Obama’s Friends – The Weather Underground, Rezko, Wright, & Farrakhan


Perfectly said by Rick Moran:

Barack Obama is just another politician – devious when he has to be, vague when it suits him, and a liar when necessity calls. May this incident involving Reverend Wright open the eyes of most of those who have lost themselves in Obama’s rhetorical fog so that they can see who and what they are supporting for President of the United States.

Meanwhile the MSM has tripped all over themselves to “forgive” Obama’s foo-pah of befriending a racist. Just a little misunderstanding right? He was soooo courageous to tell the country that we need to end the division in America. That Wrights hate is the past and he is the future. But did he ever do that at his very own church? Did he bring change there? Isn’t the first place to prove you can lead is among those close to you? But he didn’t do that, no, he sat listening to the hate. He brought his children to listen to the hate….and he never changed a thing in that church.

But he will somehow change the nation?

Give me a break.

As Juan Williams said yesterday, its plain why he went to that church and did nothing to disown the hate:

that would be disavowing the black community, so now he’s saying Reverend Wright is the equivalent of the black community, and of course for a biracial kid who grew up in Hawaii, went to a elite prep school before Columbia and Harvard law he is desperately trying to assert that he is part of that black community. He was using the church and Reverend Wright to gain a political base in the black community in the south side of Chicago. But why do you do that when you hear this guy, you know, damning America.

….politics baby!

At least Brian Ross isn’t ignoring the stuff that the rest of the media seems to be:

Buried in his eloquent, highly praised speech on America’s racial divide, Sen. Barack Obama contradicted more than a year of denials and spin from him and his staff about his knowledge of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s controversial sermons.


Until yesterday, Obama said the only thing controversial he knew about Rev. Wright was his stand on issues relating to Africa, abortion and gay marriage.

“I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial,” Obama said at a community meeting in Nelsonville, Ohio, earlier this month.

“He has said some things that are considered controversial because he’s considered that part of his social gospel; so he was one of the leaders in calling for divestment from South Africa and some other issues like that,” Obama said on March 2.

His initial reaction to the initial ABC News broadcast of Rev. Wright’s sermons denouncing the U.S. was that he had never heard his pastor of 20 years make any comments that were anti-U.S. until the tape was played on air.

But yesterday, he told a different story.

“Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes,” he said in his speech yesterday in Philadelphia.

Many bloggers brought it up, Mike even labeled it what it was…a lie. As Rick pointed out, the man can be deceitful when the times require it.

More from Ross:

In the case of his relationship with Rezko, Obama has also been slow to acknowledge the full extent of his relationship.

It was only last week that he revealed Rezko had raised some $250,000 in campaign contributions for him.

The campaign had initially claimed Rezko-connected contributions were no more than $60,000, an amount the campaign donated to charity. Then the figure grew to around $86,000, and there were additional revelations that put the amount at about $150,000. Obama’s $250,000 accounting was a substantial jump and clearly contradicted earlier campaign statements that Rezko was just one of “thousands of donors.”

Rezko is now on trial in federal court in Chicago, charged with a pattern of bribing state officials to obtain various Illinois state contracts. Rezko has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Obama was initially vague about Rezko’s role in helping him buy a new home on Chicago’s south side. Unable to afford an adjacent vacant lot the seller wanted to sell at the same time as the house, Obama approached Rezko. Rezko’s wife bought the lot on the same day Obama bought the house, and then later, Mrs. Rezko sold the Obamas a strip of the lot which gave the Obamas a larger backyard.

Obama called it a “bone-headed” mistake but never revealed, until he met with Chicago reporters last week, that Rezko had actually toured the house with him and been deeply involved in the transaction.

Do you see the similarities? He minimized his dealings with Wright until the noise level reached a fever pitch and he could no longer minimize it. He minimized his dealings with Rezko until the same thing happened and he had to spill it.

And somehow this man is the candidate of change? He’s spinning like a top, like any other politician does.

Ross didn’t go into another troubling aspect of Obama’s….his dealings with terrorists:

In 1995, State Senator Alice Palmer introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, to a few of the district’s influential liberals at the home of two well known figures on the local left: William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

While Ayers and Dohrn may be thought of in Hyde Park as local activists, they’re better known nationally as two of the most notorious — and unrepentant — figures from the violent fringe of the 1960s anti-war movement.

“I don’t regret setting bombs; I feel we didn’t do enough,” Ayers told the New York Times in 2001.

The Weather Underground, Rezko, Wright, Farrakhan….

Real winner the Democrats have chosen here.

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First it was Mrs Obamas Princeton diatribe thesis about racist white folks and racist america and
how she blames white america for black problems.
Then you have Hussien Obama who refuse to put his hand over his heart during the pledge and
refusing to pin on th US flag lapel…..are you starting to see the picture?
Then you have Hussien Obama sitting for 20 years in a church that preached anti-american rhetoric and anti white people racist, bigoted speeches…all while shutting his eyes and nodding his head in agreement of his racist and bigoted preacher sermon.
Ask yourselves this..if you were the Obamas, wouldn’t you walk out of the church from the first
hate speech followed by a letter to the preacher giving him the reasons why you walked out and will never return?
Ever asked why they didn’t do that? Simple. They are in agreement with the preachers anti-white
and anti-american, anti Jew hate speech. Both of the Obamas just couldn’t get enough of this
hate speech- just look at their past mention above.
They (Obamas) are the true racist and bigots. Sure, as politicians they’ll say just about whatever
you want to hear…to get your support , money and vote….all the while within themselves they
are mocking you saying what fools are these white folks in voting for me.
After they win then comes the real surprise such as breaking tides with Israel, defunding the
defense department, scaling back drasticly our military, pouring money (free) to Kenya and
the African nations, seeking repriations for slavery in forms of drstic government programs for
blacks such as free eduction and health care…and the list goes on such as making abortion
permanent. which leads me to ask the Obamas as to why they didn’t abort their daughters.
You must lead by example. Why did you get married if you don’t think much about marriage and vowed to change Clintons passage of the marriage defense law.
To me, the Obamas are con artist, hypnotically urging people (especially white folks, you know
the race they so much hate and despise) into voting for him. But what big surprise you will
get when you find out how he so much tricked you all.
You are warned…vote for him at your own risk.

Obama attempted to have it both ways. First, he wanted to assure blacks that he was down for the struggle, even though he wasnt, so he embraced the whole raft of black liberation kookery.

Next, he tried to sell himself to the nation as the black candidate who could transcend race.

Sorry, but it doesn’t work.

He’s now become the black candidate, and not one that can represent us all.

Here is a true test of your own sanity.
If Chris Matthews says something to the effect that a speech like Obama’s was the most moving thing he’s ever heard and you were annoyed because Obama lied about knowing the content of Wright’s sermons, it means you have both feet firmly planted on the ground without any need for chemicals to relieve your depression or anxiety.
If Andrew Sullivan says the speech was the most eloquent in the last 40 years and you were pissed because he threw his grandmother under the bus and equated her with Rev. Wright, consider yourself possessing compassion for mankind exponentially higher than Sullivan.

Let’s just take a moment to marvel at the perverse efficiency with which the MSM has moved on this… The whole “Wright Affair” wasn’t even making the rounds Friday evening when most people more or less end their “news week” per se, and then by the time most people tuned back in Tuesday morning post St. Patrick’s Day, it was already being wrapped up with: “Mr. Obama’s eloquent speech should end the debate over his ties to Mr. Wright since there is nothing to suggest that he would carry religion into government.”

The error in logic here is that this isn’t a matter of religion. This is a matter of his fundamental beliefs; one does not spend 20+ years in the pews of a church when you “abhor” the rhetoric of the preacher. Also, it’s not hard to see through the whole: “I could no sooner walk away from Rev. Wright, than I could walk away from the black community,” that simply doesn’t equate. I hardly think the likes of Colin Powell, Shelby Steele, or Condoleezza Rice would object. So, we can come to one of two conclusions. Either Obama has lied, and all his speech making is just so much spin to try and fool the American public into voting for him. If that’s the case, he’s not any “new breed” of politician. Or, he is gullible and a rotten judge of character; unable to see that his mentor and spiritual guide is from the same boat as the likes of Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan. In which case I certainly don’t want him to be the guy determining whether the nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea have been shut down, or if Hugo Chavez is or isn’t supporting the FARC narco-terrorists who are trying to destabilize Columbia’s democracy. Either way, he’s certainly not anybody I want anywhere near the highest office in the land.

Granted, the MSM was warned long ago that the black community would “not tolerate” any “rough treatment” of this, the first viable black Presidential candidate. Honestly, we’re talking about the Presidency here, the most powerful office in the world (no, not the U.N. Secretary General)! If we are not allowed to put those who would pursue this office under the finest of microscopes, no matter who they are, how are we to make an informed decision in the polling booth? Not to mention that we can hardly expect the world at large to treat him with such kid gloves. If Obama is a policy naïf, then he’s going to get ripped apart by the Russians, Chinese, and Saudis when it comes to making tough negotiations.

We probably should have seen this coming the day that Howard Dean became chairman of the DNC; the radicals are in charge, and they’re even sweeping out their own moderates (a.k.a. Clinton) to the point that she can’t get any good press outside of SNL. We can expect that the MSM will continue to diligently draw in a halo over Obama’s head whenever he shows up on TV, to start offering him ways out of problems even as they report on them, and all the while they will likely continue to publish negative stories about McCain without the least bit of vetting (witness McCain’s supposed affair with a lobbyist, which under “it is the policy of this newspaper to publish stories when they are ready” was published more in keeping with a deadline than with journalistic integrity). Granted it was the same story in 2004, but Barrack Obama scares me a lot more than John Kerry ever did.

P.S.: Mike, as a fellow feline lover my condolences on the loss of your cat.

First there was the “Muslim” connection and ties to Farrakhan. Quickly put down. Then you have Wright, with his racist anti-american rants. Quickly put down. The ties to Ayers and Co? ditto

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the race and islamophobe cards. And just for good messure, a cry of fear-mongering.

Put all three together and you have Obama.

Shuts the MSM up faster than good news from Iraq.

How can someone lose when they hold the 3 best cards in the house?

“Then you have Hussien Obama who refuse to put his hand over his heart during the pledge and
refusing to pin on th US flag lapel…..are you starting to see the picture?”

Yep. A man refusing to play the games most politicians feel they must. He’s acting like a grown-up who can talk to grown-ups, while others just pander. McCain is suddenly a Baptist? Give me a break.

They hated Clinton so much–Matthews, Olberman, Russert, Daschle, Kerry, Kennedy, Dowd, Frank Rich, Bill Bradley, McCaskill etc that they created this Chumpion to defeat her and now they reckon they will look stupid if they back off of him.

Was it jealousyof the fact that the Clinton’s know how to get into power and wield it, that lead them into backing Obama so stupidly?

Obama a grown up. He is acting like a kid that got caught lieing. After the initial lie,he has to lie more to make the first lie seem correct.
And I didn’t know that respecting our country was pandering. Ithought that was called Patriotism.

Obama is anb easytarget and is playing with thebig boys. he is going to get eaten up. the General Election is not going to be like an election in the Democratic Republic of Chicago. Heis going to actually ewxplain himself and get votes outside of the Chicago area of corruption. Hehas had no competition in anyof his electiosn thus far. He first stole his mentors position. Next he was given sweet deals in the Illinois Legislature tpad his resume and pissing off many of his fellow Democrats in Illinois. Andthen he ran against Allen Keyes. Do getme wrong Ilike Keyes, but in Illinois hewas toastfrom the beginning. Hehadto come in after the Republican nominee hadto back outfrom a sexscandal coming out during a dvorce. It was easy pickings for Obama.

Now people are going to look moreintohis background and find many skeletons coing out of Chicago,themost corrupt city in America.

Jim, do you fail to see any irony in complianing about hate speech in the same post you ask the Obamas about aborting their babies? Is everyone else here OK with that?

Where can I find my OBAMA / IMUS bumper sticker?

I thought Obama was never there?

I’m with you FactChecker. Jim deserves to be called out on that. It’s grotesque speech.

Luckily we have Hillary still in the race so she can feed more good stuff to her allies in the MSM. The Dems are being defeated by the Alinsky method of turning the enemy’s strength into a weakness. Ah, the irony!


Here’s an interesting read/link about BHO. . .

Friend of Obama allegedly steal’s another mansion  (Not Obama’s) from another <a href="http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/rezko/857172,CST-NWS-rezko23.article">Friend</a&gt;

"A son of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad is suing Rezko and the chief urologist at Cook County’s Stroger Hospital, claiming the two of them bilked him out of his South Side mansion. » Click to enlarge image The Muhammad suit involves only the mansion, in the 1100 block of East 49th Street.
(Brian Jackson/Sun-Times)

» Click to enlarge image A son of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad is suing Tony Rezko and the chief urologist at Cook County’s Stroger Hospital, claiming the two of them bilked him out of his South Side mansion."

"Jabir Muhammad — a former close friend and business associate of Rezko’s — and Muhammad’s wife, Antonia, filed suit Friday in Cook County Circuit Court against Rezko and Dr. Paul S. Ray.""Rezko’s lawyers have produced a real estate contract that shows the Muhammads sold the mansion and three adjacent lots to Rezko in 1993 for $519,000. Under their contract with Rezko, the Muhammads were to leave the house by Dec. 31, 1995, but they still live there. "Ray now has clear title to Muhammad’s house"