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The Cowards In The Senate Are At It Again

Well isn’t this special? Top Senate Democrats this week introduced two more amendments to impose timelines on the withdrawal of troops and benchmarks for the Iraqi government to meet. Sens.

Ready for 110 degrees?

You may have seen this article a few days ago from our MSM titled: Ready for 110 degrees? NASA warns climate change could cook Atlantans Not too hard to figure

Bruce Willis Tells Hollywood To Shut Up

You gotta love Bruce Willis.  He is an awesome actor, and has a good head on his shoulders.  Unlike the majority in hollywood: BRUCE WILLIS is fed up with listening

Rape, Mutilation and Murder

A Horror Story Hidden from National Attention On Saturday January 6, 2007 Hugh Christopher Newsom, age 23 and Channon Gail Christian, age 21, both students at the University of Tennessee

Our Missing Soldiers

As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, three of our soldiers are missing in Iraq.  al-Qaeda (of course Sen. Dodd says we are not fighting those guys in Iraq….it’s just

The Foolish Republicans

When I read this: At the forum, Tancredo also disagreed with President Bush’s decision to send thousands of additional troops into Iraq earlier this year. "We should disengage," he said