The Brexit Vote Was Just the Beginning


Charles C. W. Cooke:

London, England — So, what now?

The immediate answer is: Nothing. As the prime minister made clear in his resignation speech this morning, it will be months before the government triggers Article 50 and initiates withdrawal proceedings, and, even after it has done that, progress is likely to be sedulous and slow. In time, there will be fireworks. But for now there are markets to calm and voters to unite, and there is at least one leadership election to stage. Triumphant as the Leave campaign may be feeling this morning, last night was less akin to Agincourt and more akin to the second meeting of the Great Council. Yes, the United Kingdom has declared its independence; but the fighting has only just begun.

I have seen it suggested — or, perhaps, hoped — that the powers-that-be will simply “ignore” the vote to leave. This is not going to happen. In a strictly legal sense, Parliament is sovereign and can do as it wishes. In consequence, this referendum was technically not binding. Culturally, though, any indication that the government was trying to defy the voters would trigger a catastrophic constitutional crisis. Speaking in front of Downing Street this morning, David Cameron set the tone: “The British people,” he confirmed, “have voted to leave the EU and their will must be respected.” “The will of the British people,” Cameron added, “is an instruction that must be delivered.” Sadly for him, the task of making that delivery will fall to his successor.

As during the General Election of 2015, Pauline Kaelism was on full display throughout the proceedings. Announcing the result last night, most of the TV anchors and pundits looked genuinely shocked. How, they seemed to ask, could the polls have been so wrong once again? After all, nobody in a position of national influence seemed to know anybody who was voting Leave.

As in 2015, the simple answer was that the public lies to pollsters. And who can blame it? I have spent quite a lot of time in the U.K. over the last month, and I have been startled by the condescension, the disdain, and the downright bullying that I have seen from advocates within the Remain camp. That this morning I am seeing precisely the same attitudes on display has left me wondering whether the British chattering classes are capable of learning new tricks. More than 17 million voters opted for Leave yesterday, and yet to take their opponents at face value would be to conclude that this vast and diverse coalition of citizens was little more than a revanchist, hate-filled, antediluvian rump. It is certainly the case that the center-right opted overwhelmingly for exit. But it is notable that the election was won not on the playing fields of Eton or in the leafy gardens of England’s Home Counties, but in the industrial Northeast and the blue-collar Midlands.  Indeed, as the Mirror and others have observed, Leave’s margin was provided not by a surfeit of conservatives, but by working-class social democrats who traditionally vote Labour but whose concerns are increasingly out of sync with the rest of their party. (This, incidentally, is another reason that Parliament could not get away with ignoring the result of the referendum: Because UKIP is nipping at Labour’s heels throughout the country — and because there is strong anti-EU sentiment among at least a third of Labour voters — the Labour party’s leadership knows that to sign onto any coup would be to sign its own electoral death warrant.)

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The lion has jumped ship and leaving the jackasses to sink or swim

There is a very good article entitled The Second Reformation:Transitioning to the Economic Era. published May 25, 2016, found int Global Affairs. Parag Khanna, Phillip Bobbitt, Ian Morris and Luc de Keyser have offered several scholarly reviews on the transition to a market-state.These events are now occurring. This economic era will replace the nations-state and other nation-state-likes.

Confronted by at least two increasingly hungry external enemies, a majority of people in the UK have been convinced that it’s best to divide Europe into smaller bites.

Now that UK has voted LEAVE, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Hungary could leave as well.

Germany might not even want to stay anymore.
Germany faces having to pay an extra £2.44billion a year to the annual EU budget once Britain has left…. a couple of years from now.
(A 2 year disentanglement window is being set.)

Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, warned, “Europe is strong only if it can give answers to major issues such as immigration that would strengthen Europe itself and not weaken it. The EU failed to give these answers.”

Yeah, good luck with that.
Looks like Germany is signalling ”letting” the UK stay a paying quasi-member while not being under all the oppressive regulations by the Brussels paper-pushers.
Like that’ll work! OY!

As in 2015, the simple answer was that the public lies to pollsters.

If they bother to respond to the polls at all. Of course, the posters often lie about what the results of their polls mean. That is why I generally reject the statistical nonsense of polls.