Say What? May 1, 2012 Edition

George Will: “We have a president who believes, because he says so, that ATMs and airport ticket kiosks cause unemployment. So that gives you some sense of his grasp of how the economy works.“

George Will: “Mr. Obama, the night he clinched the nomination, said this will be the moment when the rise of the seas stop. Well, if he can stop the seas from rising, why can’t he bring down the gas prices?”

Say What? April 23, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

FoxNews’s Greta Van Susteren on Barbara Boxer saying that GSA corruption goes back decades: “I’ll tell what disturbed me…[is] Senator Boxer said that the GSA has a history of misconduct dating back decades, under Republican and Democratic administrations. When I heard her say that, I said, If there’s a, quote, “history,” if it goes back decades, what in the world were you all thinking as this was going on? History and decades? I mean, all these senators have been up there a long time…[and] they’ve known about this, apparently.”

Say What? April 17, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

Economic genius President Obama: “What drags down our entire economy is the growing gap between the ultra-rich and everyone else.”

Press secretary Jay Carney: “[N]o one ever suggested that implementing the Buffett Rule would contribute in large measure to reducing the deficit.”

Say What? April 9, 2012 Edition. [Reader Post]

President Obama: “My entire career has been a testimony of American exceptionalism.”

President Obama: “[Ronald Reagan] could not get through a Republican primary today.” And yet, nearly every Republican candidate speaks of his affection for President Reagan.

Say What? March 26,2012 [Reader Post]

Jodi Miller: “White House spokesman Jay Carney said, that most of President Obama’s time is not spent campaigning, and he’s right. Most of the president’s time is spent playing golf, vacationing, apologizing to our enemies, and running our economy into the ground.”

Call the victim of a violent crime a whore and MSNBC gives you your own show [Reader Post]

“Meet the Press” host David Gregory asked his panel “where civility has gone in our public discourse.” Incredibly, one panelist urged people to be more “mature” and not “poison the atmosphere.”

I say “incredibly” because this panelist was none other than the race-hustling, anti-Semitic “civil rights activist” and MSNBC talk show host, Al Sharpton. For some reason, Sharpton’s own struggles with civility never came up. Nor did any panelist behave so rudely as to bring up Sharpton’s role in one of the most hideous, disgusting and cynical uses of the race card this side of the O.J. Simpson case. And Sharpton, unlike Rush Limbaugh, refuses to apologize.

Obama explains the Fluke story to his daughters [Reader Post]

Barack Obama has dragged his daughters into the kerfuffle about Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke. I just happened to come into possession of the transcript of the conversation he had with them about it.

Dear Sasha and Malia

The reason I called Ms. Fluke is because I thought about you two and one of the things that I want you to do as you get older is to engage in issues you care about, even ones that I may not agree with you on.

Say What? March 12, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

Rush Limbaugh: “I’m a guy on the radio. What can I do? I can’t raise anybody’s taxes. I can’t send anybody off to war. I can’t force anybody to go out and buy a $50 light bulb. I can’t make anybody give up their car and buy an electric car. I can’t make anybody do anything, and yet I have to be destroyed.”