Say What? March 6, 2012 edition (great week for quotes!) [Reader Post]

President Obama to the UAW in Detroit: “And five years from now when I’m not president anymore, I’ll buy [a Chevy Volt] and drive it myself.”  GM has suspended the building of Volts this week.

A New York Times correction: “A previous version of this article misstated how many of the president’s proposals  to reduce the country’s reliance on imported oil were new in his speech on Wednesday. None of them were, not one of them.”

Say What? September 18, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

President Barack Obama: “If you love me, you’ve got to help me pass this bill.”

Valerie Jarrett, White House senior adviser, to Rachel Maddow on President Obama‘s jobs plan: “The Congress should pass this plan and they should do it right this minute…there’s no reason why we can’t move forward right this minute.”

Valerie Jarrett, one minute later, to Maddow: “The president is going to draft the legislation, make the job a little easier for Congress and the Senate, and send it up there next week.”

Say What? May 4, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Reporter Justin Farmer: “I took in the man himself, this man, President Barack Obama. Regardless of one’s political leanings, there’s no doubt this is a gifted and complex man. Think about what he ponders in any given day?”

Justin Farmer: “I admit as he was answering one of my questions, I did look carefully at his face. (Our chairs were oddly placed almost uncomfortably close.) I pondered the responsibility, the challenges this one man bears.”

Say What? March 6, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Congressman Charles Rangel: “Collective bargaining is something that is so close to slavery in terms of abolishing it, that it is not an American concept to tell people that they cannot discuss their economic position.”

Michael Moore, at a recent and smaller rally in WI: “Madison is only the beginning.  The rich have overplayed their hand.”

Say What? 3/1/2011 edition [Reader Post]

John Kerry: “People are ripped. I’m ripped.  We’ve got to respond, we’ve got to make something happen.”

John Kerry, about the House Republicans: “What I saw on the floor in the last 48 hours of the House just made my stomach turn.  The lack of thought, the lack of consequence, the lack of connection to the real values of our country, as ideologue after ideologue comes to the floor to chew up the valuable time we have to address these problems.”