
Trump is not going to put you all in camps and install a Nazi state.  He can’t, because George W. Bush already put you all in camps and installed a Nazi state.  Oh, wait, he never got to do it, because we were already all dead in the nuclear war our cowboy president, Ronald Reagan, started by talking tough to the Russians.  And that is when I got to the States.  I’m sure people who’ve been here longer can explain to you how other republican administrations already destroyed everything, ALL THE THINGS WITH ALL THE DRAMA, in the most terrible way.  Sorry guys the song has gone thin and only children believe the lyrics anymore.  And honestly?  That’s only because they haven’t seen the drama you guys create long enough to know better.

Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit

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Oh im sure trumps ready to send millians to concentration camps like many of these liberal leftists collage knownothiong professors and collage adminastreightors are telling them brain-dead collage snowflakes Even more reasons to totaly defund them

Just came in from lowering my flag to half staff.

So Dr. John, I figured you’d have to eventually ween yourself off of Obama bashing, at least partially, as the reality of this racist, sexist, fascist, thieving, vagina grabbing con man taking control comes to reality.

Trump critics are full of crap and we can all take comfort that previous R presidents didn’t put us in Nazi camps? Got it. So tomorrow it’s what? No, Trump isn’t going to reverse the Emancipation Proclamation so therefore, you lefties have no fear.

Yes, it’s true that there are many bad things that Trump will not be able to do.

Anyone of either party who watched or understand the Congressional hearings this week should be very very concerned. Anyone who doesn’t kowtow to Darwinism or Plutocracy should have raised eyebrows. Anyone who voted for Trump because of his promise to help American workers, counter Wall-street lobbyist, drain the swamp, or counter a widening equality gap should be suffering with buyer’s remorse.

Continued Obama bashing and reassurance that Trump cannot crash the moon into the earth only distracts from what this con man is actually doing.

When W came in he only had to contend with keyboards with no W’s on them.
The Obama’s were worse.
They never bothered to potty train their 2nd dog.
It has stained and soiled and stunk up every carpet in the White House’s family quarters.
I hope the clean-freaks, Donald and Baron can stand to live there.


And yet you turn a blind eye to the blatantly fascist acts of the leftist tantrum throwers, smashing windows and assaulting Trump supporters in DC.

Funny how you leftists project your violent nazi behaviors on your opponents….

Or did we miss all the right wing violence when Obama was inaugurated?

@Pete, #4:

The “tantrum” has been minimal—thousands of peaceful demonstrators, with the usual small minority of nitwits who take any such event as an excuse to act out. Several who fancy themselves anarchists dressed up in black, broke some windows, set fire to a few trash cans, and were properly arrested in response. There seem to have been more people with cameras recording the mini-riot than there were rioters, so this may be inflated all out of proportion with reality by the time it gets edited into the inevitable news segments.

D.C. police chief: Violence a ‘small disturbance’


Or did we miss all the right wing violence when Obama was inaugurated?

Do you not think that the Hillary v Trump campaign was much more divisive than the Obama v McCain or even O v Romney?

Looking back, about the only thing I can recall was McCain referring to Obama as “that one”. Oh, and then there was the Romney joke that went something like “so this white guy was walking down the street and wasn’t asked for his papers”. That was about it. There was no one wanting to disqualify American born judges because of there religious back ground, no one calling an entire race murders and rapist, no one wanting to ban an entire religion from entering the country, no one caught openly admitting they could grab unsuspecting women by the vagina and there was not a damn thing they could do about it because of his “elite status” no one that openly admitted that stiffing Americans out of their pay for a job well done was “good business”, no one openly advocating “beat the hell out em” for anyone that disagreed with him (and that he’d even pay their legal fees, no one that refused to distance themselves from the KKK and white supremacist groups, no one that made cabinet and top position appointments to known racist, no one who’s victory brought cheers of “Heil Trump “from white supremacist groups, no one ever, ever, anything like Trump.

And before dumbass Bill goes off with his usual “yeah, prove he’s a racist”, no one that ever left more people with that impression. There’s never been anyone entering the WH with such a low approval rating as Trump.

So let me ask you Pete. Who in fact is turning a blind eye to what?

And even at that, the violence hasn’t differed by any large scale from previous inaugurations.

Funny how you leftists project your violent nazi behaviors on your opponents….

You again project your ignorance, dishonesty, and bigotry (don’t misconstrue bigotry with racism). When and where have I advocated or participated in violent nazi behaviors on my opponents or anyone else?


The burning of a limo by leftists in front of WaPo offices….brownshirt tactics blocking USAF personnel from getting to inaugural celebrations….multiple locations of windows being shattered by leftists….

Do you really think that if any of this property damage had happened when Obama was sworn in, you would be characterizing these violent acts as “minor”?


Your pathetic attempt to deflect and justify this illegal behavior by leftists is self contradictory.

The reliability and accuracy of your popularity polls have the same measure of credibility as the pre-election polls that claimed Clinton was going to win.

Obama’s election was extremely divisive, as the loss of democrat congressional seats during the last 8 years clearly demonstrates. The difference between the behavior of the losing sides on the Obama vs Trump elections is the inherent criminal nature of the fascist/leftist tyrants, and the outrageous arrogance of the left that believes it is above the law, while demanding opponents bow down to the progressive will.

The property damage was the work of idiots. Those who were caught were properly arrested. I’m far more concerned about the damages Donald Trump may do over the next 4 years.

@Greg: really?

@RedTeam, #10:

Yes, really.

“Today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another. We are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.”

Sure they are.

You just turned the job of guarding the hen house over to the foxes themselves. Their money and the influence they buy with it is precisely what has gone wrong with government to begin with. They’re the reason it has become increasingly unresponsive to the concerns of the average American. Their money has been speaking louder than anything else. And now they’ve become the government.

Why would anyone who’s paying attention not be worried?


So, you oppose the 10th amendment and Federalism, typical anti American statist.

For myself and many Americans, this sums it up quite well…..


Mending The Flag
Norman Rockwell

After eight years of calculated and brazen destruction of all that this flag represents, it is a joy to see it all behind us, and have hope that we can return to a more sane and pro-American tone.


I will gladly take American nationalism over leftist globalism insanity any day.

Your attacks against Trump grow more incoherent and laughably hypocritical. Railing against money controlling politics after the Clinton speeches to Goldman Sachs? The blatant bribery scam of the Clinton Foundation? Soros funding of extreme leftist groups?

Please…you leftists need a good ocular-based plank removal service.


Let me ask once more when and where have I advocated or participated in violent nazi behaviors on my opponents or anyone else.

When you and your cohorts evaluate a situation and then just make up whatever you want to suit your agenda (which seems here to be a grasp for anything to bash people who don’t march lockstep to your mindset), it somewhat diminishes the credence of anything else you say.

So again, where have I advocated or participated in violent Nazi behaviors on my opponents or anyone else?

The reliability and accuracy of your popularity polls have the same measure of credibility as the pre-election polls that claimed Clinton was going to win.

You contradict yourself (but that’s completely normal here and you wouldn’t fit in with comrades if you didn’t) as on one hand you seem to suggest that most everyone loves Trump (that the polls are unreliable and inaccurate) and on the other you are complaining about huge numbers of protesters and unprecedented anger and violence in the streets. So, uh, which is it?

But again, your “heads you win, tails I lose” argumentative default is about the only consistent thing in the dishonest and fraudulent hate fest here.

Your very argument conflicts with reality as you state “the inherent criminal nature of the fascist/leftist tyrants” and “burning of a limo by leftists” and “multiple locations of windows being shattered by leftists”.

It’s unclear what precisely you deduce as a “leftist” but it was actually blue collar and union workers (who generally vote Democrat) that helped usher the con man into office. There were a great of Republicans that despise Trump as well. So much like your false accusations of me participating in violence, you are again making an accusation based not on statics or facts but rather that the wide brush in your head dictates your to cherry pick and find something to paint all “leftist” as your exaggerated culprit.


You can keep blathering your strawman argument all you want falsely claiming I accused you of participating in the violent leftist/fascists, but that doesn’t make it accurate.

I question your grasp of basic definitions, if you believe that I am contradictory in calling the crimes of arson and property damage “inherently criminal”.

It isn’t right wingers or conservatives that caused all the criminal property damage during Trump’s inauguration. And it is a fact that the huge swath of Americans who opposed Obama did not act violently during those inauguration periods.

Just because some people oppose Trump does not mean he wasn’t popular enough to win election. And so what if some republican voters dislike Trump. Far more republicans dislike Jeb Bush. That’s why he wasn’t the GOP presidential candidate running against Clinton.

Your grasp of reality is also in question regarding your denial that the violent protesters were not leftists. But please, enlighten us as to the right wing groups that were smashing windows and burning a vehicle.

It is over, Trump stole the office with some obscure ancient racist election scheme, electoral college pfft. Clinton who ran on getting herself a job and no one else, who could resist voting for her, can we do another Wisconsin recount?
Gitmo is nearly empty so a perfect place for leftists that get out of line there out of the medias prying camera lens we can waterboard the lot of them.
Yes the rich will get much richer, with Americans back to work those that run investment firms and hedge funds will be busy as workers try to build back retirement funds the had to deplete to save homes and feed and put clothes on those pesky perfectly planned kids.
The most magnanimous president ever, releasing hundreds of criminals the blacks begged the Clintons to lock up, the super predators. Undoing some of Bills evil legacy.
To be replaced by a guy that says he is returning power to the people, lord knows that aint happening once Washington imposes a tax or law that takes treasure and freedom they never take it off the books, they love to use it in diabolical ways, federal record keeping laws, espionage acts ect…
There will be no free college, that major in engineering safe spaces, yup gonna have to pay for that.


ween yourself off of Obama bashing,

why would anyone stop bashing him. The blame is just starting. He blamed G Bush for 8 years, now the blame shifts to him for the next 8 years. Sauce, Goose, Gander, remember.


. I’m far more concerned about the damages Donald Trump may do over the next 4 years.

you don’t have to be concerned about that. Obama put us so far down the tubes, the only way left is up. Obozo added 10 Trillion to the debt, if it’s no big deal, then why worry about what Trump might do?


you don’t have to be concerned about that. Obama put us so far down the tubes,

Precisely, the leftists were concerned little while their messiah, obama plotted and executed a plan to destroy America into a Country no real American would want. The likes of greg and others would be quite content were we to slide into an abyss on par with cuba or north korea.

Ween: to think to suppose
Wean: to take nourishment other than by suckling
No wonder Parents are willing to pay 10s of thousands to remove children from public schools.