Obama: You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig



Probably a slip o’ the tongue, or an unconcious expression of frustration, but just as innocent as some Republican describing freshman Senator Obama as articulate. In any event, not a classy moment for the Democratic Party. No doubt about it, the left is not demonstrating their “open-armed” “open-minded” “liberal” soul. Nope.

Governor Palin’s lipstick moment is at about 3:30 in this one…

“Lipstick On A Pig” Update [Byron York]
The McCain campaign is holding a conference call with former Massachusetts Gov. Jane Swift, who is calling on Barack Obama to apologize to Sarah Palin for his “lipstick on a pig” comment. “We need to continually combat this stream of insults,” Swift said, referring specifically to “what I can only deem to be disgraceful comments comparing our vice presidential nominee, Gov. Palin, to a pig.”

Reporters were a bit skeptical that Obama intended to do that; from the sketchy reports we have, he seemed to be talking about how John McCain can claim to represent change but isn’t really an agent of change. But Swift said, “it’s pretty clear the crowd thought that that was the insult he was leveling.” And Swift made the (hopefully) undeniable observation that Palin is the only one of the four national candidates who wears lipstick.

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Obama must not have gotten the memo about the women voters that are currently jumping ship.

Obie givin’ Hillary! the finger:

His Granny should have taught him more about respect toward women.


Reminiscent of when he was caught giving the finger to Hillery. this person is a thug nothing more nothing less, has no respect for anyone let alone women. CAN’T AFFORD THIS CREEP.

$^@#^%& SPAM filter x2

What a jerk!!! I suggest ALL WOMEN SEND OBAMA OUR LIPSTICK!!!!

Send him a message that we are voting for Palin. What a sexist PIG!!!

He is going to lose big among women!

It’s NOT the same, anonimoid troll. Calling a bad thing a “pig” is not the same as calling a person one, for no reason other than to attack her. And we aren’t whining, just pointing out what an immature classless petty ass Obama is.

Campaign is in freefall, maybe they should try and put some lipstick on their pig.

Man it was so much fun actually being there when she made that speech. The whole area was electric with excitement.

They do not show all the Michigan Delegates in their Hockey Jerseys with Michigan 08 on the back. I need to buy one of them.

“Obama: You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”

Translation: “I don’t want or need the woman vote.”

Man, Obama’s getting dumber by the day.

The “old fish” portion of his comment will get him in just as much, if not more, trouble than the “lipstick” portion.

Scott, as a side note, it wasn’t a Republican who referred to BO as clean and articulate.

That was Biden, the guy he chose to be his VP running mate.

Are Obambis peeps really so stupid to believe that how a comment is perceived by the press counts more than what the voters think about it?

Soon he will have two women on his side, his wife and Oprah.


Even the usually helpful MSM reporters made the immediate connection that voters throughout the country, especially women, are making in regards to BO’s comments.

You can spin and spin and try to weave yourself some damage control but this one is gonna be big.

All across the country this is reverberating right now.

Neighbors are calling neighbors.

Friends are talking to one another.

E-mail is being generated.

The blogs are revving up.

Sometimes it’s the littlest things that derail a train.

You may as well sit back and enjoy the ride.

Oprah, educated and smart women in the same sentence does not compute.

That is a good joke line though.

More respect for women from The One:

why doesn’t the troll crawl back under their bridge. they freaking because obama is in a free fall. he is losing ground and if he keeps this up he won’t be elected president of his neighberhood association.

I think we got a comedian in the comment thread.

[wah wah snort huff wah] by ‘McCain said the same of Hillary’.
Hey, Mstsoh, you sort of sound like a…pig? But, I digress…

This is McCain’s statement ABOUT HILLARY’S PROPOSAL:
[“I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” he said of her proposal.]

You can say that Obama just brought this statement out of the dusty political library of attack speeches, but one (on the Obummer campaign staff) would think that there’d be an expected uproar since Sarah Palin made a powerful statement about Pit Bulls and lipstick less than a week ago. So, what does that say about Obama’s judgement unless, in fact, he WAS making a direct reference to the person of Sarah Palin, one who is anything but a pig?

Ah yes we got a comedian in the house

Maybe Obama wasn’t being a jerk. Maybe he really is too dumb to know how that would be taken, and too dense to realize what the crowd thought he meant.

AHH the sexism of the left. Nothing like going after a women. Did you get them directly from Obama or Biden OR was that Olberman/Mathews.

OK, anonymoid brain-dead dimwit, let’s say for argument sake that Obama called the change she and McCain advocate “a pig” instead of her. Let’s look at the facts to see if Obama’s accusation holds water, or is itself a bit of pigvomit.

1. With regard to Palin, she has CUT EARMARKS and continues to try to do so, even to the point where the powerful Alaska senator, who could get almost as much in earmarks as he wanted, because as he says “Alaska [meaning Gov., Palin] doesn’t want earmarks.”

Barack Obama Unable to LEAD His Followers To Decency

2. McCain doesn’t get ANY earmarks, compared with Obama’s $$$$$$BILLION!!!

And I stand by what I said about O’Bumbler being an immature classless twit, about on your level or lower, as this video of the high school class clown giving Hillary the finger (everyone in the audiance knew what he meant).

Oh, and let’s not forget Biden,…
…who is in it with his son and brother

Barack Obama Unable to LEAD His Followers To Decency

…who were just indicted for being crooks.

So, let’s summarize. Obama and Biden are for more of the same old corruption, while McCain and Palin are for reforming the system. O’Bumbler’s “change” is “the same, only a lot more so” while McCain’s is, Let’s do what we can to REALLY fix the problems.

Now, stoopid ignant troll, go slither, crawl, or hop away before someone steps on you.


So we’ve got a choice.

Either Obama is in fact an accomplished and highly educated orator who impresses one and all when speaking, which implies he meant precisely what we all think he meant, … -or- he’s a total boor who shouldn’t be allowed near a microphone.

Your choice.

McCain said the same of Hilary:

Reading your postings is reminiscent of talking to a 6 year old. Get a life you dolt! There is zero substance to anything you are saying. I would recommend using logic, but I suspect that may be above your pay grade.

And this is comong form someone that can’t spell Hillary

oops, that first link in my last comment (to show Palin has CUT earmarks to the point that she has upset Alaska’s Senator Stevens who wants a lot more) should have been this….

Barack Obama Unable to LEAD His Followers To Decency

Wow what a bundle of laughs.

Do you really think that the polar bears are in trouble, and that shooting wolves will harm the wildlife. There are more Polar bears than ever before, at least since they counted them. How can the be endangered. And the wolves are killing the caribou and starving native Inuits and other native tribes.

Man the talking points are sure are funny tonight.

anonymoid brain-dead dimwit doesn’t want to deal with the material I sent in because it will make him look like the fool he is.

And what about the wolves? Predators are dangerous and kill livestock, destroying people’s work and endangering them. But the morons who love destruction are never in favor of anything productive, so enjoy the CNN hit piece, then you can have your mommie change your little nappy and give you a bottle.

Meanwhile, if you get stepped on, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Obama doesn’t do stress well. That’s why he chain smokes and makes gaff when he isn’t reading the teleprompter. Right now Obama doesn’t look like a man offering hope or change. He now looks like a bitter and broken man screaming, “I could have been a contender.”

His anger is what’s really driving those people away. These people don’t even know McCain and Palin, but they know desperation when they see it.

“You can put lipstick on a pig,” he said as the crowd cheered. “It’s still a pig.” “You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It’s still gonna stink.”

Does anyone actually believe this wasn’t planned in advanced? It’s offensive and the point is to generate deniable outrage to hijack the narrative and put his own spin on the last news cycle. The media are carrying his water big time.

the comedian is back

Yes we hear the talking points,

So what, Obama mocked Palin, or maybe he didn’t. But that’s not what everyone will be talking about tomorrow– They’ll be talking about McCain’s new attack ad:

Aldo Leopold, a “poet” ooooooooh, he must be so much wiser than you (which I can believe, ’cause he’s got you hoodwinked into thinking so).

Now, how about those nasty things called “facts” that always escape you Lefties, till they disurb your reveries like sand in the gears of your overtaxed little brains which brings your “thought” process (such as it is) to a hault, and forces you to lapse into fantasy mode where you can wander about unhindered by reality.

“…we’re shorsighted and stupid”

Yes, you are.

If you are prepared to elect someone who’s friends and associates …
are nearly ALL liars, crooks, terrorists, con-artists, and other assorted low-lifes
…just because some poet is sad at the death of a wolf, then you are REALLY short sighted and VERY stoopid!!!!

Ahhh, but it “FEELS” sooo right, doesn’t it?! Yeah, and when you can’t think, you rely on your feelings to tell you what to do. Except, that puts you at the mercy of those who can manipulate those feelings, like “poets” and con-artists and two-bit hack politicians like Obama who has never accomplished anything positive, but has hurt an awful lot of his constituents.

In cahoots with Rezko and other Chicago crooks O’Bummer rewarded incompetance and allowed his constituents’ neighborhoods to deteriorate in order to enrich himself and his crooked friends.
You claim to be worried about stewardship of the planet and want to elect such a derelict? You’re not just stoopid, you’re soul-dead.

Sounds like Obama would be at home touring with Russell Brand the famed Mtv VMA host, they both do not seem to understand what is offensive to Americans. That was a joke he should have told in Germany or maybe the U.K. I guess Mr. Clean Campaign is a thing of the past. I hate seeing a grown man resort to calling an opposing V.P. candidate and her following of “hockey moms” PIGS!!! I am now disgusted – I thought he would be a little more cool under pressure, but as it turns out he goes off the deep end the 1st time he is behind in the polls… PIGS? PIGS? Way to embarrass the democrat party yet again, name calling is for children – maybe you are not ready for the Presidency. This marks the moment that you have become a has-been! Maybe Brand will allow you to lay low at his “flat” for a while??? You should have just made fun of virgins and the chastity & abstinence of a boy band. IDIOT!

Is this supposed to be funny.

And I guess those German and English votes will do really good in November.

you are really winning over some votes here with all this BS.

Global Warming is a natural thing and it is going to start cooling again.

Maybe you should take another hit from the bong with these idiotic videos

Have you heard about this ‘Troopergate’ scandal?

Nope. Never heard of it.

RE: Yonason

That is exactly my point, who cares about what the world wants – of course the world will want a democrat leading the U.S., tradionally there are far more handouts under a democrat administration… I guess it would be in their best interest to push for Obama. This guy has virtually no experience, questionable personal associations and no political substance. I really can’t understand how anyone can take this campaign seriously? I won’t question his patriotism but I do question his judgement or, lack there of… As each day passes and he adds NOT ONE one reason to cast a vote in his favor, his true colors are increasingly shining through. He is a stuffed suit with no plan for our country other than to raise the taxes and have Americans depend more on social programs and government direction even more so than they do now. Change? Socialism is not the change we should be looking for…

“what? was there a purpose to your ramblings?”

Sorry for talking over your head there, little feller.

Here, I’ll sumarize it for you.

You can’t think, you can only feel.
You are therefore mislead by those who can manipulate your feelings.
There is a huge discrepency between what you say you want to accomplish, and the behavior and abilities of the one who you tell us can accomplish it.
You are unable to see that because you are unable to think and are misled by your feelings.
It is therefore you who have the problem, not us.

Is that too complicated for you iddy biddy brain? Yes, it is? Oh, poor baby, let me condense it a little more for you.

You are a shallow, clueless and soul-dead idiot.

p.s., buh bye, now. We’re done.

I had enough of hitting my head against the wall with this troll also. he brought nothing to the conversation except talking points from the DNC and Obama campaign.

“Being drunk and stupid is no way to live your life”


A while back O’Bumpkin tried to get people to think he could “fix” America by getting it “back” to what it someday “could be” so we could “restore” our “leadership” in the world. His prescription to become that “leader?” To FOLLOW Europe. Talk about circular reasoning.

And that proves that his followers aren’t thinking about what he says, because if they did they would realize he isn’t saying anything.

““Being drunk and stupid is no way to live your life”” — stix1972

Yeah, but it makes them FEEEEEEL so good, …..at least till they sober up, if that’s possible.

McCain’s statement was not similar to that of Obama in context. Obama fscked up. Period. And no troll can change that. Lest the troll gets his sinuses cleansed with a Mossberg.

As far as the polls that are here and now, well…nothing is certain until after the 1st pres debates and the VP Debates.

So, until that time, the polls can go shove it.

“Don’t see it as a total waste of time however, you humored me, kind of fun to play with such small minds.”

Oh good grief! Is that moonbat STILL at it?

So much for his/her/it’s much ballyhooed insistence that we should be talking about the “issues.” All I’ve seen from that fingerpointer is a stream of insults.

Ah well, when the bloom is off the Obama rose and the public has turned away from the false prophet and is admiring a REAL and authentic candidate like Sarah Palin I guess insults are all the left is left with.

Wow… just caught up with some of this thread, and see I’ve missed the entrance and exit of yet another stellar example of the brain power of the DNC voter. Well, I needed a laugh today anyway.

Too bad. I was dying to know what McCain had said about Hilary Duff. Because I’m quite sure that both Senators Hillary Clinton and John McCain have behaved graciously toward each other throughout this campaign.

whats really funny about this is he plagerized it as well
i see he has been learning the ropes from Biden


LOL the number of gaffes this guys does, if the media were half as critical of him as they were of Dan Quayle, he would have been toast MONTHS ago

IF liberals hated America.


Check out what the democrats have posted on their official website, quick before they take it down. It appears the Obamabots knew exactly what he was talking about.


Obama isn’t so stupid as to not understand why the crowd rose and appaulded when he uttered the “lipstick on a pig” line. It really wasn’t that great, especially if you assume it not to be an insult. If he had been smart, he would have put an end to it right there. At least with one of those “no no no no” lines that he does so well, but instead he just went on.

It was rude, lewd and totally unprofessional.

And Howard Dean should leave the country.

Wow man you changed my mind. I am going to vote for the Obamassih with these comments.