Trump’s presidential campaign is as big a scam as Trump University


The con man who would be president:

Trump is a snake-oil peddling charlatan for the 21st century; the lovechild of P.T. Barnum and George Wallace.

Donald has always been a showman and a shameless self-promoter, and now scam-artist can be added to his resume. Even though the celebrity billionaire was born on third base and has enough money to live luxuriously many lifetimes over, he still couldn’t help scamming people for some extra cash (or was it simply a vanity project?). This says a lot about what kind of person he is — unethical at best, criminal at worst.

Of course, his political strategy has been a lot like his business strategy, and the huckster is now trying to pull off the biggest con of them all: getting America to elect him president. Over the past year, Trump has been a entertainer, grabbing all of the headlines with his petty feuds and unpredictability; a brash self-promoter, boasting about everything from his net worth to his penis; and a charlatan, promising the world to his supporters while offering almost no substantive plans on how to accomplish any of it.

The policies that the Trump campaign has put forward are shockingly impractical and dangerous — from his proposal to deport 11 million people (which would cost hundreds of billions of dollars) to his tax plan, which would add an estimated $10 trillion to the debt over the next decade. Most economists agree that if Trump accomplished his most notable policies — mass deportations, getting into aggressive trade wars, slashing taxes for the wealthiest — he would quickly send the economy spiraling into another recession.

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Even at that Trump will make an infinitely better president than a policy bungling, major influence peddling, potentially treasonous, J. Edgar Hoover style file keeping , rapist protecting Hillary.

Donald Trump is currently running only 4 points behind Hillary Clinton with Latino voters.
AND Trump has 26% support from black voters!
That 26% support from African Americans will make this election a blowout.
Because if Democrats lost 25% of the black vote they would lose Virginia, Florida, Ohio and North Carolina.

So call it whatever you want.

@Nanny G: You are nuts. Trumo support among African Americans 6%—Hispanics 18%
His base -angry white males and the women who love them (not too many)–75%
Trump will have difficulty overcoming
historically low support from minority voters.
Best thing he’s got going is an equally disliked opponent.

Women will decide this election–as they often do. Will they buy the snake oil from the charlatan like you have Nan?–We’ll see.

The election will be decided in the rust belt–Michigan, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana, and of course Ohio. Win 3 or more and you’re POTUS.

@Richard Wheeler: Well, he’ll just have to lie to them more and make more pie-in-the-sky lying promises of free stuff, won’t he? You know… like Democrats.

@Richard Wheeler: You allege that but I’ve got a poll linked at a Latino news site.

GraphBased on big data analysis over the last 30 days as of June 1st, Trump reports 37 percent of Hispanic positive sentiment versus 41 percent for Clinton.
This is a new way to mine political intelligence, which leverages the power of big data analysis via artificial intelligence, keyword Boolean, search analysis, keyword spiders, site scraping, text analytics and machine learning/tagging under the proprietary methodology of CulturIntel™.
It is mining, not social listening; it is big data of millions, not just a few thousands, surveyed.
If this methodology is good enough for the Harvard Medical School to conduct healthcare research and for major corporations to mine business intelligence, why not use it for political strategy?

This poll is the data speaking, not a pollster who can skew his results.

@Nanny G: Data speaking?? How bout real people. After what Trump has said why would he get a substantial share of Hispanic vote?—that’s like saying angry, older white males are voting for HRC—COMMON SENSE and my Hispanic wife and friends dispute your assertions.

SALON?!?! Please tell me you are quoting the leftwing screeching, lying propaganda sheet to show how (as I predicted) the media were holding back their progressive assaults against Trump until all the other GOP candidates had dropped out of the primary… and not because you support Salon.

I mean, you can almost hear the ominous ‘Jaws’ theme music in their portrayal of the alleged costs of illegal alien deportation (while they conveniently ignore the far greater costs paying for food stamps, section 8 housing, medicaid, special schooling expenses related to lack of English comprehension, prison expenses/court costs in dealing with illegal aliens – and the human cost of citizens killed by illegal alien DUI offenders) and their sudden (and completely deceitful) concern over adding $10 trillion to the national debt if tax rates are decreased.

No one should wonder why leftists are never to be believed. They are fundamentally blatant, pathological liars with absolutely no redeeming qualities. Their false attempts at pretending to care about the poor and the oppressed are ALWAYS nothing but acts sociopathic, emotional manipulation of the gullible for the sole purpose of leftist lust for power.

@Nanny G, #5:

You might want to read the fine print regarding CULTURINTEL’s methodology. They don’t conduct polls. They analyze conversations on forums and social media:

“Here, we report and celebrate the democratization of data by publishing insights mined from the analysis of unfiltered and unbiased digital conversations. We use a proprietary research methodology called CulturIntel™ that takes days instead of months, references thousands instead of hundreds of data points and costs pennies on the dollar. It is market and social cultural intelligence™ redefined.”

I’m not sure how reliable their “proprietary research methodology” actually is. I don’t think I’d place any bets based on it. The volume of online comments suggesting support one way or the other might be more a function of how passionate people are about their positions than of how many hold those positions.

If you’ve made the acquaintance of many Hispanic people… particularly working people here legally… you would find they do not think much of illegal immigrants. Several of the guys I have worked with for over 30 years, some that legally immigrated and worked to get their citizenship, find them an embarrassment.

These people of whom I speak are craftsmen. They are dedicated citizens and workers. They came here with very little (legally) and have built careers, families and futures. They don’t view those who come here illegally as a means to a political end; they have assimilated (while maintaining their natural heritage) and don’t feel the need to gain dominion over the indigenous population.

They are Americans. Many of their children are in the military or have served. These people know what Trump is saying… what he means. They also fell the desire to see the rule of law placed back into a place of importance.

Hillary does not impress them.

@Richard Wheeler: #6
And my American wife, who’s parents were legal immigrants from Mexico, and my friends who are the same, are smart enough to understand that Mr. Trump wants to deport and keep out illegal immigrants, whom they can’t stand. Pity you and yours aren’t smart enough to understand that.

Has Trump yet revealed a single detail of the program whereby he will deport 11 million or so undocumented residents? Because that would be a rather big project, involving some rather dramatic enforcement actions, and a lot of very substantial new expenses.

Maybe he just intends to put ladders on this side the his wall, so they can voluntarily climb over and jump down on the other side. Adding ladders to the wall shouldn’t cost too much.

The point being, as with all things Trump, he’s just saying what people want to hear, and people are believing it without asking any questions, because they want to believe it.


Has Trump yet revealed a single detail of the program whereby he will deport 11 million or so undocumented residents?

Has Trump SAID he will deport 11 million illegal immigrants?

Uh…. no.

I realize the left has made a tremendous mess of immigration and hopes they have made the problem SO large that no one can solve it, but the solution is simple; require valid ID as a legal resident to receive any taxpayer funded benefit. Poof… they’er gone.


SALON?!?! Please tell me you are quoting the leftwing screeching, lying propaganda sheet to show how (as I predicted) the media were holding back their progressive assaults against Trump until all the other GOP candidates had dropped out of the primary… and not because you support Salon.

Methinks Wordsmith is being turned to the dark side (i.e. “Hillary 2016!”).

@Petercat: You are telling me your wife of Mexican heritage “can’t stand” illegal immigrants–she’s been with you too long—you say her parents feel the same and like what Trump is spouting?? I seriously doubt it.
Romney got 27% of the Hispanic vote and lost—Trump will get less than 20%. He hopes to offset that with the angry white male vote.

Ditto I’ve noticed your long postings in support of Trump—would say you and Word are in disagreement. COMPLETELY

@Bill, #12:

Has Trump SAID he will deport 11 million illegal immigrants?

Uh…. no.

I appreciate the clarification. I thought perhaps he’d suggested that he was actually going to do something about the problem, rather than just talking about it.

@Richard Wheeler:

…would say you and Word are in disagreement. COMPLETELY

Like I care?

@Ditto: You seem to care–Word doesn’t like Trump or Hillary–nothing dark side about that. Rational thinking.

I find Wordsmith’s recent reliance on referencing and ‘blockquoting’ leftist MSM propaganda in order to vilify his own party’s presumptive nominee, to hardly be “rational.” What is rational about attacking your party’s presumptive nominee, whom easily has far more than enough delegates to win, and who has received more votes than any prior GOP presidential primary candidate? Nor, after looking at his latest Anti-Hillary to Anti-Trump post ratio, does he appear to be equally against Trump and Hillary.

Trump was not my preferred candidate, yet I am posting in support of our party’s presumptive nominee, Wordsmith is doing the opposite. It is not rational to mount a flame and burn campaign to damage your party’s nominee, simply because you don’t like that your primary candidate didn’t even get the minimum number of states necessary to meet the rules for the convention. I don’t care why Wordsmith seems to feel he needs to do this, but it is highly disrespectful to his fellow Republicans, (who, in the end disagreed with his choice of a candidate,) and it is IMO petty.

You however RW, have been trying your best, (since you were allowed to crawl back,) to build discourse and get the FA Republican “regulars” at each other’s throat. But then, that’s the Alynski way, isn’t it? Help to drive wedges of great division between your enemies and keep egging it on, (like a typical psychopath does,) because you know that a group can be induced to destroy itself with the proper application of “nudging.” You also know that if the Republican Party coalesces behind Trump, he can easily beat Hillary, and that a Republican President with a Republican Congress can work together to undo the damage of Obama.


I appreciate the clarification. I thought perhaps he’d suggested that he was actually going to do something about the problem, rather than just talking about it.

Yeah, he said he was going to enforce the laws (Obama ignores them, Hillary breaks them) and secure the border. At least you (sort of) admit your bias in criticizing Trump for not clarifying something he never said (only implied by the corrupt left wing media).

How about criticizing Hillary juking and jiving to avoid answering questions about if she and Bill would stop taking in contributions (aka “bribes”) from foreign contributors if she were President? How is she going going to reverse the damage of the foreign policy of herself and Obama… how about you demand she provide a policy for that? How is she, another liberal money-waster, going to address our debt, doubled by Obama? How will she, someone that laid national security out on a buffet for our enemies to peruse, going to ensure those under her do not do the same thing and protect national security herself? How will she repair the massive damage Obama has done to race relations in this nature, especially since she has been whipping up racial animus in her campaign?

Apparently, like me, you expect very little of liberal candidates so you don’t ask or expect much from them. Meanwhile, you expect detailed plans, strict adherence to those plans and total honesty from conservatives because they might actually be capable of making the mark.

@Ditto: Although I do know how to spell Saul Alinsky’s name correctly, I wouldn’t know him from Mort Saul, if he walked in.
The Repubs have plenty to work out re the Donald without the benefit of my 2 cents. Paul Ryan being a prime example.
I’d like to see Trump replaced. I’d also like to see HRC replaced. So shoot me. I believe at least 25% of the electorate and FA’ers agree with me.

@Richard Wheeler: #19
No, my wife and her relatives felt that way about illegals long before I met any of them. It cost her parents, in todays dollars, over $30,000 each to gain their American citizenship, and they valued it accordingly. They were intensely patriotic. They despised anyone who snuck in here in violation of our laws and expected all of the benefits of citizenship without any sacrifice to earn it. Her father became a sheriff’s deputy on the border, an almost impossible achievement for a Mexican immigrant at the time, and at a time when a Hispanic girl had to be twice as good as a white girl just to get the same academic results, she earned her certification as an RN at the age of 17. Her brother followed his father into law enforcement as a sheriff’s deputy. They were all great Americans who’s opinions mattered, who had first hand experience with illegal aliens, and loathed them.
And my wife certainly never felt that she had been with me for too long, she felt blessed that she had found me. As I felt I had been blessed that she chose me.

@Petercat: I congratulate your in-laws and you for finding a great wife.
I understand both male in-laws are in law enforcement, but to “Loathe” other less fortunate Mexicans for desperately wanting a better life for themselves and their families—seems strong

@Richard Wheeler:

but to “Loathe” other less fortunate Mexicans for desperately wanting a better life for themselves and their families—seems strong

I don’t see where Petercat used the term “loathed” but some of the illegal immigrants are worthy of loathing. They come here to tap into free healthcare and subsidies, commit crimes and drain budgets that are needed to assist actual citizens and legal residents.

Some look upon illegal immigrants as an opportunity; they are props, easily manipulated souls that have no defenses and potential voters when cultivated with goods and services paid for by others. Some, though, who have fought through the governmental quagmire to legally gain citizenship, see them as usurpers, parasites and criminals unfairly cutting to the front of the line to gain what some paid dearly to achieve. What kind of citizens do you think they would make? Loyal citizens that value their new citizenship or freeloaders who have been shown that the most valuable commodities can be acquired through bad behavior?

@Richard Wheeler:

Typical troll, to dwell on a minor misspelling. To get his name wrong is the least that criminal Saul deserves for his decades of poisoning young minds.

Paul Ryan being a prime example.
I’d like to see Trump replaced.

It’s looking like back-stabbing Paul Ryan might be the one to be replaced.


Notice that Petercat wrote “illegal immigrants”, and RW immediately translated that into “Mexicans”? Rich knows the correct spelling for “Alinsky” but doesn’t understand that not all illegal immigrants are Mexican.

@Bill: Correction #21 he said “despised” not loathe- my mistake..
Some like yourself may see the undocumented as “usurpers, parasites and criminals” I don’t throw that net around all of them and I think a path to legalization should be provided to those who have lived here crime free.
We should secure all borders so this does not continue. Trump’s rhetoric may win the vote of some but it will not gain him favor with the majority of legal Hispanics. Romney got 27%–Trump won’t break 20% the way he’s going.


Loyal citizens that value their new citizenship or freeloaders who have been shown that the most valuable commodities can be acquired through bad behavior?

Actually, newly naturalized citizens are often more patriotic toward the United States than are 2nd and 3rd generations.

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump’s rhetoric may win the vote of some but it will not gain him favor with the majority of legal Hispanics. Romney got 27%–Trump won’t break 20% the way he’s going.

Hispanics Just Gave Trump The BEST NEWS POSSIBLE! Breaking News

The media narrative against conservative businessman and GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump is that minorities – especially hispanics – don’t approve of Trump. Apparently, they are supposed to be offended by Trump’s blunt talk, and anti-politically correct conservative principles.

But as a bombshell report from CBS News shows, that’s not true! Many Hispanics are voting for Trump in record numbers, and support Trump’s defense of the rule of law.

That’s because for many Hispanic immigrants, they came to this country legally… And don’t want to see the immigration system abused by criminals.

The Hispanics voting for Trump aren’t the ones causing riots and burning flags on television. They are hard-working Americans who came to this country for a better life, and they see what liberals like President Obama and Hillary Clinton have hurt our country.

HUFFPOLLSTER: More Than A Quarter Of Latino Voters Support Donald Trump In A New Poll

That seems high, but it’s actually in line with their support for past Republicans.

Donald Trump has the backing of a substantial minority of Latinos. Trump support between online and live phone polls might continue into the general election polling. And Bernie Sanders had a pretty good night in Oregon, but still doesn’t have much chance of winning the nomination. This is HuffPollster for Wednesday, May 18, 2016.

Many Hispanics agree with Donald Trump on enforcing the border

A recent poll by SurveyUSA shows that Trump commands the support of 31 percent of Hispanics. That’s not only a higher share than Mitt Romney received in 2012 — it’s more than Republican George H.W. Bush received in 1988 when he won the general election.

Most Hispanics aren’t single-issue voters when it comes to immigration. A recent Gallup poll found that among registered Latino voters, 67 percent are at least willing to support a candidate who doesn’t share their views on immigration. And 18 percent don’t consider the issue important at all.

What’s more, many Hispanic citizens have little sympathy for immigrants who haven’t played by the rules. Especially among Latino voters born in the United States, resentment of immigrants who have entered the country illegally can run deep. Forty-two percent of American-born Hispanics disapprove of President Barack Obama’s executive actions to prevent the deportation of undocumented immigrants.

Trump’s Latino Support Jumps to 32% in Latest NBC News/SurveyMonkey Tracking Poll

Trump’s 32% Latino support from this tracking poll is now higher than the 27% Latino vote tally Mitt Romney got in 2012, when he lost to Barack Obama. Other polls, including those from Fox News Latino and FIU/Adsmovil, still have Trump doing poorly with Latino voters. The NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll did not include a Latino vote comparison between Trump and Bernie Sanders, although the tracking poll did show that Sanders is leading Trump by 12 points 52-40) among all voters surveyed, while Clinton holds a 2-point lead over Trump (47–45).

The NBC News/SurveyMonkey tracking poll is one of the few polls that is taking into account a large sample of online Latinos as part of its overall sample. This latest poll included 1,381 Latinos out of 14,797 total participants.

Trump’s Minority Share

Unfortunately for the anti-Trump naysayers, there’s ample evidence that suggests the GOP doomsday scenario predicted to occur among every demographic other than white men will simply not occur.

And while Trump certainly has some work to do in order to win over certain segments of the minority vote, polls suggest he is poised to do better with others than any Republican in recent memory.

A SurveyUSA poll released in September 2015 found that 25 percent of black respondents would vote for Trump over Clinton. A December 2015 poll conducted by Clout Research found that 40 percent of blacks said they will vote for Trump.

Mitt Romney, on the other hand — who according to the self-proclaimed experts in the mainstream media was a kinder, gentler, more palatable Republican — received the support of a whopping zero percent of black voters in an August 2012 NBC/The Wall Street Journal poll.

In the end, Romney took only 6 percent of the black vote in the 2012 election. While this was a respectable 50 percent increase on the measly 4 percent of the black vote McCain received in 2008, neither were numbers with which the GOP could bank on electoral success among African-Americans. In Trump, however, the GOP may actually have a fighting chance.

“In reference to dealing with black issues and dealing with issues that plague those minority communities, Donald Trump doesn’t have a racist bone in his body,” said Pastor Mark Burns, one of a handful of prominent black preachers who are vocally supporting Trump. “I know what real racism is. And Donald Trump is so far from it. Talking to him and his wonderful wife and his children is like hanging out with some friends of mine that are black.”


Trump’s comments about illegal Mexican immigrants are frequently cited as proof that he will lose the Hispanic vote — and lose it badly — with many predicting the GOP’s worst-ever electoral performance within that demographic. Indeed, nearly 80 percent of Hispanics view Trump negatively, according to a recent Gallup poll.

But other polls paint a different story. The December 2015 Clout poll found that 45 percent of Hispanics supported Trump. Moreover, a Gravis Marketing poll released only on Friday found that Trump leads Clinton 55 percent to 45 percent among Hispanic voters.

Even if one looks to a November 2015 Economist/YouGov poll that found only 21 percent of Hispanic voters supported him, Trump doesn’t appear to be significantly more handicapped among Hispanics than previous GOP candidates.

George W. Bush may have received 35 percent of the Hispanic vote and 44 percent in 2000 and 2004, respectively, but his impressive numbers with Hispanic voters — often cited by anti-Trump talking heads — seem to be an aberration for the GOP. McCain received 31 percent of the Hispanic vote, while Romney only received 27 percent. In 1996, GOP candidate Bob Dole received 21 percent of the Hispanic vote, and the elder Bush received 25 percent of the Hispanic vote in 1992.

Furthermore, given the somewhat-successful mainstream media propaganda campaign to paint Trump as an anti-Hispanic racist, it’s possible that support for Trump among Hispanic voters is in fact higher than polls suggest.

“If you are Hispanic and you support Trump, a lot of the Hispanics, in this weird way they are very upset at you,” 25-year-old Trump supporter Alise Mendoza told the New York Daily News. “They call you names, they look down at you, they call you trash. I almost feel like I can’t even speak,” she added.

@Richard Wheeler:

Some like yourself may see the undocumented as “usurpers, parasites and criminals” I don’t throw that net around all of them and I think a path to legalization should be provided to those who have lived here crime free.

Well… let’s just look at how widely I cast my net.

I don’t see where Petercat used the term “loathed” but some of the illegal immigrants are worthy of loathing.

Oh, look… “SOME”. Is in, not all. As in, a net only as wide as it needs to be, just as Trump did when he stated, correctly, that some come here and commit crimes.

No, what YOU do is constantly play the race card, take every accurate and truthful statement that craters your left wing rhetoric and MAKE it a wide net. You leftists can’t get enough of racism… you wish there was more. If here was, you could play that card more. But, sadly for you, there is not quite enough. So you create it. You project it into everyone else’s statements and motives.

Gee, that’s sort of… racist.

There is a path to citizenship. It is called the INS. The only problem it, it can’t handle 10, 11, 12 million people. The process could be streamlined and made more efficient, but what you on the left want is open borders with citizenship hanging on a rack at the front door, free.

Trump can’t out-pander the left. He has staked his ground, pledging to enforce immigration laws and secure the border because illegal immigration is bleeding America dry. The left will turn this into “hates Mexicans” in order to use them for political power. Win or lose, I prefer what is RIGHT.