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Of course she is. No one doubts, but some excuse it.

Guilty as sin but dont expect any trials or convictions especialy when she has the media reptiles and the Hollyweed bunch as well as Slick Willy

To get it right we must direct our comments to Hillary’s running mate, Tim Kaine, he speaks fluent Spanish, so here goes:

Hillary es criminal, delincuente, infractor, maldita sabandija, malhechor, transgresora, idiota, incompetente, malcreada, cochina, una rata de dos patas, escoria de la vida, animal rastrero, adefesio mal hecho, mujer despreciable, infrahumana, culebra ponsoniosa, prostituta despreciable, maldita sangihuela, y maldita sin veruensa. Es completamente inutil; espectro del infierno.

Hillary Clinton, “Tu religion es la indecensia.”

So that all American Spanish speaking citizens and others can understand what Hillary really is without a doubt.

@Spurwing Plover: So far, not having been exonerated of anything, she is still capable of being indicted by a new, less political DOJ.

If you had a rational, qualified presidential candidate instead of a nincompoop who doesn’t even understand Article 5 of the NATO treaty is all that keeps Russian tanks from rolling across Eastern Europe, then you wouldn’t be totally dependent on character assassination as the only means of putting him in the White House.

Why you would want to put such a person there to begin with is an even deeper mystery.


The deeper mystery is why you want such a heinous, corrupt and unaccomplished criminal hag as president.

Because I believe that characterization to be a load of Clinton-hating, right-wing horse manure, no more accurate that what’s been thrown at Barack Obama for the past seven-and-a-half years. It’s a recurring part of of political right’s modus operandi.

Add to that the fact that the alternative the GOP is offering is a dangerous snake-oil salesman, who hasn’t even bothered to put a list of ingredients on the “medicine” he’s pedaling for a terminal condition that he’s misdiagnosed.

That’s pretty much it in a nutshell—or in a nutcase, as the case may be. I care because extremely bad decisions can have extremely bad consequences, and you don’t always have to wait very long for them to set in.

@Greg: What character assassination? Wouldn’t Hillary have to HAVE some character for it to be assassinated?

Everything he has said about Hilary has been absolutely true.

Because I believe that characterization to be a load of Clinton-hating, right-wing horse manure, no more accurate that what’s been thrown at Barack Obama for the past seven-and-a-half years. It’s a recurring part of of political right’s modus operandi.

Did Hillary lie about the video causing the attack on the Benghazi consulate?

Did Hillary lie about having classified information on her secret, unsecured, private server?

Did Hillary lie about WHY she had a secret, unsecured, private server?

Did Hillary lie, under oath, before Congress, about having, sending and receiving classified information on her secret, private, unsecured server?

Pretty simple questions. The answer is one word and applies to each.


@Greg: Excuse me, but where is this powerful paper that will prevent Russian tanks from rolling across Europe. A 2 year old would not believe that!

@Bill: And the FBI confirmed that she lied! Some people live in never never land!

Snake Oil = Obama.

You can keep your plan….

You like your own brand of snake oil just fine.

@Bill, #8:

Everything he has said about Hilary has been absolutely true.

Why should anyone think someone who’s been fully taken in by the moronic pronouncements of Donald Trump has any clue about what is true or false? To believe half of the things Trump says, you’d need to be in a delusional state, and that’s not a figurative comment. It’s literally true. Right-wing media has made half of America delusional. The delusion is the danger, and Trump is exploiting it to the maximum degree with no concern for the consequences.

Have you not heard that Putin’s cyber-operatives are behind hacking efforts attempting to influence the election in favor of Donald Trump? They’re calculating the Democratic Party’s stress points and launching a calculated attack. Have you been listening to Trump’s repeated comments about NATO, and thought about the implications of a NATO breakup for Putin and his ambitions? What an excellent development, just as the European Union comes under serious stress. Are you able to add two plus two and get the correct answer? Or maybe you think Putin only wants a strong Europe and a strong United States. How obvious does something have to be to snap you out of your delusional state?

Add to that his comments about paying down the debt with a flood of devalued dollars. That’s the sort of move that crashes markets and turns a person’s life savings into worthless paper and numbers. Such a comment alone at a critical moment can be enough to trigger a panic. Or his comments about slapping tariffs on Chinese goods. It sounds good, until you think about the economic consequences of a trade war with China. That too could crash our economy. It could lead to real war.

Whatever you might imagine Clinton to be, Trump is a national catastrophe waiting to happen. He’s a loose cannon in the worst sense. The guy could literally wreck the economy and demolish national security. People talk about the need for a reset. This guy could be like doing a reset with a hand grenade. You don’t make something better or stronger by blowing it up.

@Greg: The choice for President for you is between someone you are desperately trying to convince yourself is insane and one you are equally trying to convince yourself is honest and capable. Both options are, for you, equally fantastic.

Your view of Trump is based on your desire to believe the latter of the two options. In your mind, you have to make Trump to be something worse than a pathological liar, a corrupt money-whore and a leadership-incompetent. Trump has passed ALL those tests, so you invent insanity to attack him.

Now you COULD be right… Trump could be insane. Maybe. Anything is possible. But, beyond any doubt or argument, Hillary IS corrupt. Hillary IS a damned liar. She has proven herself incompetent to lead. She HAS definitely mishandled classified documents… and lied about THAT… under oath… before Congess.

Dang, Greg… I cannot see your argument. Hillary is PROVEN to be dishonest and everything we would NEVER want as President, yet you defend her.

Trump MIGHT (as the totally unknown Obama COULD have done something positive… he didn’t of course) be a wonderful President. But Hillary CAN’T be. All indications point away from that possibility.

Half of the things Trump says are flashing red warning signs. People don’t seem to be thinking at all about the real world implications of what he’s saying. They’re not asking any questions. They don’t even seem to be hearing.

What happens if NATO loses credibility as a deterrent, in the wake of serious weakening of the European Union? How does that affect the behavior of Russia? How does it affect the war against ISIS and Islamic extremism?

What happens to the U.S. economy if we have a trade war with China? Slap on the tariffs he’s mentioned, and a trade war is what you get. How does China respond with it’s enormous U.S dollar and debt holdings? How might it respond militarily, if the Chinese economy begins to collapse? My guess would be militaristic territorial expansion. War would be how they would mobilize to handle massive economic displacement.

Either this guy is crazy, or he has no intention of actually doing anything he says, in which case he either has a hidden agenda or no agenda at all. I’m supposed to vote for that?

@Greg: How about Hillary’s warning signs? Bring in all the illegal immigrants and terrorist-infused refugees and grant them all citizenship? How about further wrecking the economy with higher taxes and more regulation? How about her continuing Obama’s policy of encouraging racial violence and unrest? How about her pledge to continue the attack on the 2nd Amendment? How about her documented history of a disregard for law and justice?

Again, you extrapolate the worst from what Trump says or what the media reports him as saying yet we KNOW Hillary would be a disaster.

Again, you extrapolate the worst from what Trump says or what the media reports him as saying yet we KNOW Hillary would be a disaster.

I’m worried about what Trump is actually saying. Take away Article 5 of the NATO treaty as the European Union slowly falls apart, and it doesn’t take much extrapolation or imagination to figure out how Russia is likely to behave, or how the cooperative efforts against radical Islam would be affected. Trump is clueless. He’s saying whatever pops into his head.

It’s clear you no nothing about negotiation.

Neither does Donald Trump, if Vera Coking was any indication. The value of some things doesn’t come down to dollars and cents.