tax Payer.

What an amazing document!! I am honored to recognized as someone who opposes the disaster Obam has foisted on our country. Can you imagine how the left wing liberal nuts in association with the MSM would have responded if Presdient Bush would have created such a document which could have identified the eco terrorists, global warming nuts, and those who kill babies as being left wing extremeists??

“”I don’t see that report mention FA… but keeping in mind that the biggest terrorist attack on the homeland prior to 9/11 was a right wing extremist, Timothy McVeigh. And Eric Robert Rudolph, the Olympic bomber was another recent right wing extremist it would make sense Homeland Security would be studying them.””

Well, those plus the hundreds of domestic terrorist attacks either planned and disrupted or carried out since 9/11 by right-wing extremists….. yeah.

Maybe we needed to hear that this blogger holds some ideological link to some related causes.
Or maybe we could just recall how many times we’ve read about domestic terrorist threats here while Nazis bombing Jews and blacks on US soil never rated a mention, no matter how many times that happened.

Shit, I bet even the right-winger attempting a WMD attack on US soil got a free pass.

Does leaving my name and rating on this comment cause me to be “watched?”
If so, bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


right wing extremist, Timothy McVeigh

McVeigh was both an atheist and an anarchist.

Neither of those are right-wing ideals.


As a side note:

I find it rather interesting that the DHS report mentions the man who shot the police officers in PA and calls him “right wing”.

They neglect to mention his extensive involvement in the neo-Nazi group Stormfront.

Last time I checked, Nazis were not right wing. At all.

I see they are wasting no time getting their enemies identified.

Alinsky rules for radicals #13
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and ‘frozen.’…

“…any target can always say, ‘Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?’ When your ‘freeze the target,’ you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments…. Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the ‘others’ come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target…’

“One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.” (pps.127-134)

Thanks for a trip down memory lane by a British group in my youth, Fit. In return for your attempt at a snide remark to sluff off an arm of the federal government, identifying troublesome citizens as radicals, I’ll return the courtesy and provide a “link” for you.

umm hi, i am a right wing nutjob and i am so proud of it. yeah me. 😉

this is seriously screwed, i guess they do not realize that most of those they are targeting are the same ones who they will call upon to wipe this supposed threat out. i know many in the military, and law enforcment who are very conservative and are disgusted by the way this country is going. havet hey ever stopped to think about the fact that many of the civilion employees of the defence department are very conseravtive? they have no clue. i love the post by the guy who turned himself in, that was great.

Exactly WHO ruled McVeigh and others were right wing?? The MSM, whoremasters for Obama.

The main thing that worries me is that with Obama sucking up to the Islamics and Saudis, I fear that the next Islamic terrorist attack we have on Americam soil, will be deemed by Obama to have been perpetuated by ‘right wing radicals’ for the exact purpose of abolishing all or most of what conservatives hold dear. We have to be kissy-kissy with the Saudi’s and others (Obama was indoctrinated into Islamic though in his early years, for heaven’s sake!), Christianity and ‘right wingers’ are the prime whipping boys today. I don’t trust Obama.

Conservatives are the only ones who currently stand and block Obama’s push for the wholesale disintegration of America and the West through obscene and absurd ‘government do everything’ programs and then grievous taxes, not to pay for those programs, but to simply put the citizenry under bondage.

Washington and Jefferson (and even Reagan) are rolling in their graves at the fact of the ChiCom’s buying up American debt. This is the closest one can get to absolute insanity without having that jacket tied on backwards.

Thanks Mata!
The hairs are still stiff as a board on the back of my neck.

I NEVER, ever, thought I would see the day when I started to believe that THIS CAN HAPPEN HERE.

Current events are simply too convenient for what we know the left desires and wants to happen.

And as RS (good wisdom there RS) notes above…Alinsky…well we all know Obama sat at his feet. Barack obviously learned well.


Can you imagine how the left wing liberal nuts in association with the MSM would have responded if Presdient Bush would have created such a document which could have identified the eco terrorists, global warming nuts, and those who kill babies as being left wing extremeists??

The “what if Bush had done it” argument is specious from the left or from the right, but here is exactly such a document, published in 2001. It starts off by saying:

Left-wing extremism often has developed from working-class movements seeking in
theory to eliminate, not preserve, class distinctions.

To me, that seems like as sweeping a generalization as what we see in the right-wing extremism report. Both are simply summaries to get people up to speed on the roots of the movement and their general motivations. Do you expect the DHS to go into a Ph.D thesis about the root psychological causes behind extremism?

@Aye Chihuahua:

Last time I checked, Nazis were not right wing. At all.

I’m glad you skimmed through Liberal Fascism and have shared in the epiphany that every extremist movement has a leftist source; I’m sure those blinders will come in real handy when you have to start recognizing the whackos (as there are in any movement) so your opinion doesn’t get hijacked. Back here in the real world, nazi’s and white-supremacists are traditionally grouped into right-wing extremism, while anarchists and eco-terrorists are grouped as left-wing extremism. It’s a fairly simple classification that is, again, meant to make the understanding of a broad range of ideologies easier. It is obviously not saying that if you vote republican it makes you a nazi, or voting democrat makes you an anarchist.

Look, I get it that you guys are pissed off about the name of the report, but to run around as if such a thing has never happened before or that it’s part of some broad anti-conservative conspiracy is nutty. Anyways, don’t take my word for it I’m just a libtard, your friends at LGF have already chewed the fat on this.

Steve, just keep rereading Patvann’s comment above. The response from the FBI official was priceless. And, BTW… thanks for sharing that experience with us, patvann!

Then consider what I said…. imagine this “big brother is watching you” style report being sent to law enforcement officials all over the nation. uh… that would be guys like Curt.

I daresay, if Obama’s DHS administrators think US law enforcement officials will be seeking to bust “right wing radicals”, they’d better get their civilian community corp up in operation quick. Can’t see it.

Perhaps the O’faithful community militias will look like those in the video above, but with a more earthy tone in color, and Obama’s “o” logo instead of the red star. Perhaps little “acorn” patches designating rank. LOL

Mata: Basically, I agree, likely the military, national guard, and law enforcement have more nationalist pride and patriotism than I am giving them credit for than to let some left wing upstart destroy 233 years of constitutional law.

The problem is Congress is hell bent for leather to implement his programs. They control the money. It starts at the top and then starts to squeeezee….working it’s way down the ladder.

Also, don’t forget there is that 20,000 member militia that have been going around US cities staging ‘terrorist response maneuvers’…..what the hell are they anyway? What happens when the ‘citizens’ get labeled the ‘terrorists?’

Were that we were blessed with the foresight as we are hindsight……

By the way, guys, I don’t know if ya’ll have seen this but is is awesome!



Last time I checked, Nazis were not right wing. At all.

I’m glad you skimmed through Liberal Fascism and have shared in the epiphany that every extremist movement has a leftist source

No, I don’t actually have that book on my shelf, but thanks for the review.

I never said that every extremist group has a leftist source and I would appreciate it if you not make further efforts to put words in my mouth.

What you need to do is educate yourself rather than make presumptuous assumptions about what I believe. A good place for you to begin is the actual name of the political party behind the Nazis.

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party

See the key word in there?


Socialist = Left in case you missed it.

white-supremacists are traditionally grouped into right-wing extremism

Really? By who?

Perhaps you are oblivious to the establishment, support, and rise of the preeminent white supremacy group, the KKK.

Anyone who has any knowledge of history knows that the KKK was begun by Democrats. In fact, the Democrat party has a Senator currently serving who was once a Grand Kleagle.

Democrats = Left in case you missed it.

Thanks for playing though.

your friends at LGF have already chewed the fat on this

I couldn’t possibly care less what the echo chamber and amen chorus members over at LGF have to say because there is no honest debate or free exchange of ideas there.

Quite frankly, Charles has demonstrated a remarkable ability to run a web forum in the ground by relentlessly banning anyone who doesn’t nod their head in agreement with his every whim.

This DHS report is crazy. They don’t even have the courage to name names, they just throw out a lot of dirt and heresay trying to scare people. It’s something that could have been written by Randi Rhodes.

Aye: McVeigh was both an atheist and an anarchist.

Neither of those are right-wing ideals.

My initial comment got eaten by spam, but basically, McVeigh, was neither an atheist nor anarchist. Go google his last interview given with TIME, and you will learn the truth. The funny thing he sounds so much like the teabaggers on the issue of taxes.

Interesting that they submit this reaport RIGHT BEFORE THE TEA PARTIES.


Methinks a script and talking points are being assembled by the Gov’t and MSM.

1) I call folks like you libturds. I don’t find it funny to make fun of the mentally handicapped.
They cannot help who they are. Individuals like you can, but choose not to.

2) Thanks for stopping by and showing how utterly ignorant you are. Nazis are right wing…

3) I don’t look to LGF for validation of a viewpoint either. That sort of thing seems to be a leftwing trait.

@Aye Chihuahua:

The traditional political spectrum puts the far-right as those who seek complete dictatorial control (i.e. the facists) and the far-left as those who seek complete social control (i.e. the anarchists). Within this definition, the white supremacists, who seek a racially guided system of government, are far right, and the eco-terrorists who seek to de-stabilize government on principles of environmental freedom are far left. This seems like a fairly logical way to split up a wide range of political philosophies.

Socialism = Left … Democrats = Left

Frankly, the labels don’t really mean a whole lot – if you want to make the claim that the Nazi’s or the KKK are leftist, if that makes you feel better about your ideology, then go right ahead. Not to get on a high horse, but I associate with ideas and not with movements. To your specific argument, yes, the Nazis used the socialist moniker as did many groups back then who wanted to appeal to populism, but Hitler was consistently against the Social Democrats and the Communists (who were the only parties to resist his rise to power, by the way) and his policies are clearly in opposition to traditional socialism. Likewise, any fifth-grader will tell you that the ideologies of the Democratic and Republican parties shifted dramatically after the civil war as southern Democrats moved to become the Dixiecrats, and were eventually ushered into the Republican party we know today through the Southern Strategy. Take a look at Ireland’s Republican Labour Party or Iran’s Islamic Republican Party, for more examples of meaningless labels being thrown around.

Through all of this politics 101 nonsense, my point is that the government routinely produces reports on what it summarily refers to as right and left wing groups. Is it a messy short-hand? Sure, but it’s clearly not the Orwellian over-reach that you’re making it out to be. If you’re going to denounce the targeting of white supremacists, at least have the decency to offer anarcho-communists equal protection.