BBC Host to America: ‘It took us 40 years to get rid of Piers Morgan, Please don’t send him back”


Kerry Picket @ Big Journalism:

Jeremy Clarkson, a British television personality who hosts the popular BBC program Top Gear, weighed in on the controversy surrounding fellow Brit CNN’s Piers Morgan. Clarkson tweeted on Monday:

The Top Gear host also tweeted:

Following the deadly shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, Morgan insulted second amendment advocates on Twitter and called a guest on his CNN show, Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners for America, an “idiot,” “dangerous” and an “unbelievably stupid man.”

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Now that is funny.

The BBC Top Gear is great to watch and Clarkson is a big part of that.

UK petition appealing to UK Government to Stop Piers Morgan from being deported back to the UK from America.

Warning – really bad language. My favorite comment is from Peter Duffy in Glasgow who writes:

I have already signed the petition to deport this moron Piers Morgan from the USA. However I also don’t want this fool here so I am signing this petition so lets just split the difference and drop him in the middle of the Atlantic.

that last one is a good idea, the sharks will get a good meal