War BY women follows the pattern of affirmative racism [Reader Post]

The Democrats have always been the party of racism. Long after fighting on the wrong side of the Civil War, they provided the bulk of the opposition to the civil rights movement and the ending of the web of Jim Crow segregation laws. Then as soon as they lost the battle for anti-black racism the party immediately switched to anti-white racism with its embrace of affirmative action (the race-conscious favoring of blacks in hiring and promotion). Their one constant: they never gave liberty a chance.

Why do Leftists Hate Women? [Reader Post]

From the title of this post you might think that this is yet another blog entry calling out leftist hypocrisy over Rush Limbaugh’s comments toward Sandra Fluke. There is no need for me to add to those arguments – leftist misogyny has already been well documented, at least when it comes to conservative women. Apparently love for diversity and respectful dialog ends for the leftist when a woman (or any other member of the permanent victimhood community based on their gender, race, or sexual orientation) strays from leftist orthodoxy. But I’m not just talking about conservative women today. The recent Fluke controversy shows the left’s disdain for all women.

Let me show you what a real war on women looks like [Reader Post]

Former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn was quoted as saying

“this place would be in court for a hostile workplace. . . . Because it actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women.”

No word on whether Obama explained that to his daughters.

What the Recent Contraception Controversy Tells Us About Both Sides [Reader Post]

Leftists and conservatives will all argue that they support the freedom to live their lives as they choose. Like anything else in life, the devil is in the details and when you probe further you find a fundamental difference in what is defined as freedom.

Using The Media To Control An Election

We now realize the Liberal media controls or tries to control the election process in the United States; obviously, control is a matter of degree, it can be minimal or it can be complete. Regardless of the degree of control the press has over any political process, the press will use every tool at its’ disposal to acquire all the control it can steal from the public, for that is what this control by the press has become, a theft of our election process and our very freedom to determine our own political future. Democrats or high ranking Republicans will never complain about this usurpation of the political process or the freedom of the public to determine their own future because they want the control of the country to be concentrated in the hands of a select few. The press has exposed its’ duplicitous nature well enough, that only the most intellectually compromised among us cannot see the glaring inconsistencies and corruption. The attempted evisceration of Cain by circumspect women with motives that may include career advancement or monetary gain, is in sharp contrast to the protection given to the serial rapist and womanizer Bill Clinton.