Princeton Warns Against Using Words and Phrases with the Syllable ‘Man’ — but That’s Not Enough


Katherine Timpf:

Princeton University’s HR department has warned against using certain words and phrases with “man” in them, because this kind of language “does not take into consideration individuals who identify as otherwise.”

The “Don’t Use” column of the “Guidelines for Using Gender Inclusive Language” includes language like “mankind,” “freshman,” and, thankfully, that heteronormative transphobic BS phrase “man and wife.”

Now, first of all, let me say that — as a female-identified person — I really am glad to see an Ivy League institution attempt to address the kinds of issues that impact us most. But at the same time, I’ve got to admit that certain things about these guidelines do bother me.

First of all: Their suggestion to replace the word “mankind” with “humanity.” Um, hellooo! The word “humanity” still has “man” in it, and that makes me feel hella triggered. Same goes for their telling people to say “manufactured” instead of “man made.” Yeah, you read that right… manufactured. MANufactured! As if that’s somehow better? Ugh.

But it gets worse: There are many problematic words and phrases that the guide left out entirely. For example: “manna.” I mean, whether we’re talking about bread from heaven or not, that syllable still has no place in a civilized society. And don’t even get me started on that movie The Omen.

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Another liberal leftists university run by a bunch of idiots the PC stupidity is never ending

Princeton created a suggested approved language graphic:
What’s next?
“Double Plus Good?”
Frankly, after reading all of Princeton’s suggested adjustments about how we should write, it looks like the teachers should simply write all the term papers FOR each student instead.
Then give them all “B’s.”
It’s the only way to be fair.

And PS, or is it BS?, what do you want to bet there are different grading scales depending on whether the writer is a ”person of color,” or not.

O — O— What is Academia in this COUNTRY coming to ????

( — =man) OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So no majors in the huMANities

Such idiocy to replace education. The gift of liberalism.

One of our resident Lefties gave a wonderful definition of what higher education ought to be: a widening of one’s horizons, a broadening of mind that only comes from exposure to multiple points of view, and so on.
It was beautiful, perfect.
Only problem is, colleges and universities have moved in the opposite direction of late.
If a professor asks his class to take a POV different from their own for the purpose of looking at some other perspective, he is TRIGGERING them.
He must be disciplined!
They must run to their ”safe space.”
If you don’t agree with the students totally, you must be silenced.
Now, how are they going to learn anything like that?

One class in Law School has been grappling with students who want to become lawyers yet are TRIGGERED by discussion about Rape and the Law.
To become a lawyer, even a specialist in tax law or business law, you must first learn ALL of the law.
(Just like doctors must first be general doctors before they can specialize.)
But our ”special snowflakes” can’t take it.

they left out “safe place”…what a piece of garbage. ever wonder what is going to happen when these uses alleged piece of educated trash enter the work place?
a widening of one’s horizons, a broadening of mind that only comes from exposure to multiple points of view, and so on is all done with THC, booze, protests, excessive sex, meth, cocaine, rejuvenated PCP and other wondrous drugs.
notice that none of this students go on to law school, medical schools or advanced degrees. writing a dissertation is not an easy task, and the defense is an hour and a half of hell.
recently students were requesting that c’ and D’s should be dropped and that protesting is interfering with their academic workload.
lowering the bar only produces more stupid.

You can never use the word “many”… you must always say “a lot”.

Under penalty of death.