Liberal Hypocrisy Unleashed On All Women

Democrats have for years accused conservatives of conducting a war on women. Seeped in hypocrisy and oozing with deception, this assertion has been conducted with help from a witless media, and with assistance from the influential socialist enclave of Hollywood. I use the term “hollywood” inclusively here — herding into this corral, both the players and the products of the entertainment industry.

Let me show you what a real war on women looks like [Reader Post]

Former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn was quoted as saying

“this place would be in court for a hostile workplace. . . . Because it actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women.”

No word on whether Obama explained that to his daughters.

Say What? March 6, 2012 edition (great week for quotes!) [Reader Post]

President Obama to the UAW in Detroit: “And five years from now when I’m not president anymore, I’ll buy [a Chevy Volt] and drive it myself.”  GM has suspended the building of Volts this week.

A New York Times correction: “A previous version of this article misstated how many of the president’s proposals  to reduce the country’s reliance on imported oil were new in his speech on Wednesday. None of them were, not one of them.”