Slut Shaming Is Okay When Feminists Do It


Governor Scott Walker’s campaign spokeswoman Ciara Matthews finds herself on the receiving end of misogyny by feminists and leftist press.

Her crime?  She waited tables at Hooters while going to college.  Steven Elbow asks the penetrating question:

But to the direct question: Were you a Hooters girl? She said, “I was.”

Matthews said she waited tables for the popular restaurant chain — which features tasty chicken wings and waitresses in short shorts and low-cut tops –- while attending college at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas.

“So you guys want to write a story that I waited tables in college,” she said. “I’m confused as to why that’s a story.”

Well, she may have a point. What makes news is not always easy to pinpoint. But as we say in the biz: You know it when you see it. [Emphasis added.] And with a recall election looming in which she will often be front-and-center as Walker battles to keep his job, details that might otherwise be ignored become interesting.

Like porn? So, working at Hooters is like story porn? That’s the allusion that this writer made:

The phrase was famously used by United States Supreme CourtJustice Potter Stewart to describe his threshold test for pornography in Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964). Obscenity is notprotected speech under the Miller test, and can therefore be censored.

I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [“hard-core pornography”]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. [Emphasis added.]

—Justice Potter Stewart, concurring opinion in Jacobellis v. Ohio378 U.S. 184 (1964), regarding possible obscenity in The Lovers.

The expression became “one of the most famous phrases in the entire history” of the Supreme Court.[1


But that’s just the beginning. Jezebel publishes a provocative picture of Ciara. Because, you know, conservative women get what’s coming to them.

And this is on the doubling down of leftists attacking Ann Romney.

Bill Maher gets in on the act.

Oh, and don’t forget Amanda Marcotte and the feminists over at Pandagon. Some women are more equal than others, just ask Amanda.

And then there’s Time Magazine’s Judith Warner piling on Ann Romney, too. Her implication is laughable. As though, she, Judith Warner, is somehow more touch with the suffering masses than Ann Romney.

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Clearly she held a position that the uglies of feminism where not qualified to do. You wouldn’t want your patrons blowing chunks because their feminist waitress is butt ugly!!

More liberal tolerance (oxymoron) and liberal hypocrisy (redundant).

I commented on this piece of shiny diversion here:

The Gift That Keeps On Giving: NOW President Claims Stay At Home Moms Lack ‘Life Experience’ & “Imagination’

This seems more like an ultra-conservative derived piece. Conservatives are still fighting to keep the Hillary Rosen issue alive. Why no comment on the innocent animal killer, Vietnam draft dodger, pro-war inciter of domestic political violence, Ted Nugent.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):
Was it Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass (I think it was the latter) where Lewis Carroll wrote about how Alice wanted to buy something at what seemed to be a fully-stocked store?
Every time she tried to actually pick out one object from the many stuffing the shelves that part of the shelf was empty!
Your comment is like that in that you only want to address the other diversion, the other shiny object.
This one has lost its luster for you.
I bet that, IF in real life you are as easily distracted, your life has many problems that could have been avoided.

Dems are doubling down on their idiotic war on women:
Ciara Matthews, Walker’s communications director, is under fire for being both pro-life and a former Hooters restaurant waitress.

“Profitting (sic) from selling a plasticized form of unnatural sexiness designed to arouse men while simultaneously believing that women should be forced to face the ‘consequences’ of actually giving into to their sexual desires is a pretty backward way of thinking,”

the Jezebel’s Erin Gloria Ryan said.

Jezebel failed to make a compelling charge of hypocrisy against the conservative woman, but seemed very interested in using her sexuality to embarrass her.
You can’t do anything liberals can do UNLESS your thinking agrees 100% with theirs.
Who are the Stepford Wives now?

When Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut,” Jezebel rejected his apology while denouncing his “paroxysm of misogyny.”
The Jezebel decision now to go after Matthews over a Hooters job she worked as a college student — rather than anything she has actually thought or said, no matter how embarrassing — suggests that these writers only respect the women who think like Jezebel.

Odd (and predictable) how quickly the LEFT wants to get off this shiny diversion and onto anything else, isn’t it?
Hence they named one of their big orgs, “MOVE ON.”

@Nan G:

That’s how it always is with liberal/progressives. They blast conservatives and Republicans for wanting to “tell women what to do with their bodies”. Then they turn around and blast conservative women for doing what they want, freely, with their own bodies. In my opinion, the goal is to “guilt”, cajole, or otherwise influence the thought of people.

Kinda like Ford’s admonition to Model-T buyers, the liberal/progressives tell you that you can think and act as freely as you want to, as long as it’s exactly what they tell you to think, or tell you to act.

Any problem Walker might have from this will have more to do with likely conservative reactions than with liberals. The most likely liberal reaction is amusement.


Good analogy, but you left off Henry Ford’s statement:
Ford wrote in his autobiography, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black”.

Yup, Lefty thinking today.