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More Hypocrisy From The Left

The Twin Cities Conservative found this article, courtesy of AllAmericanPatriots.com, prepared by Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. I wanted to examine certain points the good Senator makes… First, he

Dan Rather Is Just Plain Nuts

Can Dan Rather be this insane? CBS aired the story on Sept. 8, 2004, at the height of the presidential campaign, hours after White House official Dan Bartlett did not

The Uncalled For Silence

Congress voted down another cut and run measure yesterday, by the same number as it was voted down last year.  56 votes for.  An amendment to mandate minimum rest times


Click the photo for the Michael Totten part II piece on Anbar Awakening Hat tip: Bookworm Room and Black Five. Previous recent posts: Where’s al-Qaeda’s Tet Offensive? Assassin Captured by

Fred Thompson On HillaryCare

Outstanding video from Fred Thompson on Hillary Clinton’s latest Socialist move, government run health care: WASHINGTON – Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that a mandate requiring every American to