Melissa Harris-Perry Has Hilarious Meltdown At The RNC: ‘I Was Viscerally Afraid’


Daily Wire:

She’s back!

Recently let-go MSNBC host and Wake Forest Professor Melissa Harris-Perry returned to the spotlight on Thursday, and she did not disappoint.

The hyper-sensitive always-a-victim leftist had a serious meltdown while attending the Republican National Convention. Harris-Perry, sometimes known as tampon earrings, claims that the event was so bad that she, a political genius, had to leave early because of those nasty Republicans: “I was viscerally afraid,” she said. “Time. To. Go.”

“Can I get real for a minute?” opens the former TV host’s piece, published in leftist, feminist magazine Elle.

“I just did something I have never done,” she writes, “I left the final night of political nominating convention early.”

The drama!

“I am a political nerd of the highest order. I haven’t even turned off the TV on the final night of a political convention before the balloon drop since 1984. This is not an exaggeration. This is the absolute truth. I have seen the every available moment of the speeches of the nominees of both Parties since I was 10,” says Harris-Perry, clearly humble bragging.

“Tonight I left early because I was afraid,” she says.

“Tonight was different,” Harris-Perry continues. “Mr Trump’s speech brought delegates and their energy to a late night crescendo. Chants we heard all week increased in fervor, volume, intensity, and frequency—‘Build that wall!’ ‘Lock her Up!’ ‘U-S-A!’”

Just speculating here, but it was probably the “U-S-A” chant that got to her. Everyone knows that chant is like kryptonite to American-hating leftists. RNC-goers should have been more sensitive.
Then the hysteria boils over: Harris-Perry realizes that she may have to leave the venue at the same time as these bigoted Republicans who just gave a standing ovation to a proud gay Republican and chanted “U-S-A” with “increased” “fervor.”

“It occurred to me 30 minutes into Mr. Trump’s speech that when he finished we would be facing the classic problem of large venue events, say, concerts for example: everyone was going to leave at the same time,” she says. “This would be the first time all week when we would all be streaming out at ounce. Trump supporters, fearing immigrants and criminals and hoarse from chanting about walls and locks would be in tight quarters with the liberal media liars. Team Trump is stoked by the discourse of the speech,” she adds.

These Republicans are increasingly scary, according to Harris-Perry, because they “had just undergone a week of hotel induced sleeplessness, long meetings, late nights, and cocktail parties.”

And then the climax: “Suddenly I was viscerally afraid,” she writes.

“Time. To. Go.”

The hysteria is quite hilarious.

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Someone call the medics Mad Madam Mim is off her meds again

Who was she really afraid of?
All those anarchists, commies, occupiers and black lives matter creeps who were supposed to be massing outside…..but didn’t.
Only 5 arrests over the entire four days.
No deaths due to open carry, either.

@Nanny G:

I think it’s a fear running chills up progressive elite’s spines that Trump can win, and the people will realize they can rid themselves of the elite, progressive, establishment machine.