Why Are Leftists Such Pansies?


Andrew Klavan:

Many times we accuse our political opponents of crimes of which we ourselves are equally guilty. Neither the left nor the right has a monopoly on dishonesty, hypocrisy, or hyperbole. But there is at least one unpleasant trait that seems to reside almost exclusively in the hearts of leftists: a puling hysterical weakness in the face of setbacks and defeat.

I think President Barack Obama is the worst president of my lifetime: an incompetent ideologue who made the world and the country worse. The economy is not as bad as it was directly after the crash, but it is much, much worse than it would have been had it not been weighted down with Dodd-Frank regulation and the anvil of Obamacare. Racial tension is worse, the national spirit is worse, the wars in the Middle East are worse, our nation’s place in the world is worse, our federal institutions are more politicized and corrupt — all because Obama simply did not know how reality worked and would not change his mind.

I knew all this was true or would be true by 2012, and when Obama was reelected over Mitt Romney, a much wiser, more adult, and steadier hand, I was dismayed. I was saddened. I was even distraught.

But I did not become a sniveling, whiny, self-obsessed pansy. I did not, that is to say, behave like leftists are behaving now.

I did not cry. I did not protest. I did not demand a recount. I did not urge electors to betray the voters. I did not say Obama was not my president. I respected the will of the people, even though I found it hard to respect the people whose will it was.

But the left? Never mind the college snowflakes who can’t even hear an idea they disagree with without retreating to a safe space. What about the adults? The New York Times, a former newspaper, now reads like a 12-year-old girls’ sleepover after a mouse got in. It’s embarrassing. “How to Cope With Trump?” “Trump’s Threat to the Constitution?” “Trump’s Agents of Idiocracy!”

The guy hasn’t even done anything yet!

In the Washington Post, Stephanie Land writes a piece headlined, “Trump’s Election Stole My Desire to Look for a Partner.”

Once it was clear that Donald Trump would be president instead of Hillary Clinton, I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to gather my children in bed with me and cling to them like we would if thunder and lightning were raging outside, with winds high enough that they power might go out. The world felt that precarious to me.

Crikey. What a weakling. What a wimp.

Everything Trump does, every move he makes, is greeted with cries of despair or panic. He’s supposed to ask China’s permission before he takes a call from Taiwan? For crying out loud, have some respect for your country if you can’t have some respect for yourself.

And how about California Democrat Congress-weenie Zoe Lofgren, who held a forum to discuss the possibility of replacing the Electoral College during which she said, “Rational people, not the fringe, are now talking about whether states could be separated from the U.S…”

Honey-bear, you’re a California congresswoman. You don’t know any rational people.

The Electoral College must be gotten rid of. The news must be censored. The election must be overturned.

I mean, really, why are they such pansies?

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They run back to their playpens going WAAH,WAAH,WAAH TRUMP STOLE THE ELECTION they hug their snowflake dolls becuase their teddybears left them and they pout all day long May they all get coal in their stockings for being a bunch of spoiled little brats

I did not cry. I did not protest. I did not demand a recount. I did not urge electors to betray the voters. I did not say Obama was not my president. I respected the will of the people, even though I found it hard to respect the people whose will it was.

Oh, really?

Trump’s election is the culmination of an 8-year temper tantrum on the right, that set in the moment Barack Obama was elected. They claimed claimed he wasn’t a citizen, claimed he wasn’t a Christian, denied he was the nation’s legitimate president, insisted he wasn’t their president, claimed he was elected as a result of voter fraud, claimed he was a communist, claimed he was a supporter of terrorists, claimed he wanted to destroy the Constitution, claimed he wanted to destroy America, and publicly proclaimed that the Republican Party’s Main Objective was to assure the Obama Administration’s failure. I remember every bit of that. It went on and on for years.

“Crikey?” This guy is ridiculous. He probably wears a Crocodile Dundee hat to demonstrate that he isn’t a “pansy,” which seems to be a common preoccupation among men on the right. The entire point of his pansy screed is to heap on personal insults. There’s simply no other content there.

Meanwhile, all that’s coming from the right regarding the specific, real-world intentions of Trump’s emerging administration is the sound of crickets. He’s putting together a cabal comprised of super-wealthy corporate, Wall Street, and Washington insiders—bigger, hungrier alligators to dominate the swamp—window-dressed with a number of people having attitudes and reputations calculated to appeal to the anger and insecurities of his populace base. His public rhetoric remains as vague on details and every bit as bombastic as it was during his campaign rallies.

He brags about saving Indiana jobs like it was the boon of some King who has thrown a handful of coins from his carriage to the peasants, while simultaneously attacking on Twitter the union of the very workers who lost those jobs—and in more cases than not are still losing them. Does this man not get that the union is the workers? It isn’t the union president or the union steward. It’s all of those hundreds of workers sitting in chairs in the union hall, trying to figure out how to collectively bargain for the best deal for themselves and their families. Who, exactly, does he think he’s attacking?


Student Threatened for Recording Teacher Who Called Trump’s Election an “Act of Terror”

Sure, it’s irritating to pay good money for a college education and instead be subjected to unhinged political rants. Sure, Orange Coast College “human sexuality teacher” Olga Perez Stable Cox did go completely off the rails when she denounced Trump voters to her students and proclaimed his election to be “an act of terrorism.” Sure, she was caught in the act of ramming her belligerent views down the throats of intimidated students when one of them recorded her with his phone. But isn’t it going a little too far to talk about legal action?

Wait a minute. It isn’t Ms. Perez Unstable Cox who is in trouble. It’s the student who recorded her:

“At this point it’s not even education anymore, its indoctrination,” said Josh Recalde-Martinez, a member of the school’s Young Republicans Club. …

Recalde-Martinez posted the teacher’s rant on his Facebook page. …

Thursday night, the professor’s union posted a warning on its page. It condemned the student who recorded the video saying, “This is an illegal recording without the permission of the instructor. The student will be identified and may be facing legal action.”

“They wanted it to be known so that maybe we would get scared and take down the video. But to the union I want to say we are not gonna be doing that,” said Recalde-Martinez.

Fortunately, he has a lawyer. Republican National Committeeman Shawn Steel has volunteered to represent him.

“Every student knows it. If you stand up to your professor, 90 percent of the time the professor’s going to punish you,” said Steel.

Hats off to students who push back anyway.