Global Temperature Record Is A Smoking Gun Of Collusion And Fraud


Steven Goddard:

(h/t Climate Depot) NASA temperature data doesn’t even agree with NASA temperature data from 15 years ago.


2016 version : Fig.A.gif 2001 version :

NASA has altered their own data by 0.5C since 2001, yet claims that everyone agrees within about 0.05C.


The Japan Meteorological Agency has altered their own data by a similar amount. In 1975 they showed no net warming in the Northern Hemisphere from 1900 to 1970.

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But the story gets much worse. Phil Jones from CRU said that much of the Southern Hemisphere data is “mostly made up.”



In 1978, experts said there was no end in sight to the 30 year cooling trend, and that data from the southern hemisphere was too meager to be reliable.

Screenshot 2016-04-08 at 06.21.59 AM-down

TimesMachine: January 5, 1978 –

The 1990 IPCC report showed that there is insufficient data over much of the earth to determine temperature anomalies.

Screenshot 2016-04-08 at 06.08.29 AM-down


All of the agencies in the NASA graph at top use the same NOAA GHCN data for most of their database, and that data has 80% loss of stations over the past 30 years.

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I guess Winston was enjoying Julia’s company the day those old news clippings were supposed to have been dumped down the MiniTrue memory hole…..

@Pete: Real scientists have known for a very long time that NASA and NOAH have had insufficient data measuring points and that they have been fudging the data to fit their computer models to get more funding from a duped or crooked government.