Nancy Pelosi Thinks America Is Electing a Queen


David French:

In the annals of silly constitutional arguments, this one — from Nancy Pelosi — is tough to beat. It turns out that GOP statements about “checks and balances” aren’t so much referring to our nation’s bedrock constitutional structure as they are “code words.” Yes, code words:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi suggested Wednesday that a GOP-led Congress could move to impeach Hillary Clinton if she is elected president, as they did to Bill Clinton in 1998.

Pelosi, D-Calif., said Republicans have hinted as much this election cycle by advocating for “checks and balances” in a divided government, which she said is a “code word for obstruction or something worse.”

Pelosi pointed to the GOP making a similar argument in 1996 when GOP presidential nominee Robert Dole appeared headed for defeat.

“When it became apparent he was not going to win, the Republicans started talking about checks and balances,” Pelosi said, recalling the Dole-Clinton race. “And you know what that translated into? Impeachment of the president of the United States.”

No, as a point of fact, what “translated” into impeachment was perjury. And she knows good and well that if Donald Trump was leading in the polls, she’d be all about asserting the necessity of checks and balances on the presidency. She’d be loving the separation of powers. But now? She’s apparently for Queen Hillary.

Senator Sasse is exactly right:

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Yeah, every time something is said and an ignorant liberal wants to create THEIR interpretation of the point, it’s “code”. If someone says the sky is blue, that’s “code” for, “I hate red.”

The liberals are weak and corrupt and their weak and corrupt arguments prove it.

Nasty Nancy maybe right after we already have a tyranical king King Obama the Fink sitting on the throne and his Rougues Gallery of scoundrels and fiends which inclueds Nasty Nancy