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The Trumpster in a trolling mood.
1.800.350.6647 call tell them we are all in for this barrier wall, what ever. Cant get through? email the White House.
Nancy is talking tunnels under the barrier, cause well, an intelligent conversation isnt allowed.

The only crisis the Democrats see is that Trump will solve the border crisis and deny them one of their most useful contentious issues.

@kitt: The people who work there are “talking tunnels under the wall,” too. Surely you’ve seen the clip in which the border agent shows the president how the tunneling is being done. What next?The border agent is a member of the Deep State?

@Michael: Funny how the tunnels are used to transport drugs not to many invaders. Are they taking into custody many from the tunnels?
We are aware of tunnels it didnt stop the Israelis from building a wall stopping 99% of invaders.

I honestly don’t know what you mean here:

Funny how the tunnels are used to transport drugs not to many invaders.

@Michael: The cartels dig the tunnels, not unaccompanied minors , how can I make it any more clear?
In November, 51,856 people were apprehended between ports of entry on the Southwest Border, compared with 51,001 in the month of October. In FY18, a total of 396,579 individuals were apprehended between ports of entry on our Southwest Border.
Who do you think feeds and gives them medical care until they are released and never come back for court dates?

@kitt: And, they can just turn right around and walk right back across, perhaps getting over this time. Over 500,000 a year apprehended, probably under half of those who try. Imagine a wall there 24/7 doing the job without having lives risked.

At least it’s not a crisis, though.


The cartels dig the tunnels, not unaccompanied minors , how can I make it any more clear?

By putting it a different way, as you just did.


Who do you think feeds and gives them medical care until they are released

The Federal government, because that’s what you do when you have somebody in custody.

@Michael:If you want an education go to school I tire of linking and explaining as if to a 12 year old with no grasp of the vast information available, if you have a point of conversation carry on.
Those are my tax dollars being spent without end.

@Michael: So, how much money could the taxpayer save if we didn’t have 531,000 in custody each year?


@Michael:If you want an education go to school I tire of linking and explaining as if to a 12 year old with no grasp of the vast information available, if you have a point of conversation carry on.

Been there, done that.

@Deplorable Me: Or wait til he is all grown up and apply for a border patrol job, see if he wants a fence between him and the coyote guy with a machete at night.
Nevermind there is a signcomment image
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@Deplorable Me:

So, how much money could the taxpayer save if we didn’t have 531,000 in custody each year?

Well, that’s a conversation we could have all day: “How much money could the taxpayer save if we didn’t [fill in the blank with something our government does that I don’t agree with]?”

I’d start with, “How much could we save if the CIA didn’t operate black sites around the world?”

@Michael:Like an old timey Democrat that was assassinated, many would love to see the CIA broken into a billion pieces and scattered to the winds. Who knows how many ABC depts we could defund, many are duplicated at state levels.

@Michael: So, you have no idea how to weasel out of acknowledging that illegal immigration costs the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars every year and that increased border security, which would include a wall, would cut those costs substantially. Yeah, I get it. Kind of like NO Democrat anywhere in any position, government or civilian, will try and square the Democrat position of just a few years ago of opposing illegal immigration and supporting substantial border security, including a wall; hey, who is surprised when a Democrat lies? Again, like getting bit by a snake; it’s what they do.

Well, I can explain it. They were lying. They were lying to get the support of the American people that wanted to be safe from illegal immigrant criminals in their homes and communities. It sounded pretty good and they had no problem pouring taxpayer money down the drain to pretend really hard they support it. So what happened when Trump supported it, too? Well, aside from the mindset of opposing and blocking anything that He Who Must Be Hated tries to do, there is a really, really good reason for them to do a complete 180 (some have done 540’s) on their formerly declared position.

Trump will actually DO it.

There’s no Opiod, gun control crisis, they all once said. Until it was settled, yep, there is a crisis…No need to help our law enforcement at the border, they now say, even though there’s an acute and chronic crisis at Border that has gone unchecked and unmet. Here’s the truth about the border: Seeing is believing, unless you practice cognitive dissonance, of course:

@Feduphombre: The same woman who said walls were immoral just wished a happy thanksgiving to reporters on Valentines day, whats in her chocolates, sage stuffing?